HCV elimination among people who inject drugs. What would happen after the WHO HCV elimination target is achieved?
Gountas, I.Gamkrelidze, I.Pasini, K.Blach, S.and Razavi-Shearer, D.Estes, C.Razavi, H. HCV Elimination among People Who Inject Drugs. What Would Happen after the WHO HCV Elimination Target Is Achieved? Jan. 2017. EBSCOhost,
Gountas, I. G. I. P. K. B. S. and R.-S. D. E. C. R. H. (2017). HCV elimination among people who inject drugs. What would happen after the WHO HCV elimination target is achieved?
Gountas, I. Gamkrelidze, I. Pasini, K. Blach, S. and Razavi-Shearer, D. Estes, C. Razavi, H. 2017. “HCV Elimination among People Who Inject Drugs. What Would Happen after the WHO HCV Elimination Target Is Achieved?,” January.