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2.5D paralaksa v fotografiji

Authors :
Božnik, Katja
Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena
Publication Year :


Za diplomsko delo je bil izdelan videoposnetek za objavo na družbenem omrežju Instagram z uporabo 2.5D paralakse v fotografiji. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena teorija fotografije, katere razumevanje je pomembno predvsem v začetnih fazah dela, da vemo, kako doseči želene rezultate z izbiro pravih nastavitev. Razloženo je, kaj je paralaksa in na katerih drugih področjih je uporabljena v naravi, znanosti in umetnosti. Razloženo je tudi, kaj je 2.5D paralaksa in uporaba kamere v tem kontekstu. Opisani so oblikovanje gibanja s pomočjo premikanja kamere v 3D prostoru in dodatni učinki ter tehnike za poudarjanje gibanja, kar je pomembno za pripravo končnega predstavitvenega videoposnetka. Na koncu so podani še primeri uporabe 2.5D paralakse. V eksperimentalnem delu je prva faza zajemanje fotografij. V tem delu, podkrepljenim z znanjem o teoriji fotografije, s fotoaparatom na stojalu zajamemo kakovostne fotografije, ki so primerne za nadaljnjo obdelavo. Druga faza je obdelava fotografije v programih Adobe Lightroom Classic, kjer so fotografije po potrebi združene in kjer je opravljena barvna korekcija, ter Adobe Photoshop, kjer so odpravljene nepravilnosti na fotografiji in razrezane ter dorisane posamezne plasti. V tretji fazi postavimo plasti v 3D prostor v programu Adobe After Effects. V četrti fazi so opisani postopki za izdelavo predstavitvenega videoposnetka v programu Adobe After Effects, za katero sledi še zadnja faza izvažanja končnega videoposnetka s programom Adobe Media Encoder in objava na družbenem omrežju Instagram. V rezultatih in razpravah je komentirana uspešnost končnega izdelka ter izvedba vsake posamezne faze kot tudi izzivi, ki so se pojavili tekom dela. Končni videoposnetek je primerjan z izdelki drugih avtorjev. Dodan je tudi slikovni material končnega izdelka in povezava do objave na Instagramu. V zaključkih je ovržena hipoteza in podani so predlogi za nadaljevanje dela. In this thesis a video with 2.5D parallax in photography was created and posted on Instagram. The theoretical part introduces the theory of photography, which is important to understand, especially in the initial stages of work, to achieve desired results by choosing the right settings. It explains what parallax is and in which other fields in nature, science and art it is used. It also explains what 2.5D parallax is and the use of camera in this context. Motion design is described by moving the camera in 3D space, as well as additional effects and techniques to accentuate motion, which is important for creating the final presentational video. Finally, examples of the use of 2.5D parallax are given. Experimental part consists of five phases. First phase is capturing photos. In this phase we use our understanding of the theory of photography to capture appropriate photographs with a camera on a tripod. In the second phase we edit the photos, first by using Adobe Lightroom and then Adobe Photoshop. Here we merge photos, correct the colour, the imperfections, and we cut and refine the individual layers. The third phase involves positioning layers in 3D space in Adobe After Effects. The fourth phase describes the procedures for creating the final presentational video in Adobe After Effects, followed by the fifth and final phase where the final video is exported using Adobe Media Encoder and posted on Instagram. In Results and Discussions section, the success of the final video and of each phase is commented on, as well as any challenges encountered during the process. The final video is compared to products of other authors. Visual material and link to the final product are added. The hypothesis is challenged and refuted, followed by suggestions for continuing the work.


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