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Socialna omrežja stanovalcev Doma starejših občanov Grosuplje

Authors :
Golobič, Andreja
Dragoš, Srečo
Publication Year :
Publisher :
A. Golobič, 2022.


V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje socialnih mrež stanovalcev Doma starejših občanov Grosuplje. V teoretičnem delu sem zbrala nekaj definicij socialnih mrež, navedla različne vrste, opisala velikost mreže in povezave demografskih dejavnikov s socialnimi mrežami, opisala socialno oporo in socialni kapital in naslovila temi samote in osamljenosti. Na koncu teoretičnega dela sem predstavila Dom starejših občanov Grosuplje, kjer sem tudi izvedla raziskavo. V empiričnem delu sem najprej predstavila številčne podatke o obiskih, ki so jih imeli stanovalci v avgustu in septembru. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov sem s pomočjo kvotnega vzorca neslučajnostno izbrala osem stanovalcev, s katerimi sem izvedla intervjuje. Vprašanja, ki sem jih postavila, so bila vezana na to, s kom so se družili pred prihodom v Dom, kdo so pomembne osebe v njihovem življenju, na koga se obračajo, ko kaj potrebujejo, kdo sestavlja njihovo družino, kakšna je bila njihova izvorna družina, kakšne odnose imajo s stanovalci Doma, ali se udeležujejo dejavnosti, kaj jim pomenijo obiski, ali uporabljajo telefon, s kom imajo stike, se počutijo osamljeno itd. Ugotovila sem, da največji delež obiskovalcev predstavlja ožja družina ter da je število obiskovalk večje od števila obiskovalcev. Stanovalci ob obiskih doživljajo pozitivna čustva in so večinoma z njihovim številom zadovoljni. Socialna mreža stanovalcev se je po prihodu v Dom povečala, saj socialno mrežo sestavljajo še stanovalci in zaposleni. Socialno oporo jim v največji meri daje ožja družina, sami pa socialno oporo največkrat dajo v obliki druženja. Raziskava je pokazala, da na osamljenost lahko gledamo kot na subjektivni fenomen, saj večje število alterjev v socialni mreži še ne pomeni manjšega občutka osamljenosti, tudi za tiste stanovalce z manjšo socialno mrežo ni nujno, da so bolj izpostavljeni osamljenosti. Vloga socialne delavke v povezavi s socialnimi mrežami je, da je tudi sama predstavljena kot alter v socialni mreži stanovalcev, pomembno vlogo ima pri vključitvi stanovalcev ob prihodu v Dom, nanjo pa se obračajo stanovalci brez telefona, ki jim ga posodi in s tem zagotovi, da imajo lahko stik z alterji svoje socialne mreže. Ugotovila sem, da predhodni kraj bivanja ni v bistveni povezavi s socialnimi mrežami po prihodu v Dom, ravno tako ne tip sobe, v kateri so nastanjeni stanovalci. Rezultati raziskave so uporabni predvsem za zaposlene v Domu starejših občanov Grosuplje, ker bodo dobili boljši vpogled v pomembnost socialnih mrež njihovih stanovalcev in lahko po potrebi prilagodili način dela z njimi. The thesis focuses on the social networks of the residents of the Home for the elderly in Grosuplje. The theoretical part includes definitions of social networks, with different types, and the description of the network size, connections between demographic factors and social networks, social support and social capital, with an emphasis on the topics of solitude and loneliness. It concludes with the presentation of the Home for the elderly in Grosuplje, where the research was performed. The empirical part begins with the presentation of numerical data on the visits the residents received in August and September. Based on the collected data, eight residents were selected, using non-probability quota sampling, for the interviews. The questions asked concerned the persons they were associating with before arriving in the Home, the important people in their lives, who they turn to when they need something, who is a part of their family, what was their family of origin like, what are their relationships with the Home residents, whether or not they engage in activities, what do visits mean to them, do they use phones, with whom they keep in touch, do they feel lonely, etc. It was found that the majority of visitors include their immediate families and that the number of female visitors is greater than the male. The residents have positive emotions relative to the visits and are mostly content with their number. The residents’ social network expanded after arriving in the Home, as it now also includes the other residents and the Home employees. Their social support comes, for the most part, from their immediate families, while they themselves offer social support mainly in the form of socializing. The research revealed that loneliness can be viewed as a subjective phenomenon, given that a greater social network does not necessarily mean less feelings of loneliness inversely, the residents with a smaller social network are not necessarily lonelier. The role of a social worker, in connection with social networks, is being a part of the residents’ social network, playing an important role in introducing the residents to the Home life upon their arrival and offering assistance by letting the residents without a phone use hers, which allows them contact with the persons from their own social network. It was also found that the previous place of residence is not significantly relevant to the residents’ social networks after they arrive in the Home, neither is the type of room where they reside. The research results will be especially useful for the employees of the Home for the elderly in Grosuplje, giving them better insight into the importance of their residents’ social networks and allowing them to adapt their work with them, if necessary.


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