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Prispevek religij k miru in pravičnosti v svetu

Authors :
Kuzminac, Milan
Pevec Rozman, Mateja
Publication Year :
Publisher :
M. Kuzminac, 2021.


Avtor se v prvem poglavju magistrske naloge osredotoča na začetek pojava religij, njihov razvoj v zgodovini pa vse do danes. V drugem poglavju je obravnavan prispevek religij in vere nasploh v družbi, prikazane so posledice delovanja v preteklosti, stanje v sedanjosti, pa tudi možnost etičnega ravnanja religij pri graditvi miru in pravičnosti za prihodnost. V tretjem poglavju so opisana sedanja prizadevanja verskih poglavarjev za mir in pravičnost, njihova medverska srečanja ter poskusi vzpostavljanja trajnega miru in pravičnosti v svetu. Avtor prikazuje primere v svetu, sodobna vprašanja in težave ter iskanje načinov za njihovo mirno rešitev. Vprašanje miru in pravičnosti je vedno sodobno in hkrati težavno, zato se v tej nalogi po odgovore odpravimo v preteklost. Lahko bi se naredila tudi primerjava med preteklostjo, sedanjim stanjem in prihodnjimi načrti. Avtor pokaže dobre, pa tudi slabe strani religij oziroma njihov prispevek k miru in pravičnosti v svetu. Prav zato spregovori tudi o etičnem ravnanju znotraj religij in omenja sedanje dogodke, ki kažejo, kako lahko verski poglavarji skupaj mirno in prijazno sodelujejo. Avtor večkrat poudarja, da sta mir in pravičnost zelo pomembna za svet ter želi najti odgovor na vprašanje, kako uresničiti miren in pravičen svet. In the first chapter of the master thesis, the author deals with the beginnings of the emergence of religions, and their development in history until today. The second chapter deals with the contribution of religions and faith in the society in general, the consequences of the actions in the past, the situation in the present, as well as the possibility of ethical behaviour of religions in building peace and justice for the future. The third chapter describes the current efforts of religious leaders for peace and justice, their interfaith meetings, and attempts to create lasting peace and justice in the world. The author presents examples in the world, current issues and problems, and ways to solve them peacefully. The question of peace and justice is always modern and difficult at the same time, so in this work we go to the past for answers. One could also make a comparison between the past, the current situation and the future plans. The author shows both the good and bad sides of religions or their contribution to peace and justice in the world. Therefore, he also talks about ethical behaviour within religions and mentions current events that show how religious leaders can work together peacefully and amicably. The author always emphasizes that peace and justice are very important for the world and wants to find an answer to the question how to achieve a peaceful and just world.


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