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Evakuacijske poti in evakuacijski časi iz športnega objekta

Authors :
Purgar, Tomaž
Schnabl, Simon
Publication Year :


Dandanes povsod okoli nas stremimo k čim višji varnosti. Prav tako poskušamo objekte narediti čim bolj varne tudi v primeru nesreče, požara. Da bi bila evakuacija kar se da uspešna, moramo poznati tako zakonodajo, osnovne pojme, kot tudi načine delovanja v praksi. Nezgode se namreč dogajajo tudi v športnih objektih. Obiskovalci so lahko tudi osebe, ki ne poznajo samega objekta, zato mora biti dobro poskrbljeno za njihovo evakuacijo v primeru požara ali druge nezgode. Diplomsko delo v uvodnem delu obravnava zakonodajo, pojme evakuacija, evakuacijske poti, evakuacijski čas, na koncu pa je prav tako predstavljena analiza evakuacijskih časov s programom Pathfinder. Pri analizi sem delal s programom Pathfinder, ki se uporablja za simulacijo evakuacije ljudi iz objekta. Osredotočil sem se na večanje števila oseb v dvorani, psiho-fizično stanje oseb ter na število izhodov iz dvorane. Pri tem sem poizkušal odgovoriti na hipoteze, podane pred pričetkom dela. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je bil čim bolj približati pomembne pojme evakuacije vsem bralcem in v praksi preveriti, kako spreminjanje določene komponente vpliva na samo evakuacijo. Ugotovil sem, da dvorana, kjer sem izvajal analize, potrebuje še vsaj en dodaten zasilni izhod, saj bi se s tem izboljšal skupni evakuacijski čas. Nowadays, everyone is striving for maximum security. We try to make the objects as safe as possible, even in the case of an accident, fire. To make evacuation as successful as possible, we need to know the legislation, basic terms, but also, how it all looks in practice. Accidents also occur in sports facilities. Visitors may also be people who are unfamiliar with the building itself, so it must be well taken care of to evacuate them in the event of a fire or other incident. Thesis in the introductory part deals with the legislation, concepts of evacuation, evacuation paths, evacuation times, and the analysis of evacuation times with the Pathfinder program is also presented at the end. Through my analysis I worked with the Pathfinder program, which is used to simulate the evacuation of people from the facility. I focused on increasing the number of people in the room, the psycho-physical condition of people, and the number of exits from the hall. Through the analysis, I tried to confirm or reject the hypotheses that were formed before the beginning. The main purpose of my thesis was to bring the important concepts of evacuation as close as possible to all readers, and to practically check how changing a particular component affects evacuation. I found that the sports Hall where I took measurements needed at least one additional emergency exit, as this would improve the overall evacuation time.


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