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Authors :
Brejc, Miha
Publication Year :


Stres je zaradi hitrega tempa sodobnega življenja prisoten na vsakem koraku in njegovo neprijetno plat pogosto občutimo tudi na lastni koži. Beseda stres je prenesena iz angleščine ter pomeni napetost, pritisk in obremenitev. Stres je vzorec fizioloških, čustvenih, spoznavnih in vedenjskih odgovorov organizma na dražljaje, ki zmotijo človekovo notranje ravnovesje. Dražljaje, ki povzročajo stres, imenujemo stresorji in predstavljajo pojave, ki jih doživljamo kot grožnjo, posledično pa telesno ali duševno obremenjujejo našo osebnost. V diplomskem delu obravnavam problematiko soočanja s stresom na izbranih policijskih postajah. Policisti so vsakodnevno izpostavljeni velikemu stresu in njegovim negativnim posledicam, saj se operativno delo policistov po mnenju domačih in tujih strokovnjakov uvršča med najbolj stresna dela. Pri policistih, ki imajo pooblastila za uporabo prisilnih sredstev in za pasom nosijo strelno orožje, so lahko napačne odločitve, sprejete pod vplivom stresa, usodne. Prav zaradi tega mora organizacija, kot je policija, še več pozornosti nameniti premagovanju stresa in na ta način zmanjšati možnosti za napake pri delu. V raziskavo diplomskega dela vključim tri policijske postaje (v nadaljevanju PP), in sicer PP Škofja Loka, ki pokriva največje območje v državi, PP Radovljica, ki je ena izmed tipičnih mestnih postaj, in PP vodniki službenih psov (v nadaljevanju VSP) Jesenice, ki je ena izmed redkih postaj, kjer imajo pasjo enoto. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika analiziram prisotnost in pojavne oblike stresa med policisti z zgoraj omenjenih postaj. Ugotovim, da so največji povzročitelji stresa slabe delovne razmere, povečan obseg dela in neprimerni načini vodenja. Policija pa reševanju omenjene problematike kljub zavedanju o negativnih posledicah stresa za zaposlene še vedno nameni premalo pozornosti. Stress in the rapid pace of modern life is responding at every step and we often feel his uncomfortable side on our own skin. The word itself comes from English and means tension, pressure, load. Stress is a pattern of the physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses of an organism to stimuli that disrupt the inner equilibrium of a person. The stimuli that cause stress are called stressors and they represent phenomena that we perceive as a threat, and therefore we are putting our personality down physically or mentally. In my graduation thesis I deal with the problem of dealing with stress at selected police stations. Stress and its negative consequences are also exposed to police officers. According to both domestic and foreign experts, the operational work of police officers is one of the most stressful jobs. The police are stressed out practically every day, as this actually falls within their nature of work. For police officers who have powers to use coercive means and carry a firearm for their belt, wrong decisions can be made under the influence of stress, and with very serious consequences. For this reason, an organization like the police needs to pay more attention to overcoming stress, and in this way reduce the potential for work-related errors. In the survey, I included three police stations: PP Škofja Loka, which covers the largest area in the country, then PP Radovljica, one of the typical city stations and PP VSP Jesenice, which is one of the few stations where they have a dog unit. Using the questionnaire, I analyzed the presence and appearance of stress among the police officers of the above-mentioned stations. I have found that the main causes of stress are poor working conditions, increased workload and inappropriate management tehniques. Despite the awareness of the negative consequences of stress among employees, the organization still devotes too little attention and seriousness to solving this problem.


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