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Neskončen kontinuum toka Plastike
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Tema diplomskega dela je plastika v umetnosti. Raziskujem, preučujem plastiko kot material njeno materialnost, teksturo, izraz, v tem kontekstu tudi njeno sporočilnost, ikonološko in ideološko vrednost umetnega odpadnega materiala, odpadkov. Plastika me zanima kot materialni odtis, preostanek človeka. Gre za abstraktni in abstrahirani, poenostavljeni pristop do uporabe nekonvencionalnih materialov, predvsem plastike in najlona, njune perforacije, zvijanja, lepljenja, modeliranja, rezanja in taljenja. To ustvarja večplastno konstrukcijo slikarskega prostora na slikarski površini. S takšnim pristopom v delu izpostavim material, materialnost, teksturo in reliefnost slike, odnos svetlo – temno, odnos dvodimenzionalnega in tridimenzionalnega, transparenco in reliefen, tridimenzionalen, taktilni karakter. Uporaba plastike kot odpadnega materiala prinaša s seboj preučevanje vpliva plastike na okolje, naravo in človeka samega. Delo je tudi reprezentacija ekologije, ekoloških vprašanj, vprašanja odpadne plastike ter notranje ekologije, antropoloških in eksistencialnih vprašanj. Iščem odgovor, reakcijo na sodobno, trenutno situacijo sveta. Plastika kot material v mojih umetniških delih dobi novo vrednost in obstaja, živi v neskončnosti, neskončnem kontinuumu, v absolutnem in neskončnem zdaj. The topic of the thesis is plastic in art. I am researching and studying plastic, as a material, its materiality, texture and expression, in this context also its message, iconological and ideological value, as artificial waste material, as waste. I’m interested in plastic as a material imprint, remnant, as human remains. It’s a case of an abstract and abstracted, simplified approach to the use of unconventional materials, especially plastic and nylon, their perforation, bending, gluing, molding, cutting, and melting. This creates a multilayered construction of the painting space on the painting’s surface. With such an approach, in my works I emphasize the material, materiality, texture, and relief of the painting, the relationship between light and dark, the relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional, transparency and embossed, three-dimensional, tactile character. The use of plastic as a waste material, brings with it the questioning of the impact of plastic on the environment, nature and human themselves. The work is also a representation of ecology, ecological issues, issues of waste plastic and internal ecology, and anthropological and existential questions. I’m looking for an answer, a reaction to the contemporary, current situation of the world. Plastic, as a material and in my works of art acquires a new value and exists, lives in infinity, the infinite continuum, in the absolute and infinite now.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..32e6f648e9c9ed7850880134ed475e81