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Motivi Fausta in sodobni izzivi ekologije in tehnologije

Authors :
Štiglic, Jan
Samide, Irena
Škamperle, Igor
Publication Year :
Publisher :
J. Štiglic, 2021.


Goethe in drama Faust. Opredelitev modernega Fausta, njegovih lastnosti in vpliv na tehnologijo, tehnološki razvoj in ekologijo. Individualizacija kot glavna lastnost modernega človeka. Ekologija, odnosi med živimi organizmi in okoljem ter onesnaževanje. Sodobni izzivi ekologije in tehnologije, predlogi, rešitve. Goethe and the play Faust. Characterization of the modern Faust and his influence on technology, technological development and ecology. Individualization as the main characteristic of the modern man. Ecology, relationships between living organisms and the environment, pollution. Contemporary challenges of ecology, technology, suggestions and solutions.


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