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Napajalno vezje za brezpilotne zrakoplove

Authors :
Petrič, Miha
Žemva, Andrej
Publication Year :


Diplomsko delo obravnava področje brezpilotnih letečih naprav, njihovo varno uporabo ter potrebne komponente za njihovo brezhibno delovanje. V uvodu diplomskega dela so opisane brezpilotne naprave, ki se uporabljajo v hobi, polprofesionalne ter profesionalne namene, predvsem za potrebe video-snemanja iz zraka. Tu imajo prednost novejše naprave, pogosto imenovane tudi droni, predvsem v obliki multikopterjev. Sledeč uvodu je opis komponent, ki sestavljajo brezpilotne naprave od nosilnih konstrukcij, pogonskih sklopov do snemalne tehnike, ki se pogosto uporablja v te namene. Opisana je funkcionalnost teh komponent in naloge, za katere se uporabljajo. V četrtem poglavju je opis izgradnje redundančnega napajalnega vezja za potrebe brezpilotnih naprav. Vezje je zamišljeno kot manjše, robustno in zgrajeno iz osnovnih elektronskih komponent. Omogoča napajanje video oddajnika, RC sprejemnika in krmilne elektronike brezpilotne naprave ter krmilnih servomotorjev (v primeru letal). Napajanje vezja je preko 3 baterij LiPo (2 x 7.4 V in 1x 14.8 V). Predvideni izhodi napajalnega vezja so 5 V 3 A za RC sprejemnik, 5 V 20 A za servomotorje in 11 V 3 A za video oddajnik. Oba 5 V izhoda imata redundančno napajanje preko 2 baterij, za neprekinjeno delovanje v primeru izpada ene od njih. Sledeč razlagi posameznih sestavih pod-enot napajalnega vezja so tudi meritve, ki so bile opravljene. Te kažejo skladnost s prvotnimi zahtevami ter kažejo druge parametre. V zaključku so splošne ugotovitve glede varnostnih zahtev brezpilotnih naprav, analiza rezultatov izdelanega vezja za napajanje brezpilotnih naprav ter splošne ugotovitve in predlogi na nadaljnje delo. The following thesis discusses the field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), their safe use and the components which comprise them to assure their flawless operation. The introduction of the thesis describes the various UAVs used for hobby, semi-professional and professional use. The UAVs discussed are mostly used for aerial video-photography. Priority is on newer UAVs, also popularly described as drones, in the form of multicopters. Following the introduction there is a description of components commonly used to construct this type of UAVs. The components described range from frame and propulsion components to video equipment that is commonly used. Described is the use of these components along with their features and limitations. The fourth chapter describes the design and construction of a redundant power supply to be used in the forehand mentioned UAVs. The power supply is designed to be small, robust and created from basic and common electronic components. The power supply is able to power video equipment, an RC receiver and UAV control electronics and servomotors used in the UAV (this is mostly applicable to airplane UAVs). The power supply circuit is powered from 3 LiPo batteries (2 x 7.4 V and 1 x 14.8 V). Outputs of the power supply are 5 V 3 A for the RC receiver, 5 V 20 A for the servomotors and 11 V 3 A for video equipment. Both 5 V outputs are redundantly powered by 2 LiPo batteries. In case that one fails the other takes over and the circuit continues providing power. After the description of each of the circuit blocks, the measurements results obtained on each output are presented. Measurements show the conformity of the power supply circuits to the demands they have to be met along with other noteworthy parameters. The conclusion of the thesis gives general findings about UAV safety, discusses the power supply circuit made and gives other findings and suggestions for further work.


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