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Besedilnofonetična primerjava govora Janeza Janše in imitacij Saša Hribarja

Authors :
Sobočan, Laura
Tivadar, Hotimir
Publication Year :
Publisher :
L. Sobočan, 2022.


V diplomski nalogi smo se posvetili besedilnofonetični analizi posnetka intervjuja Janeza Janše iz leta 2017 na kanalu Nova24TV in dvema posnetkoma imitacije tega govorca Saša Hribarja iz radijske oddaje Radio Ga Ga iz leta 2020. Da bi ugotovili, katere lastnosti izvornega govora se imitator odloči posnemati in do kolikšne mere se imitator trudi ter uspe imitirati govor imitiranega govorca, smo v programu Praat analizirali število premorov, iz česar je sledila primerjalna analiza hitrosti govora in artikulacije. Primerjali smo tudi vrednosti osnovnega tona F0, na podlagi katerega smo primerjali register. Glede na vrednosti formantov F3 in F4, torej tistih, ki kažejo na odprtost ustne votline, pa smo poskušali primerjati, kako je imitatorju uspelo posnemati barvo glasu. In the bachelor's thesis, we focused on the prosodic analysis of an interview with Janez Janša for Nova24TV, recorded in 2017. We also analysed two impersonations of the said speaker by Sašo Hribar for the Radio Ga Ga radio show, both recorded in 2020. To understand which characteristics of the original speech the impersonator chose to impersonate, and to which degree the imitator tries and succeeds in imitating the speech of the chosen speaker, we analysed the number of pauses using the program Praat. Continuing, we conducted a comparative analysis of speech rate and articulation rate. We then proceeded with the analysis of the F0 formant to indicate the voice pitch. Taking the values of the F3 and F4 formants, which indicate the openness of the oral cavity, into account, we attempted to compare how well the imitator copied the timbre of the original speaker.


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