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Geografsko - zgodovinska učna pot po Kraškem robu

Authors :
Ruter, Luka
Trškan, Danijela
Publication Year :


Namen magistrskega dela je bil zasnovati primer pouka izven učilnice za predmet zgodovine. Izbrali smo učno pot, ki se osredotoča na lokalno zgodovino in spoznavanje lokalnega okolja. Trasa učne poti je postavljena na območje Kraškega roba in nižje ležeče Bržanije. Območje je s svojo naravno in kulturno dediščino predstavljeno v prvem delu naloge. Sledijo pedagoški poudarki, namenjeni učiteljem, ki pripravljajo pouk izven učilnice, ter predstavitev vrst pouka izven učilnice. Pred terenskim pregledom območja smo s pomočjo relevantnih učnih načrtov postavili cilje učne poti po Kraškem robu. Predstavljena je tudi terenska analiza pripravljene poti in pripravljeno gradivo. Naloge na poti so namenjene učencem tretje triade osnovne šole. Ostali obiskovalci območja lahko preko geografskega informacijskega sistema na trasi učne poti dostopajo do informacij o lokalni naravni in kulturni dediščini. Magistrsko delo predstavlja izvedbo pouka na učni poti in evalvacijo učne poti. Zadnje poglavje opisuje mnenje lokalnih skupnosti o učni poti in morebitne težave, na katere lahko naletimo pri postavitvi učne poti. Magistrsko delo poudarja pomen raziskovanja lokalne naravne in kulturne dediščine. The purpose of the master's thesis is to design an example of class outside the classroom for the subject of history. We have chosen an educational trail that focuses on local history and local environment. The route of the educational trail is set in the area of the Karst edge and the lower lying Bržanija. The area is presented with its natural and cultural heritage in the first part of the master's thesis, followed by pedagogical highlights intended for teachers who prepare classes outside the classroom, as well as presentation of types of classes outside the classroom. The objectives of the educational trail along the Karst edge were set up using relevant curricula prior to the field inspection of the area. The field analysis of the chosen path and study material is presented. The tasks on the way are intended for pupils of the third triad of elementary school. Other visitors to the area can access information on the local natural and cultural heritage through the geographic information system on the educational trail. The first class performed on the educational trail and the evaluation of the educational trail is also presented in the master's thesis. In the last chapter we present the opinion of local communities about the educational trail and possible problems that we may encounter when setting up the educational trail. The master's thesis emphasizes the importance of exploring the local natural and cultural heritage.


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