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Sistem za samostojno in varno spremljanje dogodkov iz zraka

Authors :
Rozman, Robert
Publication Year :


V diplomskem delu smo izdelali avtonomni sistem za dolgotrajno spremljanje površin iz zraka. Pomembno je, da je sistem zanesljiv in varen, zato smo temu posvetili posebno pozornost in doseženo tudi analizirali. Izdelali smo zmogljiv in varen letalnik z bazno postajo. Izdelek vsebuje vse želene funkcije, predvsem avtonomno letenje, ki za vzlet in pristanek potrebuje samo pritisk tipke na bazni postaji. Prav tako preko nje letalnik sporoča uporabniku svoje stanje med letom in avtonomno ohranja zadano lokacijo nad nadzorovanim območjem. To doseže z uporabo navigacijskega sistema, kompasa, tipala nagiba in višine. Letalnik je sposoben leteti več kot 40 minut, kar omogoča snemanje daljših dogodkov. Ker je sistem samostojen, ga med letom ni treba nadzorovati. Tako lahko med njegovim delovanjem počnemo druge stvari. Sistem je bil preizkušen pri snemanju daljših športnih dogodkov iz zraka (nogometni treningi). Posnetki so se izkazali kot uporabni za arhiviranje ter analizo športnih dogodkov. Raziskali smo tudi razširitev uporabe izdelka, ki med letom omogoča letalniku spreminjanje zadane lokacije s sledenjem uporabniku (npr. kolesarjem). In this thesis, we have developed an autonomous system for long-term aerial surface monitoring. It is important that the system is reliable and safe, so we have devoted special attention to this and analyzed the results thoroughly. We have built a powerful and safe aircraft with a base station. The product contains all the desired features, especially autonomous flight, which requires only a button press on the base station to take off and land. The base station is also used to communicate the status of the aircraft in flight to the user. The aircraft autonomously maintains a specified position over a controlled area. This is done with the help of the navigation system, compass, inclination and altitude sensors. The aircraft is capable of flying for more than 40 minutes, so longer events can be recorded. Since the system is autonomous, it does not need to be controlled during the flight. So we can do other things while it is in operation. The system was tested for aerial footage of longer sporting events (soccer practices). The footage proved useful for archiving and analyzing sporting events. We also explored how the product can be used so that the aircraft changes the specified location during flight by tracking the user (e.g. cyclists).


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