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Conceptual design of the Center for the blind and visually impaired in Sežana
- Publication Year :
- 2023
- Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko prostorov za slepe in slabovidne. Predmet naloge je zasnova centra slepih in slabovidnih v mestu Sežana na Krasu, ki za majhen kraj predstavlja atraktiven mestotvorni program. V tujini se v sklopu tovrstnih centrov v praksi organizirajo dnevni, tedenski ali več mesečni programi, ki se osredotočajo na vse ravni spodbujanja čutov in senzoričnih spretnosti slepih in slabovidnih. Spodbuja se samostojnost posameznika pri vsakdanjih opravilih ter omogoča pomoč pri vključevanju v družbene aktivnosti. Cilj je zasnova stavbe, ki bo skupaj z okolico uporabnikom in stanovalcem omogočala razvoj in napredek pri zaznavanju notranjega in zunanjega sveta, nudila čim bolj pristno izkušnjo in možnost eksperimentiranja s spretnostmi, urjenje čutov ter ozaveščanje prostora okoli njih. V sklopu centra imajo uporabniki zagotovljene zunanje površine, prostore za delavnice in učenje, knjižnico in mediateko, večnamensko dvorano za potrebe centra ali zunanje uporabnike, rekreacijske površine, avlo s kavarno in restavracijo, diagnostični in rehabilitacijski del ter bivalne enote za skupinsko ali samostojno bivanje. Stavba centra je umeščena med gozdni rob in obstoječi park pod vzpetino Tabor v Sežani. Objekt stoji na delno izravnanem platoju in se odpira v naravo na vseh nivojih, kar je mogoče zaradi spuščanja terena. Objekt skuša v linijski potezi upoštevati naravne danosti lokacije, slediti konfiguraciji terena ter tako na vseh nivojih ustvariti več atraktivnih zunanjih in notranjih ambientov za stimulacijo čutov. The master's thesis deals with the topic of spaces for the blind and visually impaired. The subject of the assignment is the design of a center for the blind and visually impaired in the small town of Sežana in the Karst region, which represents an attractive town-building program. Abroad, as part of such centers, daily, weekly or monthly programs are organized in practice, focusing on stimulating the senses and sensory skills of the blind and visually impaired. The independence of an individual in everyday tasks is encouraged, and help is provided in the integration into social activities. The goal is to design a building that, together with its surroundings, will enable the development and progress of its users and residents, offer as authentic an experience as possible and give the opportunity to experiment with skills, train the senses and raise awareness of the space around them. As part of the center, users are provided with outdoor areas, spaces for workshops and learning, a library and media library, a multi-purpose hall for the needs of the center or external users, recreational areas, a lobby with a cafe and a restaurant, a diagnostic and rehabilitation area, and residential units for group or individual stays. The center is located between the edge of the forest and the existing park under Tabor hill in Sežana. The building stands on a partially leveled plateau and opens to nature at all levels, possibly due to the terrain's lowering. In its linear design, the building tries to take into account the natural features of the location, follows the configuration of the terrain and thus creates several attractive external and internal environments for stimulating the senses on all levels.
- Subjects :
- slepota
low vision
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..8e10980ffbcc8a2aaf9a2926a75f5c04