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Determination of heavy metals in stream sediment and assessement of their impact on human health
- Publication Year :
- 2021
- V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali onesnaženost sedimenta potoka Drtijščica s težkimi kovinami, tako da smo ustrezno pripravljene vzorce sedimenta analizirali z analitsko tehniko induktivno sklopljeno plazmo atomsko emisijsko spektroskopijo (ICP-OES). Omenjena analitska tehnika omogoča hkratno določanje več elementov v vzorcu z izjemno natančnostjo. Analizirali smo sledeče težke kovine: arzen (As), baker (Cu), cink (Zn), kadmij (Cd), kobalt (Co), krom (Cr), molibden (Mo), nikelj (Ni) in svinec (Pb). Izmerili smo tudi pH in temperaturo vode nad sedimentom. V okviru terenskega dela smo vzorce sedimenta odvzeli na šestih odvzemnih mestih, in sicer prvič februarja leta 2020 in drugič marca leta 2021. Pred analizo vzorcev na aparaturi ICP-OES smo aparaturo umerili z multistandardno raztopino Merck VI (MS6) ter pridobili umeritvene premice posameznih težkih kovin. Umeritvene premice predstavljajo odvisnost znane koncentracije znanega elementa od intenzitete, ki je določena s standardom. Pri laboratorijskem delu smo uporabljali ustrezno zaščitno opremo – haljo, rokavice, zaščitna očala in zaradi preprečevanja širjenja virusa sars-cov-2 tudi zaščitno masko za obraz. Ugotovili smo, da je bila povprečna pH-vrednost prvega vzorčenja blizu nevtralne vrednosti, povprečna vrednost drugega vzorčenja pa se je pomaknila v bazično področje. Presežene mejne vrednosti za As in Cd smo ugotovili na dveh odvzemnih mestih. Vrednosti preostalih preiskovanih težkih kovin niso presegle mejnih vrednosti. Prisotnost povišanih koncentracij težkih kovin v sedimentu služi kot dokaz obstoja antropogenega vpliva na vodni ekosistem ter z njim povezana tveganja za varnost in zdravje ljudi. In my bachelor’s degree thesis I studied heavy metal contamination of sediment in the local stream Drtijščica. For evaluation of content of heavy metals, the samples were appropriately prepared and analysed with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). This analytic technique enables simultaneous evaluation of multiple elements in the sample with high precision. The following heavy metals were analysed: As, Cu, Zn, Cd, Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb. Additionally, sediment pH value and temperature were measured at the time of sampling. Six sampling points were chosen. Samples were collected two times. First ones were collected in February 2020 and second ones in March 2021. ICP-OES machine was calibrated using multi standard solution Merck VI (MS6) before the analysis. During laboratory work personal protective equipment was used. The results from the analysis showed elevated average pH value of the second sampling. Limit values of As and Cd were exceeded on two sampling points. Limit values of all other heavy metals were not exceeded. The presence of elevated concentrations of heavy metals serves as an indicator of anthropogenic influence on the stream ecosystem and the risks it brings for human health and safety.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..9b1f7fcf6c8c3753a901c0bb968e0e73