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Gospodar in njegov gospodar

Authors :
Urbiha, Neža
Gorenec, Bojan
Publication Year :


Diplomsko delo obsega predstavitev in analizo dela Gospodar in njegov gospodar. Ideja slikarskega projekta izvira iz odnosa, ki se vzpostavlja med avtorico diplomskega dela in lutko iz cunj. Ta vizualno in praktično sledi logiki otroške igrače, ki funkcionira kot pasiven podaljšek svojega lastnika - gospodarja. Njegov videz, ki ga lutka očitno oponaša, a grobo abstrahira človeško podobo v naravni velikosti, poskrbi tako za gledalčev občutek nelagodja kot za povečano zavest o pripadnosti med lutko in avtorico. Lutka je istih dimenzij kot avtorica, oblečena je kot avtorica, zato se z njo lahko poistoveti, njena pasivna vloga pa odpira možnosti vsakovrstnih projekcij. Projekt se osredotoča na dinamike moči, ki vzniknejo med osebo in njenim podaljškom, ki se razvijajo skozi serijo slik. Teza je, da tu pride do nenavadnega obrata premoči, kjer pasivno nebitje prevzame moč iz rok svojega stvaritelja. My thesis contains a presentation and analysis of a project titled The Master and his Master. The core idea of my project comes from the relationship between the author and a ragdoll. It visually and practically follows the logic of a child's toy, which functions as a passive extension of its owner - the master. Its look, which obviously mimics, yet roughly abstracts the human form in life size, provides a feeling of discomfort for the viewer's as well as a heightened feeling of belonging between the two of us. The doll's body is the same dimensions as the author's, it is wearing their clothes, so they can identify with it, while its passivity opens up the way for projections of any kind. The focus of the project are the power dynamics that arise between the person and their extension, which are explored and developed further through a series of paintings. The thesis is that a strange shift of predominance takes place there, where a passive non-being takes the power out of the hands of its own maker.


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