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Določitev koncentracij težkih kovin v Kamniški Bistrici

Authors :
Meglič, Peter
Novosel, Barbara
Publication Year :


V okviru diplomskega dela smo določali koncentracije izbranih težkih kovin v površinski vodi reke Kamniške Bistrice z namenom identifikacije tveganja, ki ga predstavljajo za zdravje. Na podlagi podatkov, ki jih navaja ARSO v vsakoletnih meritvah kakovosti vode, smo izbrali kovine aluminij (Al), antimon (Sb), arzen (As), baker (Cu), cink (Zn), kobalt (Co), krom (Cr), molibden (Mo), nikelj (Ni) in svinec (Pb). Terensko delo smo izvedli v maju 2022, kjer smo odvzeli vzorce na štirih zajemališčih ob vodotoku. Vzorce smo prefiltrirali in redčili z 1 % HNO3. Za natančno določevanje koncentracij smo uporabili standardno analitsko multi-elementarno tehniko induktivno sklopljeno plazemsko atomsko emisijsko spektroskopijo (ICP-OES). Za pripravo standardnih raztopin smo uporabili Merck (VI) KGaA. Dobljene rezultate smo primerjali z zakonsko določenimi mejnimi vrednostmi slovenske in tuje zakonodaje, prav tako pa sem jih primerjal z letnimi meritvami Agencije RS za okolje. Meritve so pokazale povečane koncentracije Al, As, Cu, Zn in Ni v primerjavi z vsakoletnimi meritvami ARSO. Koncentracije elementov Sb, Co, Cr, Mo in Pb so pod mejo detekcije izbrane metode. Mejne vrednosti kljub povišanim koncentracijam za večino elementov niso bile prekoračene, z izjemo Al. Aluminij presega zakonsko določeno mejno vrednost na merilnih mestih v bližini Ihana in iztoka v Savo pri Beričevem. Na merilnem mestu pri Volčjem Potoku se tej meji močno približa. Za aluminij smo pripravili tudi oceno tveganja, v kateri podajamo oceno B in predlagamo nadaljnje spremljanje stanja s povečano frekvenco in poročanje o morebitnih spremembah. Vremenski pogoji, ki so vključevali padavine pred dnevom vzorčenja in gradbena dela v bližini izvira, lahko vplivajo na dejanske rezultate zaradi kontaminacije, povišanega vodnega nivoja in motnosti. As part of the bachelor’s degree, we determined the concentrations of selected heavy metals in the surface water of the Kamniška Bistrica River to identify the risks they pose to health. We chose aluminium (Al), antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), and lead (Pb) based on data provided by ARSO in their annual water quality measurements. We carried out fieldwork in May 2022, where we collected samples at four points along the watercourse. The samples were filtered and diluted with a 1 % HNO3 solution. We used the standard analytical multi-element inductive coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) to determine the precise concentrations. A multi-standard solution from Merck (VI) KGaA was used to prepare the standard solutions. We compared the obtained results to the legally defined limit values of Slovenian and foreign legislation, furthermore, we compared them to the annual measurements of the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia. Measurements showed increased concentrations of Al, As, Cu, Zn, and Ni compared to the annual ARSO measurements. We were not able to determine the exact concentrations of the elements Sb, Co, Cr, Mo, and Pb, as they were below the detection limit. Limit values were not exceeded for most elements in spite of elevated concentrations, Al being the exception. Aluminium exceeds the legally set limit value at the measuring points near Ihan and at the outflow into the river Sava near Beričevo. Values almost reach the limit value at the measuring point near Volčji Potok. We have also prepared a risk assessment for aluminium, giving it a B rating and suggesting further monitoring of the situation with increased frequency and reporting of any changes. Weather conditions that included precipitation before the day of sampling and construction work near the water source may affect actual results due to contamination, elevated water levels, and turbidity.


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