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Plastika – fiktivnost recikliranja in potencialne alternative

Authors :
Kralj, Saša
Lukšič, Andrej
Publication Year :
Publisher :
S. Kralj, 2020.


Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko svetovne prenasičenosti z odpadno plastično embalažo. Slednje se lotevam prek interdisciplinarnega pristopa. Tako najprej predstavim samo plastiko kot material ter obrazložim, zakaj vse je lahko problematična. Zatem kritično pristopim do recikliranja kot tehnološke rešitve za plastično krizo. Pokažem na neučinkovitost oziroma neizvajanje le-tega in orišem dejansko usodo zavrženih odpadkov – trgovanje, sežig in deponiranje. V nadaljevanju skušam razložiti, zakaj posamezniki recikliranje vseeno razumemo kot adekvatno za spoprijemanje s trenutno situacijo. Ugotavljam, da pri recikliranju aktivno sodelujemo ne zgolj zato, ker bi verjeli v njegovo učinkovitost, ampak tudi zaradi določenih moral(istič)nih implikacij. Pri uveljavitvi recikliranja, kot ga poznamo danes, so imele bistveno vlogo korporacije. Slednjim je recikliranje v interesu, saj prek vzpostavljanja zavajajoče predstave o ponovni uporabi zavrženega legitimira vpeljavo izdelkov za enkratno uporabo in omogoča ekspanzijo proizvodnje. Korporacije tega ne počnejo iz lastne grabežljivosti, ampak ker jih v to sili kapitalistični imperativ rasti. Zaključim, da zasmetenost torej izhaja iz samega kapitalističnega načina produkcije, kar pomeni, da jo lahko ustrezno naslovijo zgolj alternative trenutni ekonomski ureditvi. This thesis tackles the issue of world's overload with plastic waste. My approach to the issue is interdisciplinary. First, I present plastic as a material and explain why it can be problematic. After that I critically assess recycling as a technological solution for the current plastic crisis. I show the inefficiency of recycling. the lack of actual execution and demonstrate the true faith of plastic waste – trading, burning and landfilling. Next, I try to explain why individuals still understand recycling as an adequate way to deal with our current waste situation. I discover that we actively participate in recycling not just because we believe in its efficiency, but because of it’s moral(istic) implications. I explain that corporations had a significant role in establishing recycling as we know it today. Recycling is in their best interest, because it establishes a misleading notion that our waste, after being discarded, is used again and so legitimizes the introduction of single use products that allow for ever greater expansion of industrial production. Corporations don’t do this out of their greed, but because they are forced in such actions by capitalism’s growth imperative. Waste problem is then the necessary consequence of capitalist production system, which means that we can only find an appropriate alternative within another economic order.


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