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Vizualna gradiva kot učilo za poučevanje o Alpskih pokrajinah Slovenije
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Z lažjim dostopom do tehnologije in svetovnega spleta je danes vizualno gradivo preprosto dostopno in uporabljeno. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na obravnavo vizualnega gradiva kot učila pri poučevanju geografije Alpskih pokrajin Slovenije. Preko literature smo opisali pomen in vlogo vizualnih gradiv pri poučevanju geografije, saj se le-ta uporabljajo že zelo dolgo, z njimi lahko posredno prikažemo geografske procese in pojave, ki jih učencem sicer ne moremo pokazati v učni enoti obravnave. Veliko geografskih pojavov in procesov lahko opazujemo prav v Alpskih pokrajinah Slovenije, zato smo v nadaljevanju preko literature opisali naravnogeografske ter družbenogeografske značilnosti Alpskih pokrajin. V osrednjem delu magistrske naloge smo z vidika vključenosti vizualnih gradiv analizirali učni načrt za geografijo v 9. razredu osnovne šole ter izbrali učne cilje, ki obravnavajo omenjene pokrajine. Nato smo za izbrane operativne učne cilje naredili in predstavili izbor fotografij in videoposnetkov z območja Alpskih pokrajin Slovenije ter k vizualnemu gradivu dodali še nekaj pripadajočih nalog, ki so uporabne tako za učitelje geografije kot za učence devetih razredov. With easier access to technology and the World Wide Web, visual material is now more easily accessible than ever. The master's thesis focuses on the use of visual materials as a teaching method in the process of teaching the geography of the Alpine regions of Slovenia. In the thesis, we describe the role of visual material in teaching geography and it's importance as it has been in practice for a very long time. It alows us to indirectly show geographical processes and phenomena that we could not otherwise show students in the learning unit. Many geographical phenomena and processes can be observed in the Alpine regions of Slovenia, therefore in the following literature we describe the natural-geographical and socio-geographical characteristics of the said regions. In the central part of the master's thesis we analyzed the 9th grade geography curriculum from the point of view of the inclusion of visual materials and selected learning objectives that deal with the mentioned landscapes. After we shot and presented a selection of photographs and videos from the Alpine regions of Slovenia for the selected operational learning objectives. We also included some tasks related to the visual material, which are useful for both geography teachers and 9th grade students.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..d3e36a7e6527e5fab46cb428838a4957