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Perfectionism and Mental Health of Male and Female Students
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Publisher :
- I. Malkoč, 2022.
- Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati perfekcionizem in duševno zdravje študentov in študentk. V teoretičnem uvodu sem raziskala duševno zdravje mladih in konkretneje – duševno zdravje mladih v času študija. Osvetlila sem množične konstrukte perfekcionizma in parametre za razvoj slednjega – pri le-teh sem pod drobnogled postavila tudi prispevek medijev k perfekcionizmu. Raziskala sem povezavo negativnih aspektov perfekcionizma z duševnim zdravjem in se na tem mestu poglobila v negativne posledice perfekcionizma na duševno zdravje študentov in študentk – spoznala sem poglede perfekcionizma pri depresiji in samomorilnih mislih anksiozni motnji motnjah hranjenja in negativni samopodobi zlorabi substanc in motnjah spanja. Teoretični pregled sem zaobjela s pogledom socialnega dela na perfekcionizem. Moja raziskava je sestavljena iz ankete, pri kateri je sodelovalo 242 slovenskih študentov in študentk s študentskim statusom v letih 2021/2022. Na podlagi njihovih odgovorov v empiričnem delu ugotavljam, da je pri vzorcu najbolj prisoten vase usmerjeni perfekcionizem, zatem socialno predpisani perfekcionizem in nato v druge usmerjeni perfekcionizem. Študenti in študentke epidemije COVID-19 niti ne zaznavajo niti zaznavajo kot povod za povečanje perfekcionizma med mladimi velik vpliv na razvoj perfekcionizma vidijo v družinskem okolju na medije z gotovostjo gledajo kot na spodbujevalce perfekcionističnih teženj postavljajo visoke cilje predvsem zase zatem pa tudi cilje, da bi ustrezali drugim večinsko populacijo iz raziskave so znanci/prijatelji/partner/družina že označili za perfekcionista in tudi sami so se v podobni meri označili za perfekcionista največ študentov in študentk meni, da je pomembno, da omenjamo perfekcionizem v kontekstu duševnega zdravja mladih. Zatem, ko študentje in študentke odpišejo izpit, jih večino v mislih preganja izpit in njihovi odgovori nanj dokler ne dobijo ocene anketirani pri študiranju ali pri učenju interesne dejavnosti občutijo veliko utrujenost raziskava je pokazala, da ima največ anketiranih neravnovesje v prehrani, kadar se trudijo za doseganje določenega cilja ali ciljev študenti in študentke, ki bi obiskovali predmet, ki jim gre zelo dobro – pravzaprav bolje kot večini drugih študentov in študentk ob prejemu ocene za zadnji izpit odkrijejo, da ni tako dobra, kot so pričakovali. Počutili bi se rahlo razočarani, ker niso ohranili povprečja, a se hitro pomirijo in so razočarani , ker niso vzdrževali svojega skoraj popolnega povprečja. Večina se niti ne strinja niti strija s tem, da doživljajo socialno tesnobo, če niso skoraj popolno urejeni v družbi ljudi v javnosti od 242 anketiranih jih je 199 tistih, ki so že imeli/so že mogoče imeli visoke cilje, pospremljene s slabšim duševnim zdravjem vrstni red negativnih posledic perfekcionizma na duševno zdravje študentov in študentk je strah pred neuspehom, večja utrujenost, anksioznost, negativna samopodoba, prokrastinacija, motnje spanja, depresija, obsesivne misli, motnje hranjenja, samomorilne misli, travma in uživanje substanc. Rezultate, ki prikazujejo problematiko aspektov perfekcionizma pri slovenskih študentih in študentkah, obrazložim v razpravi, zatem sem napisala tudi sklepe in predloge, ki skupaj tvorijo celoto. The purpose of the master's thesis is to explore the perfectionism and mental health of male and female students. In the theoretical introduction, I researched the mental health of young people and more specifically - the mental health of young people at faculty. I shed light on the mass constructs of perfectionism and the parameters for the development of the latter - in these I also examined the contribution of the media to perfectionism. I researched the connection between the negative aspects of perfectionism and mental health and at this point delved into the negative consequences of perfectionism on the mental health of male and female students - I learned about the views of perfectionism in depression and suicidal thoughts anxiety disorders eating disorders and negative self-esteem substance abuse and sleep disorders. I embraced the theoretical overview with a social work view on perfectionism. My research consists of a survey in which 242 Slovenian students with student status in the years 2021/2022 participated. Based on their answers in the empirical part, I find that self-directed perfectionism is most present in the sample, followed by socially prescribed perfectionism and then other-oriented perfectionism. Students COVID-19 epidemic neither not perceive nor perceive as a reason to increase perfectionism among youth they see a great influence on the development of perfectionism in the family environment they view the media with certainty as promoters of perfectionist tendencies set high goals first for themselves and goals to please others the majority of the population in the survey have already been described as perfectionists by acquaintances/friends/partner/family, and they have similarly described themselves as perfectionists most male and female students think it is important to mention perfectionism in the context of mental health of youth. After students write off the exam, most of them are haunted by the exam and their answers until they receive a grade respondents feel very tired while studying or learning an activity of interest research has shown that most respondents have an imbalance in their diet when they are trying to achieve a certain goal or goals students who do well at a subject in fact, they are better than most other students, when they receive a grade, find that it is not as good as they expected – as a result they feel slightly disappointed that they did not maintain the average, but quickly calm down and also feel disappointed in themselves because they did not maintain their almost perfect average Most neither not agree nor agree that they experience social anxiety if they are not almost perfectly put together in the company of people in public out of 242 respondents, 199 were those who already had/may have had high goals accompanied by poorer mental health the order of negative consequences of perfectionism on the mental health of male and female students is fear of failure, increased fatigue, anxiety, negative self-esteem, procrastination, sleep disorders, depression, obsessive thoughts, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, trauma and substance use. In the discussion I explain the results that show the problems of aspects of perfectionism among Slovenian students, then I also wrote the conclusions and proposals that together form a whole.
- Subjects :
- youth
negativne posledice
v druge usmerjeni perfekcionizem
perfekcionistične težnje
socially prescribed perfectionism
duševno zdravje
vase usmerjeni perfekcionizem
študenti in študentke
negative consequences
self-oriented perfectionism
other-oriented perfectionism
perfectionist tendencies
fear of failure
socialno predpisani perfekcionizem
strah pred neuspehom
mental health
male and female students
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..d4ab064293204d0d82a7e2bc66627eca