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Uporaba tropov v kategoriji plakati in tiskani oglasi na Slovenskem oglaševalskem festivalu 2018
- Publication Year :
- 2020
- Publisher :
- J. Verčko, 2020.
- V diplomskem delu preučujem vlogo primere, metafore in metonimije v petinštiridesetih oglasnih besedilih tiskanih oglasov in plakatov, ki so bili predstavljeni na Slovenskem oglaševalskem festivalu 2018. Po uvodu in predstavitvi tropov na področju literarne vede se obravnava tropov prenese na področje jezikovno-stilnega pristopa k oglasnim besedilom (Korošec 2005). Raziskovalni vprašanji diplomskega dela sta povezani z opazovanjem prisotnosti primer, metafor in metonimij v oglasnih besedilih ter spremljanjem njihove vloge pri razvijanju oglasne fabule, slednje samo pri prodajnih oglasih. Osrednji del diplomske naloge prinaša opis vzorca, predstavitev v oglasih uporabljenih primer, metafor in metonimij ter aktualizacijo jezikovno-stilnega pristopa k analizi izbranih oglasov. Nato pojasnim družbeni kontekst oglasov. Sledi predstavitev rezultatov, sklep o zastavljenih hipotezah ter ugotovitve raziskave in utemeljitev prispevka diplomskega dela k razumevanju prisotnosti in vloge tropov na področju oglaševanja. Naloga se zaključi s sklepom, da so izbrane tri oblike tropov v analiziranem vzorcu oglasnih besedil prisotne. Interpretacija zaznave oblik tropov je zelo kompleksna, odvisna tako od oglasnega sobesedila in pribesedilnega dela kot tudi od neposredne naslovnikove izkušnje oz. njegovega dojemanja oglasa. This thesis examines the role of comparations, metaphors and metonymies in the forty-five advertisement texts of printed advertisements and posters, which were presented at the Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF) 2018. Following a brief introduction and presentation of the role of tropes in literary science, the thesis discusses tropes in the field of linguistic-stylistic approach to advertising texts (Korošec 2005). The research questions of this work observe the presence of comparations, metaphors and metonymies in the advertisement texts and understanding of their (possible) role in the development of the advertisement storyline, but only in sales advertisements. The main part of the thesis describes the research sample, presents the use of comparation, metaphore and metonymy in the advertising texts, as well as the actualization of the linguistic-stylistic approach to the analysis of the selected advertisements. Afterwards, the author explains the social context of the adverstisements. This is followed by the presentation of the results, the conclusion of the hypotheses and the conclusion of the research and justification of the contribution of the thesis to the understanding of the presence and role of tropes in the field of advertising. The thesis concludes that the selected three tropes are present in the analyzed advertising texts. The interpretation of the perception of tropes is very complex, depending on the advertising context and the contextual work as well as on the addressee's individual experience or his/her perception of an advertisement.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..d7ecc69b8ea80e78efa3433d72777ac1