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Pomološke lastnosti ploščatih breskev in nektarin (Prunus persica var. platycarpa (Decne.) L.H. Bailey)
- Publication Year :
- 2017
- Publisher :
- K. Kerčmar, 2017.
- V Sadjarskem centru Bilje je bilo leta 2012 posajenih 14 novih sort ploščatih breskev (rumeno mesnate ‘Plane Gem’, ‘Plane Sun’, ‘Plane Top’, ‘Plane Gold’, ‘Ornella’, ‘Oriane’, ‘Ordigan̕ belo mesnate: ‘UFO 3’, ‘UFO 4’, ‘Platifirst’, ‘Platicarpa Bianca’, ‘Platibell’, ‘Platifun’, ‘Early Sandwich’) in ena sorta rumeno mesnata ploščate nektarine ‘Platimoon̕. Namen poskusa je bil preizkušanje pomoloških lastnosti novih sort ploščatih breskev in nektarin. Leta 2015 smo spremljali fenofaze cvetenja, čas obiranja, obrali pridelek, izmerili dimenzije plodov. Ocenili smo pomološke lastnosti plodov za vsako sorto posebej. Največje število obranih plodov na drevo (179,3) ter največjo količino pridelka na drevo (14,6 kg) in tudi na hektar je dosegla sorta ‘Plane Gold’. Najmanjši pridelek na hektar so dosegle sorte ‘Ordigan’ (2,6 t/ha), ‘Early Sandwich’ (3,2 t/ha), ‘Platifirst’ (3,6 t/ha). V poskusu je sorta ‘Plane Gem’ dosegla v primerjavi z ostalimi sortami velik pridelek, predvsem pa debele plodove z največjo maso ploda (156,6 g). Imela pa je slabe pomološke lastnosti. Najdrobnejše plodove in največjo trdoto plodov (7,84 kg/cm2) smo izmerili pri sorti ‘Early Sandwich’. Najboljšo oceno za splošen vtis o sorti so dosegle sorte ‘Oriane’, ‘UFO 3’, ‘Platibell’. Glede na rezultate opravljenih meritev in ocenjevanja večino sort priporočamo za nadaljnje širjenje v naših pedoklimatskih razmerah, ostale sorte (‘Plane Gem’, ‘Plane Top’, ‘Plane Sun’ in ‘Platifirst’) pa zaradi slabih rezultatov še naprej v nadaljnje opazovanje. In 2012, in the Fruit growing center Bilje fourteen new cultivars of flat peaches and one cultivar of flat nectarine (yellow-fleshed flat peaches: ‘Plane Gem’, ‘Plane Sun’, ‘Plane Top’, ‘Plane Gold’, ‘Ornella’, ‘Oriane’, ‘Ordigan’ white-fleshed flat peaches: ‘UFO 3’, ‘UFO 4’, ‘Platifirst’, ‘Platicarpa Bianca’, ‘Platibell’, ‘Platifun’, ‘Early Sandwich’ and a yellow-fleshed flat nectarine ‘Platimoon’) were planted. The purpose of the experiment was to tested pomological characteristics of new cultivars flat peaches and nectarine. In 2015 we observed flowering and maturity time, yield per tree and fruit dimensions. The pomological characteristics of fruit were evaluated as well. The maximum number of fruit per tree (179.3), the largest average yield per tree (14.6 kg) and highest yield per hectare had the cultivar ‘Plane Gold’. The lowest yield per hectare had the cultivars ‘Ordigan’ (2.6 t/ha), ‘Early Sandwich’ (3.2 t/ha) and ‘Platifirst’(3.6 t/ha). Cultivar ‘Plane Gem’ had great yield and lowest fruit weight (156.6 g). The smallest fruit and highest firmness had cultivar ‘Early Sandwich’ (7.84 kg/cm2). The best value of the fruit was given to cultivars ‘Oriane’, ‘UFO 3’ and ‘Platibell’. For further growing in Slovenian pedological and climatic conditions we recommend most of the cultivars. Other cultivars which had the bad results should be followed in the future (‘Plane Gem’, ‘Plane Top’, ‘Plane Sun’ and ‘Platifirst’).
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..daef65366e221ef8f2197f2b67a6deed