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Načrt in izvedba decentraliziranega dnevnika za stavbe

Authors :
Stankovski, Vlado
Publication Year :


Diplomsko delo obravnava koncept semantičnega spleta in tehnologije, ki se uporabljajo za njegovo izvajanje, ter potencial decentraliziranih tehnologij, kot je veriženje blokov, za rušenje tradicionalnih internetnih modelov in omogočanje novih načinov organiziranja in dostopa do informacij. Naslavlja izzive iskanja zanesljivih in zaupanja vrednih podatkov v hitro rastočem in vse bolj povezanem svetu interneta. V okviru diplomske naloge je poudarek na gradbeništvu, kjer se uvajajo novi izdelki in rešitve, vendar so informacije o njih pogosto nepopolne. Predstavljena je zasnova decentraliziranega dnevnika za stavbe s pomočjo tehnologije OriginTrail. Zajema tudi izvedbo zastavljenega sistema, ki deluje kot spletna aplikacija. Izdelana decentralizirana aplikacija stremi k zagotavljanju transparentnih in sledljivih informacij o gradbenih izdelkih in storitvah ter obenem podpira razvoj bolj trajnostnih in energetsko učinkovitih zasnov stavb in gradbenih praks. This thesis examines the concept of the Semantic Web and the technologies used to implement it, as well as the potential of decentralised technologies such as blockchain to disrupt traditional Internet models and enable new ways of organising and accessing information. It addresses the challenges of finding reliable and trustworthy information in the fast-growing and increasingly connected world of the Internet. The thesis focuses on the construction industry, where new products and solutions are introduced but information about them is often incomplete. The design of a decentralised building log using OriginTrail technology is presented. It also covers the implementation of the conceived system, which works as a web application. The decentralised application developed aims at providing transparent and traceable information on building products and services, while supporting the development of more sustainable and energy efficient building designs and construction practices.


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