Can the Risk of Non-Home Discharge After Resection of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Be Predicted?
Acher, Aw, et al. Can the Risk of Non-Home Discharge After Resection of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Be Predicted? Jan. 2014. EBSCOhost,
Acher, A., Maithel, S., Fields, R., Poultsides, G., Schmidt, C., Votanopoulos, K., Pawlik, T., Jin, L., Linehan, D., Hawkins, W., Strasberg, S., Ejaz, A., Squires, M., Kooby, D., Worhunsky, D., Levine, E., Saunders, N., Spolverato, G., Winslow, E., … Weber, S. (2014). Can the Risk of Non-Home Discharge After Resection of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Be Predicted?
Acher, Aw, Sk Maithel, R Fields, Ga Poultsides, C Schmidt, Ki Votanopoulos, Tm Pawlik, et al. 2014. “Can the Risk of Non-Home Discharge After Resection of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Be Predicted?,” January.