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Gastritis: illness of the modern era
- Publication Year :
- 2018
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet. Zavod za farmakologiju., 2018.
- Gastritis kao bolest modernoga doba i širokom rasprostranjenošću diljem svijeta svakako zaslužuje pažnju. On predstavlja veliki javno zdravstveni problem ne samo zbog posljedične hospitalizacije i povećanja troškova liječenja, već i zbog smanjene kvalitete života pacijenta. Velik je napredak postignut u definiciji i terapiji gastritisa od otkrića bakterije H. pylori 1982. godine do danas. Liječenje infekcije H. pylori provodi se kombinacijom IPP-a, makrolida i beta laktamskog antibiotika. Neuspjeh je najčešće povezan s rezistencijom, a ne s reinfekcijom. IPP su visoko efektivni lijekovi čije nuspojave dugoročne primjene moramo temeljito istražiti. Potreban je individualan pristup za svakoga pacijenta te pažljiv i svrsishodan izbor terapije. Uz farmakološke mjere ne smijemo zaboraviti i ne farmakološke mjere koje su jednako važne i služe kao nadopuna. Ulaganjem u znanost i nova istraživanja povećavamo razumijevanje bolesti i problema koje ona nosi. Iskrena znatiželja, potraga za istinom i dobrobit pacijenta neka budu naši glavni motivatori. Gastritis, being a widespread illness of the modern era, certainly deserves our attention. It represents a serious public healthcare problem, because of not only the consequent hospitalization and increased healthcare expenses, but also because it reduces the life quality of those afflicted. Since the initial discovery of the H. pylori bacteria in 1982, there has been significant progress in the definition and treatment of Gastritis. The infection caused by the H. pylori bacteria is treated with a combination of Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), macrolides and β-lactam antibiotic, unsuccessful treatment usually being a result of patient resistance, rather than reinfection. PPIs are highly effective drugs whose side effects are yet to be thoroughly examined, keeping in mind the necessity of an individual approach for each patient, as well as a mindful choice of appropriate therapy. In addition to pharmacological measures, we should not neglect equally important non-pharmacological measures, which can be additionally helpful. By investing in new scientific research, we can help raise awareness about this illness and its resulting problems. Honest curiosity, the search for truth, as well as the well-being of our patients, should be our main motivators moving forward.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3671..bef766477739ace51d87eea7b8d172dd