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Planning of implant prosthetic therapy depending on age, gender, and socioeconomic factors
- Publication Year :
- 2023
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Stomatološki fakultet. Zavod za mobilnu protetiku., 2023.
- Implantoprotetika jedna je od najbrže rastućih grana u dentalnoj medicini. Pruža veliki raspon rješenja djelomične ili potpune bezubosti i uspostavlja narušenu ravnotežu u stomatognatom sustavu. Ovisno o stanju organizma, stanju usne šupljine, dobi i financijskoj mogućnosti pacijenta te znanju i educiranosti doktora dentalne medicine i kompetencijama i mogućnostima zubotehničkog laboratorija u grani implantoprotetike, odlučuje se o vrstama i načinu rehabilitacije. Svaka stomatološka protetska terapija sastoji se od poboljšanja estetskog izgleda, uspostavljanja ponovne ravnoteže okluzije, žvačnih i fonetskih funkcija kao i psihosocijalnog segmenta u životu pacijenta. Dugotrajna djelomična i potpuna bezubost imaju presudne posljedice od kojih je u usnoj šupljini najizraženija atrofija i resorpcija alveolarne kosti što je donedavno predstavljalo veliko ograničenje u izboru terapijskih postupaka. Razvojem implantoloških tehnika i samih implantata omogućena je nadoknada izgubljenih zuba bez brušenja preostalih zuba te umanjivanje resorpcije kosti i poremećaja u izgledu i funkciji mekih tkiva vezanih uz zub. Važna je odluka za kliničara nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, opće medicinske te dentalne anamneze odabir implantološkog sustava, načina retencije nadogradnje i suprastrukture kao i sam plan protetske rehabilitacije u konačnici. Svrha je ovoga rada predstaviti suvremene spoznaje u implantoprotetici kroz čimbenike kao što je izbor komponenata i opsega implantoprotetske terapije ovisno o dobi, spolu i socioekonomskom statusu pacijenta. Implant prosthetic is one of the fastest growing branches in dental medicine. It provides a wide range of solutions in partial or total anodontia where the main goal is to restore the disturbed balance of the stomatognathic system. The type and method of rehabilitation is being decided depending on the state of the organism and oral cavity, the patient’s age and financial ability, as well as the knowledge and education of the doctor of dental medicine in the field of implant prosthetics. Every prosthetic therapy consists of improving the aesthetic appearance, rebalancing the occlusion, masticatory, and phonetic functions as well as the psychosocial segment in the patient’s life. Long­term partial and total anodontia have dramatic consequences, manifested by extensive alveolar bone atrophy, which, until recently, has represented a limitation in therapy. The development of implants made it possible to compensate for lost teeth without grinding the remaining teeth and to prevent bone resorption due to the tooth loss. After the general medical and dental anamnesis, an important decision for the clinician is the selection of the implantology system, the retention method of the extension and suprastructure, as well as, ultimately, the selection of the prosthetic construction. The purpose of the paper is to present contemporary findings in implant prosthetics through factors such as the choice of prosthetic therapy depending on age, gender, and socioeconomic status.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3699..813cec60fef52054ed7c34f58d55ab09