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Peter Lindbergh - Modno-dokumentarna fotografija

Authors :
Janušić, Hana
Periša, Mario
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za multimediju., 2020.


U ovom završnom radu govori se od fotografu Peteru Lindberghu i njegovom stilu fotografije, o modno-dokumentarnoj fotografiji. Na koji način je Peter Lindbergh promijenio svijet modne fotografije te stvorio novi način proživljavanja iste. U radu postoje dva dijela, teorijski i praktični dio. U teorijskom dijelu govori se o modnoj i dokumentarnoj fotografiji kroz povijest, modno-dokumentarnoj fotografiji kao cjelini te Peteru Lindberghu od samih početaka, do razvoja vlastitog stila, najznačajnijih djela i postignuća. U praktičnom dijelu završni rad donosi portfolio fotografija napravljenih uz inspiraciju rada Petera Lindbergha i analizu autorskih fotografija. The graduation paper deals with Peter Lindbergh the photographer and the style of his photographs from the realm of fashion documentary, i.e. it deals with the way in which Lindbergh changed the world of fashion photography and created a new aspect of its reception. The work on the graduation paper consisted of two parts, the theoretical and the practical ones. The theoretical part gives an overview of the fashion and documentary photography history, fashion documentary photography as a whole and Lindbergh's development path from the very beginnings to a personal style; that part deals as well with the most prominent works and achievements. The practical part of the paper is presented through a portfolio of photographs inspired by Lindbergh's work and comprises the analysis of those author photographs.


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