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Addiction and spending in gacha games

Authors :
Lakić, Nikola
Bernik, Andrija
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za multimediju., 2021.


Gacha igre najdominantnije su igre na mobilnom tržištu. Njihova se zarada kreće u milijardama dolara, a to je zahvaljujući gacha sustavu izvlačenja. Radi se o besplatnim igrama sa sistemom nalik lutriji gdje korisnik u igri plaća valutom kako bi izvlačio i dobio lik ili predmet koji želi. Ukoliko ne dobi čemu se nadao, korisnik ima opciju plaćanja vlastitog novca za više izvlačenja i to je glavni način monetizacije gacha igra. Problem je što takav sistem može stvarati ovisnost kod korisnika koji tako može potrošiti više novaca nego što bi on želio da bi nastavio izvlačiti. Rad obuhvaća istraživanja drugih istraživača na razne aspekte gacha igara. Cilj rada je provesti istraživanje s hipotezom da su igrači koji dulje igraju istu igru i imaju naviku na njeno igranje spremni dati više svog novca na izvlačenje. Istraživanje je provedeno kroz 48 sata pomoću stranice Rezultat je potvrđivanje hipoteze, ali i ostali zanimljivi podaci i zaključci. Gacha games are the most dominant games on the mobile market. Their earnings range in the billions of dollars, and that’s thanks to the gacha draw system. These are free to play games with a lottery-like system where the user pays with in-game currency to draw in order to get the character or item they want. If they do not get what he hoped for, the user has the option of paying their own money for more draws and this is the main way to monetize the gacha game. The problem is that such a system can create an addiction for the user, who will then spend more money than they would like to in order to continue to draw. The paper includes research by other researchers on various aspects of gatcha games. The aim of the paper is to conduct research with the hypothesis that players who play the same game for longer and have a habit of playing it are willing to give more of their money to draw. The survey was conducted over 48 hours using The result is a confirmation of the hypothesis, but also other interesting data and conclusions.


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