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The process of making a low poly Game Ready Asset

Authors :
Purgar, Petar
Bernik, Andrija
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za multimediju., 2021.


Cilj završnog rada biti će kreiranje low poly game ready asseta gdje će se pojasniti brojne teme i osnove 3D modeliranja što obuhvaća samo modeliranje modela, UV mapiranje, baking proces tekstura te teksturiranje modela. Za uspješnu izradu optimiziranog game ready modela bitno je pojasniti i detaljno proći kroz prethodno navedenih tema kako bi se model mogao koristiti u videoigri bez da dolazi do grafičkih greška kod prikazivanja modela i/ili nepotrebnog opterećivanja pogonskoga sklopa igre (engl. game engine). U praktičnom dijelu napravit će se low poly game ready model Thorovog malja zvan Mjolnir te će pokazati znanje korištenja programa Blender, Adobe Photoshop 2020 i Substance Painter. The aim of the final work will be to create a low poly game ready asset where many topics and basics of 3D modeling will be explained, which includes 3D modeling, UV mapping, texture baking and 3D texturing of the model. To successfully create an optimized game ready model, it is important to clarify and go through the above topics so that the model can be used in a video game without any graphic errors in displaying the model and / or unnecessary burdening of the game engine. In the practical part a low poly game ready model of Thor's hammer called Mjolnir will be made and will show the knowledge of using Blender, Adobe Photoshop 2020 and Substance Painter.


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