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Development prospects of Samobor

Authors :
Štibuhar, Danijel
Stiperski, Zoran
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet. Geografski odsjek., 2019.


Grad Samobor ima dugu tradiciju naseljenosti i urbanističkog razvoja. Da bi se spomenuti prostor mogao što kvalitetnije razvijati u budućnosti, korisno bi bilo sagledati potencijale te odrediti smjer razvoja. Razvoj treba odrediti kroz tradiciju, potencijal prostora, ljudi te korištenje okolice. Glavne smjernice bile bi da Samobor ravnomjerno razvija obrt, industriju, poljoprivredu i turizam. Svaki segment je sagledan i prikazan kroz povijest, trenutnu problematiku i potencijal koji posjeduje. Na kraju je iznesen i prikazan zaključak kroz nekoliko točaka koje opisuju potencijal i poteškoće razvoja kroz znanstveno sagledavanje podataka i činjenica. The town of Samobor has a long tradition of population and urban development. In order to develop the space as well as possible in the future, it would be useful to look at the potentials and determine the direction of development. Development should be determined through tradition, the potential of area, people and the use of the environment. The main guidelines would be for Samobor to develop craft, industry, agriculture and tourism evenly. Each segment is viewed and presented through history, current issues, and the potential it holds. Finally, a conclusion is made and presented through several points that describe the potential and difficulties of development through scientific consideration of data and facts.


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