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Carbon Capture Technologies for Coal fired Thermal Power Plants

Authors :
Slišković, Marko
Jozsa, Lajos
Topić, Danijel
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek. Zavod za elektroenergetiku. Katedra za elektrane i energetske procese., 2015.


Svrha ovoga rada je objasniti pojam tehnologije hvatanja i skladištenja ugljika. Potrebno je opisati tehnologije za hvatanje ugljika kod termoelektrana na ugljen i detaljno opisati procese hvatanja ugljika kod pojedinih tipova termoelektrana na ugljen. Nadalje, potrebno je opisati načine transporta uhvaćenoga ugljikovog dioksida do mjesta pohrane kao i načine zbrinjavanja uhvaćenog ugljika. Također je potrebno opisati učinkovitost termoelektrana koje imaju mogućnost hvatanja ugljika i kakav to ima utjecaj na implementaciju u elektroenergetski sustav. Potrebno je napraviti proračun koji će pokazati prednosti CCS tehnologije u problemu emisija stakleničkih plinova te financijske okolnosti njezine ugradnje. Purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of carbon capture and storage technologies. It is necessary to describe technologies for carbon capture et coal power plants and detail describe processes carbon capture in individual types of coal power plants. Furthermore, it is necessary to describe the modes of transport captured carbon dioxide to the place of storage as well as the manner of treatment of the captured carbon. It is also necessary to describe the efficiency of thermal power plants that have the ability to capture carbon and how this has an impact on the implementation of the electric power system. It is necessary to create a budget that will demonstrate the benefits of CCS technology in the problem of greenhouse gas emissions as well as financial circumstances of its installation.


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