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Environmental protection technologies in power plants

Authors :
Mikić, Andreja
Šljivac, Damir
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek. Zavod za elektroenergetiku. Katedra za elektrane i energetske procese., 2020.


Nove tehnologije zaštite okoliša u elektranama su tehnologije ĉiji je globalni cilj smanjenje emisija stakleniĉkih plinova, te uĉinkovitija i ĉišća proizvodnja energije. Takve tehnologije još uvijek nisu u potpunosti razvijene, te u usporedbi s termoelektranama koje nisu opremljene tim tehnologijama znatno su skuplje i neisplativije. Jedna od takvih tehnologija, koja je obraĊena u ovom radu je tehnologija hvatanja i skladištenja ugljikovog dioksida. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati utjecaj dodavanja ove tehnologije na izlaznu cijenu proizvodnje elektriĉne energije. U tu svrhu izvršen je proraĉun aktualiziranog troška, odnosno LCOE, te je grafiĉki prikazan kumulativni povrat investicije za termoelektrane sa i bez sustava za hvatanje i skladištenje ugljikovog dioksida. New enviromental technologies in power plants are technologies whose global goal is reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and more efficient and cleaner production of energy. These kind of technologies are still not entirely developed and, in comparsion with thermal power plants that are not equipped with these technologies, they are much more expensive and unprofitable. One of these technologies which was the theme of this final paper is the carbon dioxide capture and storage technology. The goal of this final paper was to examine the impact of adding this technology to output cost of production of electrical energy. For that purpose an actual cost of calculation was performed, ie LCOE, and the cumulative return on investment for power plants with and without a carbon dioxide capture and storage system was graphically shown.


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