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The Effects of Reading Fiction on the Reduction of Prejudice: The Case of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Novels

Authors :
Ercegović, Doris
Lukić, Marko
Škifić, Sanja
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zadru. Odjel za anglistiku., 2018.


J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels left an enormous impact as one of the greatest successes in the history of literature. The wizarding world reminds the readers of our own, with different stigmatized groups and prejudices. According to a recent study (Vezzali et al. 2015), young people who have read the Harry Potter books, and identify with Harry as the main protagonist, have more positive attitudes towards the minority groups. Furthermore, many studies show that reading fiction can improve brain function and imagination, increase empathy and even motivate second language learners to read more in the target language and have better attitudes towards the language itself (Bal and Veltkamp 2013; Mar et al. 2006; Chiu 2015). This paper presents and explains the main relationships and prejudices in the wizarding world (Muggle-borns, house-elves and goblins). A research was conducted in August 2018 among 110 Croatian young people, mostly students, via an online questionnaire. The aim of the research was to investigate whether the participants who have read the novels of Harry Potter are less prejudiced towards ethnic minorities (Roma, Hungarians, Italians and Serbs) and homosexuals, and have more positive attitudes towards the English language. This assumption was confirmed and discussed further in the paper. Knjige o Harryju Potteru, autorice J.K. Rowling, predstavljaju jedan od najvećih uspjeha u povijesti književnosti. Svijet Harryja Pottera podsjeća na naš vlastiti sa strogim društvenim podjelama i predrasudama. Prema nedavnom istraživanju (Vezzali i dr., 2015), mladi ljudi koji su čitali knjige o Harryju Potteru i identificiraju se s Harryjem kao glavnim protagonistom, imaju manje predrasuda prema manjinskim skupinama. Također, mnoga istraživanja pokazuju da čitanje fikcije može poboljšati funkcioniranje mozga i razvoj mašte, povećati empatiju i čak motivirati učenike i studente da čitaju više strane literature i imaju bolje stavove spram stranom jeziku (Bal i Veltkamp 2013, Mar i sur., 2006; Chiu 2015). Ovaj rad predstavlja i tumači glavne odnose i predrasude u čarobnjačkom svijetu (mutnjaci, kućni vilenjaci i goblini). Istraživanje je provedeno u kolovozu 2018. godine među 110 Hrvata mlađe životne dobi, većinom studenata, putem online upitnika. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati imaju li sudionici koji su čitali romane o Harryju Potteru manje predrasuda prema etničkim manjinama (Romi, Mađari, Talijani i Srbi) i homoseksualcima, te imaju li bolje stavove spram engleskom jeziku. Hipoteza je potvrđena te su rezultati objašnjeni u raspravi.


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