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The Persecution of Witches in Early Modern America with Reference to Salem

Authors :
Leaković, Martina
Bertoša, Slaven
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Filozofski fakultet u Puli., 2021.


Ovaj završni rad bavi se tematikom progona vještica na tlu Amerike u novom vijeku, gdje se za primjer uzima Salem, u kojem je preko stotinu ljudi optuženo i dvadeset pogubljeno. Ti događaju ostali su zapamćeni u američkoj povijesti, a i šire, kao jedni od najvećih i najbrutalnijih progona, zbog čega je ostavljen snažan, negativni dojam na rane kolonijaliste. Na početku rada ukratko se opisuje pojam vještice koji se razvio u srednjem vijeku i osobine koje je određuju. Zatim se nastavlja na događaje koji su doveli do progona diljem Europe, s osvrtom na pojedinačne. Potom se, sve do kraja rada, opisuje dolazak kolonista u Ameriku, koji su sa sobom donijeli vjerovanja o vješticama kao zlim bićima i posljedicama koje su imale za život ljudi u Salemu i šire. The subject of this paper is the persecution of witches on the American soil in the Early Modern period, taking Salem as an example, where over one hundred people were accused and twenty executed. These events are remembered in American history and wider as one of the greatest and most brutal persecutions, because of which it left a strong negative impression on the colonialists. The paper begins with the description of the term witch that has developed in the Middle Ages and the characteristics that determine it. After that, events are described that lead to the persecutions across Europe with reference on individual cases. Finally, paper ends with the arrival of the colonialists to America, who brought with them the belief of witches as evil beings and the consequences it had on the lives of the people in Salem and wider.


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