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Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production on family farm Katarina Jukić
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- U ovom radu analizirat će se proizvodnja pšenice na OPG-u „Katarina Jukić“ u 2019. godini. ostvaren prinos pšenice iznosio je 7,5 t/ha, vlaga 12,8 % , a proteini 12,6 %, dok je hektolitar pšenice iznosio 81 kg. OPG obrađuje 11,5 hektara zemlje, a od toga je zasijano 1,5 ha pšenice. Vlasnik OPG-a napominje da je jedna od bitnih stvari plodored pa je tako kultura prije pšenice bila kukuruz. Što se tiče prinosa za vegetacijsku godinu 2018./2019. vlasnik je iznimno zadovoljan prinosima. Vremenske prilike tijekom vegetacijskog razdoblja pšenice 2018./2019. su bile specifične, osobito kada su u pitanju oborine. Iako je ukupna količina oborine tijekom vegetacijskog razdoblja bila tek nešto manja od referentnog višegodišnjeg prosjeka, na kraju žetve prinos pšenice je bio zadovoljavajući.<br />This paper will analyze the production of wheat on the family farm "Katarina Jukić" in 2019. the realized wheat yield was 7.5 t / ha, moisture 12.8 %, and proteins 12.6 %, while the hectolitre of wheat was 81 kg. The family farm cultivates 11.5 hectares of land, of which 1.5 ha of wheat have been sown. The owner of the family farm notes that one of the important things is crop rotation, so the crop before wheat was corn. Regarding the yield for the vegetation year 2018/2019. The owner is extremely satisfied with the yields. Weather conditions during the wheat growing season 2018/2019. were specific, especially when it comes to precipitation. Although the total rainfall during the growing season was only slightly lower than the reference multi-year average, at the end of the harvest the wheat yield was satisfactory.
- Subjects :
- wheat
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......4096..650b06994adf232121ddedeb31e4cab4