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- Publication Year :
- 2017
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Splitu. Ekonomski fakultet., 2017.
- Od svog osamostaljenja pa sve do danas Republika Hrvatska je prošla kroz mnoge promjene. Od rata, do prelaska iz komanditnog u trţišno gospodarstvo ,odnosno procesa tranzicije, do krize 2008. godine i ulaska u EU taj put je bio popraćen s mnogo problema. Veliki javni dug, velik broj nezaposlenih, mali broj zaposlenih, proces demografskog starenja, samo su neki od njih. Ipak Hrvatska nije jedina koja se nosi sa sličnim problemima, i na primjeru drugih zemalja vidljivo je kako ih se učikovito moţe rješiti, ili smanjiti njihove negativne utjcaje na gospodarstvo. Francuska i Švedska godinama vode uspješnu populacijsku politiku, te prema posljednjim podatcima sve su bliţe postizanju fertiliteta potrebnog za generacijsko obnavljanje. Irska i Island naprotiv su skupa s SAD-om drţave koje su najviše osjetile krizu 2008. godine. Obe zemlje su u jednom trenutku imale veći javni dug od BDP-a, s stopom nezaposlenosti većom od 15%. Ipak uspješno su restrukturirali bankarske sektore, smanjili nezaposlenost (trenutno napreduju prema minimalnoj nezaposlenosti), povećale izvoz, te rastu po astronomskim stopama. 70-ih i 80-ih godina, ţivotni standard u Hrvatskoj i Irskoj odnosno Islandu, nije se drastično razlikovao, što je još veći pokazatelj pro-trţišnim reformi koje Hrvatska mora provest u cilju postizanja održivog gospodarskog rasta u dugom roku. From the day she became independent to today Croatia undergone trough a lot of changes. From war for independence, to transition from socialism to capitalism, to financial crisis in 2008., and joining the EU, that path was followed with a lot of problems. Large public debt, high unemployment rate, low employment rate, fast proces of population againg and population decline, are just some of them. But Croatia ain't the only country that has these problems, and by some other country' example it's obvious they can be dealt with, or at least reduce the negative effect they have on their economy. France and Sweden are leading successful population politics, and by latest data they are closer and closer to reaching fertility rate needed for generation renewal. On the contrary, Ireland and Iceland were ,along with the US, countries that felt the impact of financial crisis in 2008. the most. At one point of time both countries had bigger public debt then their GDP, and unemployment rate bigger then 15 per cent. Still they managed to successfully restructure banking sector, reduce unemployment (currently moving towards minimal unemployment rate), increase export, and they are growing at an unbelievable pace. In the 70s and 80s, standard of living in Croatia, Ireland and Iceland, didn't drastically differ, which is an even bigger indicator or pro free market reforms that Croatia needs to apply in order to assure sustainable growth in the long term.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......4112..0ea4b82e92b0e774d53276459f12582f