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Authors :
Ercegovac, Hrvoje
Uglešić, Boran
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Sveučilišni odjel zdravstvenih studija., 2018.


Depresija je biopsihosocijalni poremećaj. Za bolesnika osobno, ali i s javnozdravstvenog stajališta predstavlja značajan problem. Veliki skup simptoma kojima se odražava bitno narušava cjelokupno ljudsko funkcioniranje. Javlja se u mnogim kliničkim oblicima prema kojima se određuje način liječenja. Liječenje je poprilično uspješno, a podrazumijeva holistički pristup. U terapijskom timu, kod depresivnog bolesnka, značajnu ulogu ima medicinska sestra. Njena uloga započinje već u trenutku prijema bolesnika, a o kvaliteti tog prijema mnogo ovisi hoće li se razviti povjerenje i empatija, te hoće li sestra uspjeti stvoriti lječidbeno ozračje. Nadalje, sestra svakodnevno provodi i fizičku i psihičku zdravstvenu njegu bolesnika, a tijekom nje observira, evidentira te prenosi drugim članovima tima podatke o bolesnikovu ponašanju i sudjelovanju u aktivnostima na odjelu. Značajna je njezina uloga i u međuljudskim odnosima. U prvom redu u odnosima između sebe i bolesnika. Zatim, kao zagovornice bolesnikovih potreba, u odnosima između bolesnika i ostatka terapijskog tima. U odnosima bolesnika s ostalim pacijetima, te u konačnici u odnosima bolesnika s njegovim bližnjima. Dakle, iz određene perspektive temeljna uloga medicinske sestre u terapijskom timu kod depresivnog bolesnika je ujedinjavanje svih aspekata medicinske skrbi. Depression is a biopsychosocial disorder. It is a significant problem for the patients themselves, but also from the public health point of view.. A large set of symptoms that are reflected substantially disturbs the overall human functioning. It occurs in many clinical forms that determine the way of treatment. Treatment is quite successful and involves a holistic approach. In therapeutic team, that treats patient with depressive disorder, a nurse has a significant role. Her role begins at the time of the patient's admission, and quality of that reception determine a lot, whether confidence and empathy will be developed, and will the nurse manage to create therapeutic atmosphere. Furthermore, the nurse daily carries out the physical and mental health care of the patient, and during it observes, records and transfers to other members of the team data on the patient's behavior and participation in the activities at the department. It's also significant her role in interpersonal relationships. In the first place, in the relationship between herself and the patient. Then, as advocate of patient needs, in the relationship between the patient and the rest of the therapeutic team. In the relationships of patient with other patients, and ultimately in the relationships of patients with his family and friends. Therefore, from a certain perspective, the underlying role of a nurse in a therapeutic team treating depressive patient is to unite all aspects of medical care.


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