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The role of nurse in the work of terapeutic community with patients suffering from schizophenia

Authors :
Milas, Ružica
Uglešić, Boran
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Sveučilišni odjel zdravstvenih studija., 2016.


Shizofrenija je jedna od najtežih duševnih bolesti današnjice, bolest koja zahvaća cijelu ličnost i dovodi do gubitka dodira sa stvarnošću . Bolest se javlja kao posljedica biokemijskih promjena u mozgu i te promjene dovode do poremećaja važnih psihičkih funkcija i ponašanja. Shizofrenija je kronična bolest, te do sada još nema izlječenja od bolesti, ali uz odgovarajuću terapiju moguća je kontrola bolesti. Medicinska sestra je osoba koja provodi najviše vremena sa bolesnikom te je neizmjerno važna njena uloga u cijelom procesu liječenja bolesnika. Najvažnije je da se liječenje shizofrenije započne što ranije i to primjenom antipsihotika. Osim primjene antipsihotika u liječenju shizofrenije veliku ulogu imaju psihoterapijske i socioterapijske tehnike te edukacija bolesnika i njegove obitelji. Sami proces zdravstvene skrbi je složen i dugotrajan i uloga medicinske sestre je neizmjerno važna. Medicinska sestra mora posjedovati komunikacijske vještine za rad sa osobama oboljelim od shizofrenije jer su oni često u svome zatvorenom svijetu, svijetu halucinacija te jedino izrazito vješta osoba može uspostaviti odnos povjerenja s njima. Najvažniji cilj zdravstvene njege je podizanje kvalitete života samoga bolesnika i ponovno uklapanje u socijalnu zajednicu i vraćanje uobičajenim životnim aktivnostima. Medicinska sestra treba prilagoditi intervencije bolesniku za uspješno rješavanje sestrinskih dijagnoza, a to jedino može ostvariti pomoću dobrog plana zdravstvene njege. U radu s bolesnicima oboljelim od shizofrenije medicinska sestra mora biti izvrsno educirana, strpljiva i posjedovati komunikacijske i edukacijske vještine. Schizophrenia is one of the most difficult mental diseases nowadays, disease which affects the whole personality and leads to the loss of contact with reality. The disease appears as a consequence of biochemical changes in the brain and these changes cause disorder of important psychological functions and behaviour. Schizophrenia is a chronic disease, and so far there is no cure for the disease, but with the appropriate therapy the control of the disease is possible. Nurse is a person who spends most of the time with a patient and her role in the entire process of patient's treatment is immensly important. The most important is that treatment of schizophrenia starts as early as possible including the use of antipsychotics. Except of use of antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia, psychotherapeutic and sociotherapeutic techniques, as well as the education of the patient and of his family, have major role. The process of medical care itself is complicated and long and the role of the nurse is extremely important. Nurse has to possess communication skills to work with people suffering from schizophrenia because they are very often in their closed world, the world of hallucinations and only highly skilled person is able to establish a trusting relationship with them. The most important goal of medical care is to raise the quality of life of the patient himself and reintegration in the social community and to return to ordinary life activities. Nurse has to adjust interventions to the patient in order to resolve successfully nursing diagnoses, which can only be achieved thanks to a good medical care plan. When working with patients suffering from schizophrenia nurse has to be perfectly educated, patient and possess communication and educational skills.


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