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Effect of the humic and fulvic acids on mercury and cadmium ions binding onto natural zeolite : diploma thesis
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Splitu. Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet. Odsjek za inženjerstvo i tehnologije., 2022.
- Ispitano je vezanje iona žive i kadmija na prirodnom zeolitu u prisustvu otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® koji su dodaci tlu u poljoprivredi. Utvrđen je veći stupanj uklanjanja iona žive i kadmija pri nižim početnim koncentracijama kao i niža količina iona vezana po gramu zeolita. Dodatak otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® ne utječe na stupanj uklanjanja žive kao i na količinu vezane žive po gramu zeolita. Utvrđeno je povećanje stupnja uklanjanja kadmija uz dodatak otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® i to je povećanje više izraženo uz veće koncentracije organske tvari. Također, količina vezanog kadmija po gramu zeolita raste uz dodatak otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® te se može zaključiti da organska tvar pozitivno utječe na remedijaciju tla onečišćenog kadmijem, dok na remedijaciju tla onečišćenog živom nema utjecaja pri ispitanim koncentracijama. The binding of mercury and cadmium ions on natural zeolite has been examined in the presence of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions, which are soil additives in agriculture. A higher degree of removal of mercury and cadmium ions at lower initial concentrations was determined, as well as a lower amount of bound ions per gram of zeolite. The addition of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions does not affect the efficiency of mercury removal as well as the amount of bound mercury per gram of zeolite. An increase in removal efficiency of cadmium is observed with the addition of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions, and this increase is more pronounced with higher concentrations of organic matter. Also, the amount of bound cadmium per gram of zeolite increases with the addition of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions, and it can be concluded that organic matter has a positive effect on the remediation of cadmium soil contaminated, while remediation of mercury soil contaminated has no effect at the examined concentrations.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......4112..bd4da5596e6a07c6dd208bd3f5b4e00a