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Authors :
Ivkošić, Ivona
Tadin, Antonija
Gavić, Lidia
Ognjenović, Marina
Galić, Ivan
Publication Year :


Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti stavove i znanja studenata pet studijskih programa (Dentalna medicina, Medicina, Kineziologija, Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, Učiteljski studij) o traumatskim ozljedama zuba i hitnim terapijskim postupcima njihovog zbrinjavanja. Materijali i metode: Ova presječna studija provedena je temeljem anketnog upitnika na ukupno 679 studenata (152 studij Dentalna medicina, 135 studij Medicina, 130 studij Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, 128 studij Učiteljski i 134 Kineziološki fakultet). Ispitanici su podijeljeni po demografskim i profesionalnim osobinama te je znanje procijenjeno Student t-testom ili jednosmjernom ANOVA-om s Tukeyevim post-hoc testom. Rezultati: Ukupna srednja vrijednost znanja studenata o traumatskim ozljedama zuba i hitnim terapijskim mogućnostima bila je 4,32±2,25 bodova, s maksimalnim mogućim rezultatom od deset. Studenti studija Dentalne medicine pokazali su najbolje rezultate znanja u odnosu na studente studija Medicine, Kineziologije, Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i Učiteljskog smjera (6,75±2,17 vs 4,32±1,67, 3,69±1,67, 3,38±1,76 i 3,05±1,55, slijedom; P≤0,001). Očekivano, bolje znanje su pokazali studenti koji su tijekom svoga školovanja bili educirani na temu traumatskih ozljeda zuba (6,78±2,23 vs 3,67±1,65; P≤0,001) Zaključci: Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja zaključeno je kako studenti Splitsko-dalmatinske županije nemaju dovoljno znanja o dentalnim traumama te o postupcima njihovog hitnog zbrinjavanja. Dobiveni podaci ističu važnost dodatne edukacije studenata s ciljem boljih ishoda liječenja trauma zuba<br />Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge and experience of students from five different studies (Dental Medicine, Medicine, Physical Education, Preschool Education, Teachers Education), of the dental trauma and management of traumatic dental injuries. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional survey was conducted among 679 students. Among them, 152 were students of dental medicine, 135 medical students, 130 preschool education students, 128 teachers’ education students and 134 physical education students. The respondents were grouped according to the demographic and professional profiles and the data were evaluated by the Student t - test or one - way ANOVA, with Tukey's post‐hoc test. Results: Total mean value of students' knowledge of traumatic tooth injuries and emergency therapies was 4.32± 2.25, with a maximum possible score of ten. Dental medicine students have shown the best results, comparing with Dental Medicine, Medicine, Physical Education, Preschool Education and Teachers Education students (6.75±2.17 vs 4.32±1.67, 3.69±1.67, 3.38±1.76 and 3.05±1.55, respectively; P≤0.001). As expected, better knowledge was demonstrated by students who had been educated on the topic of traumatic tooth injury (6.78±2.23 vs 3.67±1.65, P≤0.001) Conclusion: Based on the results of this survey, it can be concluded that the students of the Split-Dalmatia County do not have enough knowledge about dental injuries and their emergency treatment procedures. The obtained data emphasize the importance of additional student education with the aim of improving the outcomes of tooth trauma treatment.


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