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Web aplikacija za individualno i timsko dogovaranje sportskih treninga u dvoranama

Authors :
Sesar, Ivan
Jović, Alan
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva., 2023.


Na temelju zadatka završnog rada – izrade web aplikacije za individualno i timsko dogovaranje sportskih treninga u dvoranama, stvoren je prošireni tekst zadatka kako bi bili jasniji detalji. Iz proširenog teksta zadatka, definirani su entiteti, relacije između entiteta i atributi entiteta iz kojeg je napravljen ER model baze podataka. Iz ER modela baze podataka kreiran je relacijski model baze podataka. Sukladno tomu definirani su entiteti na poslužiteljskoj strani. Nakon povezivanja entiteta stvoreni su repozitoriji, nakon njih servisi koji sadrže metode za poslovnu logiku unutar aplikaciije, nakon njih nadzornici. Potom je kreirana podrška za hvatanje iznimki, zatim modeli za zahtjev i modeli za odgovor te konverteri koji sadrže statičke metode za pretvorbu entiteta u neki od modela i obrnuto. Po završetku na poslužiteljskoj strani ostvarena je podrška za sigurnost uz pomoć radnog okvira Spring Security. Na klijentskoj strani definirane su stranice aplikacije i u njima dohvat željenih podataka uz pomoć biblioteke Axios gdje su sve metode prema pozivu na poslužitelj smještene pod mapu “service“. Zadnje je stvorena podrška sigurnosti uz pomoć “sessionStoragea“ i metoda Axios interceptora. Based on the final thesis assignment – construction of a web application for individual and team scheduling of sports trainings in gyms, an expanded text of the assignment was made to make details clearer. From the expanded text entities, relations between entities and attributes of entities were defined, from which an ER database model was created. From the ER database model, a relation database model was made. Accordingly, application entities on the server side were defined. After connecting entities with each other, the repositories were created, and after them, the services which contain methods for business logic inside of an application were defined. Thereafter, controllers were created to handle HTTP requests to resources. Afterwards, support for exception handling was implemented, and models for request and response, as well as converters which contains static methods for converting entities to models and vice versa were made. By the end of implementation of the server side, security support by Spring Security framework was realized. On the client side, all application pages were defined, and, inside of them, data fetching was enabled with a help of the Axios library. All methods which communicate with the server were defined in the folder “service”. Lastly, security support with browser session storage and Axios interceptor methods was enabled.


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