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Animated film in Croatia

Authors :
Hvizdak, Vedrana
Ileš, Tatjana
Baraban, Borko
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku., 2022.


Pojava animiranog filma u svijetu imala je značajan utjecaj na kulturu ljudi i njihov stil života. Jedno od istaknutih imena u svijetu animacije zasigurno je Walt Disney koji je imao snažan utjecaj na radove ostalih autora i izvan granica Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Njegovo plodonosno stvaralaštvo obogatilo je animirani film zauvijek, a njegovi filmovi gledaju se i danas. Mnogi animatori počeli su slijediti njegov primjer, ali s godinama većina teži svojoj autentičnosti i istaknutom stilu. Hrvatska nije zaostajala za ostalim zemljama jer već u dvadesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća nastaju prva dva animirana filma u hrvatskoj produkciji. U pedesetim godinama 20. stoljeća dolazi do procvata animacije u Hrvatskoj. Pojavljuje se izraz Zagrebačka škola crtanog filma. Pedesete i šezdesete godine smatraju se najplodnijim razdobljem za animaciju jer u tom razdoblju Hrvatska postaje bogatija za mnoštvo animiranih filmova i izvanrednih autora, od crtača i scenografa do redatelja. Dušan Vukotić, Vatroslav Mimica, Nikola Kostelac, Boris Kolar, Vladimir Kristl, Zlatko Bourek, Zlatko Grgić, Nedjeljko Dragić te Pavao Štalter, samo su neki od nevjerojatnih animatora koji su ostavili neizbrisiv trag u hrvatskoj kinematografiji i čija se djela i danas spominju. Djelovanje Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma i radove spomenutih autora prepoznaje struka u Hrvatskoj, ali i u svijetu. Animirani film tako se, osim brojnim nagradama i priznanjima, kao na primjer nagradom „Oscar“ te nagradama na brojnim festivalima, može pohvaliti i ogromnim publicitetom. Međutim, u sedamdesetim godinama dolazi do stagnacije u kreativnosti autora. Animirani film u Hrvatskoj suočava se i s odlaskom autora u inozemstvo, dok se nekolicina odlučuje okušati u svijetu igranog filma. Dodatan udarac animaciji zadala je i financijska kriza u osamdesetim i devedesetim godinama, a u vrijeme ratnih zbivanja proizvodnja animiranih filmova se zaustavlja. Završetkom rata nastavlja se izrada animiranih filmova te se pojavljuju nove generacije autora. Cilj rada jest prikazati razvoj animiranog filma u Hrvatskoj, najznačajnije autore i njihove animirane filmove. The appearance of animated films in the world had a significant impact on people's culture and lifestyle. One of the prominent names in the world of animation is certainly Walt Disney, who had a strong influence on the works of other authors even outside the borders of the United States of America. His fruitful work has enriched the animated film forever, and his films are still watched today. Many animators began to follow his example, but over the years, most strive for their authenticity and distinctive style. Croatia did not lag behind the other countries because, already in the twenties of the last century, the first two animated films produced in Croatia were made. In the fifties of the 20th century, animation flourished in Croatia. The term "Zagreb Cartoon School" appears. The 1950s and 1960s are considered the most fruitful period for animation, because in that period Croatia became richer for many animated films and outstanding authors, from cartoonists, scenographers to directors. Dušan Vukotić, Vatroslav Mimica, Nikola Kostelac, Boris Kolar, Vladimir Kristl, Zlatko Bourek, Zlatko Grgić, Nedjeljko Dragić, Pavao Štalter are just some of the amazing animators who left an indelible mark on Croatian cinematography and whose works are still mentioned today. The work of the "Zagreb Cartoon School" and the works of the aforementioned authors are recognized by the profession in Croatia as well as in the world. In addition to numerous awards and recognitions, such as the "Oscar" award, awards at numerous festivals, the animated film can also boast of enormous publicity. However, in the seventies there was a stagnation in the author's creativity. Animated films in Croatia are also faced with the departure of authors abroad, while a few decide to try their hand at the world of feature films. The financial crisis in the 1980s and 1990s dealt an additional blow to animation, and during the war, the production of animated films stopped. With the end of the war, the production of animated films continues and new generations of authors appear. The aim of the paper is to show the development of animated film in Croatia, the most important authors and their animated films.


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