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Characteristics of peach hybrids from the crossing combination ‘Flaminia’ ( ‘Summerset’

Authors :
Nikolić, Dragan
Rakonjac, Vera
Radović, Aleksandar
Bakić, Ivana
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Publisher :
Naučno voćarsko društvo Srbije, Čačak, 2015.


Characteristics of F1 hybrids obtained from the crossing combination ‘Flaminia’ ( ‘Summerset’ are shown in this paper. All of the traits of the examined hybrids were compared with a standard cultivar ‘Summerset’. Later ripening time than the standard cultivar was determined at two hybrids (FS1 and FS6). Fruit weight of the examined hybrids varied from 96.41 g (hybrid FS4) to 167.25 g (hybrid FS2), soluble solids content from 13.15% (hybrid FS5) to 18.00% (hybrid FS4) and total acid content from 0.45% (hybrid FS5) to 0.79% (hybrid FS2). Compared to the standard cultivar, only two hybrids had higher fruit attractiveness, while concerning the taste, all of the examined hybrids surpassed the standard cultivar. Hybrid FS2 can be distinguished as the most promising in terms of late ripening time, fruit weight and quality, which is interesting for recognizing new peach cultivars and further breeding work. U ovom radu prikazane su karakteristike F1 hibrida breskve dobijenih iz kombinacije ukrštanja Flaminia ( Summerset. Sve osobine ispitivanih hibrida upoređivane su sa standardnom sortom Summerset. Poznije vreme sazrevanja od sorte standard utvrđeno je kod dva hibrida (FS1 i FS6). Masa ploda ispitivanih hibrida varirala je od 96,41 g (hibrid FS4) do 167,25 g (hibrid FS2), sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija od 13,15% (hibrid FS5) do 18,00% (hibrid FS4), a sadržaj ukupnih kiselina od 0,45% (hibrid FS5) do 0,79% (hibrid FS2). U odnosu na sortu standard dva hibrida imala su veću atraktivnost ploda, dok su u pogledu ukusa ploda svi ispitivani hibridi prevazišli sortu standard. Kao najperspektivniji u pogledu poznog vremena sazrevanja, mase i kvaliteta ploda može se izdvojiti hibrid FS2, koji je interesantan kao kandidat za priznavanje novih sorti breskve, ili dalji oplemenjivački rad.


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