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Midrapidity Lambda and Lambda(macro) production in Au+Au collisions at the square root of [s(NN)]=130 GeV
Authors :
C, Adler Z, Ahammed C, Allgower J, Amonett B D, Anderson M, Anderson G S, Averichev J, Balewski O, Barannikova L S, Barnby J, Baudot S, Bekele V V, Belaga R, Bellwied J, Berger H, Bichsel A, Billmeier L C, Bland C O, Blyth B E, Bonner A, Boucham A, Brandin A, Bravar R V, Cadman H, Caines M, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez A, Cardenas J, Carroll J, Castillo M, Castro D, Cebra P, Chaloupka S, Chattopadhyay Y, Chen S P, Chernenko M, Cherney A, Chikanian B, Choi W, Christie J P, Coffin T M, Cormier J G, Cramer H J, Crawford W S, Deng A A, Derevschikov L, Didenko T, Dietel J E, Draper V B, Dunin J C, Dunlop V, Eckardt L G, Efimov V, Emelianov J, Engelage G, Eppley B, Erazmus P, Fachini V, Faine J, Faivre K, Filimonov E, Finch Y, Fisyak D, Flierl K J, Foley J, Fu C A, Gagliardi N, Gagunashvili J, Gans L, Gaudichet M, Germain F, Geurts V, Ghazikhanian O, Grachov V, Grigoriev M, Guedon E, Gushin T J, Hallman D, Hardtke J W, Harris T W, Henry S, Heppelmann T, Herston B, Hippolyte A, Hirsch E, Hjort G W, Hoffmann M, Horsley H Z, Huang T J, Humanic G, Igo A, Ishihara Yu I, Ivanshin P, Jacobs W W, Jacobs M, Janik I, Johnson P G, Jones E G, Judd M, Kaneta M, Kaplan D, Keane J, Kiryluk A, Kisiel J, Klay S R, Klein A, Klyachko A S, Konstantinov M, Kopytine L, Kotchenda A D, Kovalenko M, Kramer P, Kravtsov K, Krueger C, Kuhn A I, Kulikov G J, Kunde C L, Kunz R Kh, Kutuev A A, Kuznetsov L, Lakehal-Ayat M A C, Lamont J M, Landgraf S, Lange C P, Lansdell B, Lasiuk F, Laue J, Lauret A, Lebedev R, Lednický V M, Leontiev M J, LeVine Q, Li S J, Lindenbaum M A, Lisa F, Liu L, Liu Z, Liu Q J, Liu T, Ljubicic W J, Llope G, LoCurto H, Long R S, Longacre M, Lopez-Noriega W A, Love T, Ludlam D, Lynn J, Ma R, Majka S, Margetis C, Markert L, Martin J, Marx H S, Matis Yu A, Matulenko T S, McShane F, Meissner Yu, Melnick A, Meschanin M, Messer M L, Miller Z, Milosevich N G, Minaev J, Mitchell V A, Moiseenko C F, Moore V, Morozov M M, de Moura M G, Munhoz J M, Nelson P, Nevski V A, Nikitin L V, Nogach B, Norman S B, Nurushev G, Odyniec A, Ogawa V, Okorokov M, Oldenburg D, Olson G, Paic S U, Pandey Y, Panebratsev S Y, Panitkin A I, Pavlinov T, Pawlak V, Perevoztchikov W, Peryt V A, Petrov M, Planinic J, Pluta N, Porile J, Porter A M, Poskanzer E, Potrebenikova D, Prindle C, Pruneau J, Putschke G, Rai G, Rakness O, Ravel R L, Ray S V, Razin D, Reichhold J G, Reid G, Renault F, Retiere A, Ridiger H G, Ritter J B, Roberts O V, Rogachevski J L, Romero A, Rose C, Roy V, Rykov I, Sakrejda S, Salur J, Sandweiss A C, Saulys I, Savin J, Schambach R P, Scharenberg N, Schmitz L S, Schroeder A, Schüttauf K, Schweda J, Seger D, Seliverstov P, Seyboth E, Shahaliev K E, Shestermanov S S, Shimanskii V S, Shvetcov G, Skoro N, Smirnov R, Snellings P, Sorensen J, Sowinski H M, Spinka B, Srivastava E J, Stephenson R, Stock A, Stolpovsky M, Strikhanov B, Stringfellow C, Struck A A P, Suaide E, Sugarbaker C, Suire M, Sumbera B, Surrow T J M, Symons A Szanto, de Toledo P, Szarwas A, Tai J, Takahashi A H, Tang J H, Thomas M, Thompson V, Tikhomirov M, Tokarev M B, Tonjes T A, Trainor S, Trentalange R E, Tribble V, Trofimov O, Tsai T, Ullrich D G, Underwood G, Van Buren A M, VanderMolen I M, Vasilevski A N, Vasiliev S E, Vigdor S A, Voloshin F, Wang H, Ward J W, Watson R, Wells G D, Westfall C, Whitten H, Wieman R, Willson S W, Wissink R, Witt J, Wood N, Xu Z, Xu A E, Yakutin E, Yamamoto J, Yang P, Yepes V I, Yurevich Y V, Zanevski I, Zborovský H, Zhang W M, Zhang R, Zoulkarneev A N, Zubarev
Source :
Physical review letters . 89(9)
Publication Year :
We report the first measurement of strange (Lambda) and antistrange (Lambda macro) baryon production from square root of [s(NN)]=130 GeV Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Rapidity density and transverse mass distributions at midrapidity are presented as a function of centrality. The yield of Lambda and Lambda; hyperons is found to be approximately proportional to the number of negative hadrons. The production of Lambda; hyperons relative to negative hadrons increases very rapidly with transverse momentum. The magnitude of the increase cannot be described by existing hadronic string fragmentation models alone.
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Journal :
Physical review letters
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