Sendai virus N-terminal fusion peptide consists of two similar repeats, both of which contribute to membrane fusion
Sergio G, Peisajovich, et al. “Sendai Virus N-Terminal Fusion Peptide Consists of Two Similar Repeats, Both of Which Contribute to Membrane Fusion.” European Journal of Biochemistry, vol. 269, no. 17, Aug. 2002. EBSCOhost,
Sergio G, P., Raquel F, E., Richard M, E., & Yechiel, S. (2002). Sendai virus N-terminal fusion peptide consists of two similar repeats, both of which contribute to membrane fusion. European Journal of Biochemistry, 269(17).
Sergio G, Peisajovich, Epand Raquel F, Epand Richard M, and Shai Yechiel. 2002. “Sendai Virus N-Terminal Fusion Peptide Consists of Two Similar Repeats, Both of Which Contribute to Membrane Fusion.” European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (17).