A Participant-assigned Interventional Research of Precesarean Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Catheterization for Managing Intraoperative Hemorrhage of Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders After Cesarean Section
Yao, Fan, et al. “A Participant-Assigned Interventional Research of Precesarean Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Catheterization for Managing Intraoperative Hemorrhage of Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders After Cesarean Section.” Current Medical Science, vol. 41, no. 2, Dec. 2019. EBSCOhost,
Yao, F., Xun, G., Nan, W., Ke-Tao, M., Ling, F., Fu-Yuan, Q., Su-Hua, C., Wan-Jiang, Z., Hai-Yi, L., Yuan-Yuan, W., Qiong, Z., Yuan, T., Qiang, L., Yin, X., Fan-Fan, L., Meng-Zhou, H., Rajluxmee, B., Dong-Rui, D., & Xiao-Yan, X. (2019). A Participant-assigned Interventional Research of Precesarean Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Catheterization for Managing Intraoperative Hemorrhage of Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders After Cesarean Section. Current Medical Science, 41(2).
Yao, Fan, Gong Xun, Wang Nan, Mu Ke-Tao, Feng Ling, Qiao Fu-Yuan, Chen Su-Hua, et al. 2019. “A Participant-Assigned Interventional Research of Precesarean Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Catheterization for Managing Intraoperative Hemorrhage of Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders After Cesarean Section.” Current Medical Science 41 (2).