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Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

Authors :
Nancy, Fullman
Jamal, Yearwood
Solomon, M
Cristiana, Abbafati
Foad, Abd-Allah
Jemal, Abdela
Ahmed, Abdelalim
Zegeye, Abebe
Teshome, Abuka
Victor, Aboyans
Haftom, Niguse
Abraha, Daisy
M, X
Abreu, Laith
Abu-Raddad, J
Akilew, Awoke
Adane, Rufus
Adesoji, Adedoyin
Olatunji, Adetokunboh
Tara, Ballav
Mohsen, Afarideh
Ashkan, Afshin
Gina, Agarwal
Dominic, Agius
Anurag, Agrawal
Sutapa, Agrawal
Aliasghar, Ahmad
Kiadaliri, Miloud
Taki, Eddine
Mohammed, Akibu
Rufus, Olusola
Akinyemi, Tomi
Akinyemiju, F
Nadia, Akseer
Faris, Hasan
Lami, Al
Fares, Alahdab
Ziyad, Al-Aly
Khurshid, Alam
Tahiya, Alam
Deena, Alasfoor
Mohammed, I
Albittar, Kefyalew
Addis, Alene
Ayman, Al-Eyadhy
Syed, Danish
Mehran, Alijanzadeh
Syed, M
Ala’A, Alkerwi
François, Alla
Peter, Allebeck
Christine, Allen
Mahmoud, A
Rajaa, Al-Raddadi
Ubai, Alsharif
Khalid, A
Nelson, Alvis-Guzman
Azmeraw, T
Kebede, Amenu
Walid, Ammar
Yaw, Ampem
Nahla, Anber
Catalina, Liliana
Sofia, Androudi
Carl, Abelardo
Antonio, T
Valdelaine, E
Araújo, M
Olatunde, Aremu
Johan, Ärnlöv
Artaman, Al
Krishna, Kumar
Hamid, Asayesh
Ephrem, Tsegay
Asfaw, Solomon
Weldegebreal, Asgedom
Rana, Jawad
Asghar, Mengistu
Mitiku, Ashebir
Netsanet, Abera
Asseffa, Tesfay
Mehari, Atey
Sachin, R
Atre, Madhu
Atteraya, S
Leticia, Avila-Burgos
Euripide, Frinel
Arthur, G
Ashish, Awasthi
Beatriz, Paulina
Ayala, Quintanilla
Animut, Alebel
Ayalew, Henok
Tadesse, Ayele
Rakesh, Ayer
Tambe, Betrand
Peter, Azzopardi
Natasha, Azzopardi-Muscat
Tesleem, Kayode
Hamid, Badali
Alaa, Badawi
Maciej, Banach
Amitava, Banerjee
Amrit, Banstola
Ryan, M
Barber, Miguel
Barboza, A
Suzanne, L
Till, Bärnighausen
Simon, Barquera
Lope, H
Quique, Bassat
Sanjay, Basu
Bernhard, T
Shahrzad, Bazargan-Hejazi
Neeraj, Bedi
Ettore, Beghi
Masoud, Behzadifar
Meysam, Behzadifar
Bayu, Begashaw
Bekele, Abate
Bekele, Belachew
Saba, Abraham
Belay, Yihalem
Abebe, Belay
Michelle, L
Bell, Aminu
Bello, K
Derrick, A
Bennett, James
Bennett, R
Isabela, M
Bensenor, Derbew
Fikadu, Berhe
Eduardo, Bernabé
Robert, Steven
Mircea, Beuran
Ashish, Bhalla
Paurvi, Bhatt
Soumyadeep, Bhaumik
Zulfiqar, A
Belete, Biadgo
Ali, Bijani
Boris, Bikbov
Charles, Birungi
Stan, Biryukov
Hailemichael, Bizuneh
Ian, W
Kaylin, Bolt
Ibrahim, R
Kayvan, Bozorgmehr
Oliver, Jerome
Alexandra, Brazinova
Nicholas, J
Breitborde, K
Hermann, Brenner
Gabrielle, Britton
Traolach, S
Brugha, Zahid
Butt, A
Lucero, Cahuana-Hurtado
Ismael, Ricardo
Campos-Nonato, Julio
Cesar, Campuzano
Josip, Car
Mate, Car
Rosario, Cárdenas
Juan, Jesus
Felix, Carvalho
Carlos, A
Castañeda-Orjuela, Jacqueline
Castillo, Rivas
Ferrán, Catalá-López
Kelly, Cercy
Julian, Chalek
Hsing-Yi, Chang
Jung-Chen, Chang
Aparajita, Chattopadhyay
Pankaj, Chaturvedi
Peggy, Pei-Chia
Chiang, Vesper
Hichilombwe, Chisumpa
Jee-Young, J
Hanne, Christensen
Devasahayam, Jesudas
Sheng-Chia, Chung
Liliana, G
Cirillo, Massimo
Danny, Colombara
Sara, Conti
Cyrus, Cooper
Leslie, Cornaby
Paolo, Angelo
Monica, Cortinovis
Alexandre, Costa
Ewerton, Cousin
Michael, H
Criqui, Elizabeth
Cromwell, A
Christopher, Stephen
Crowe, John
Crump, A
Alemneh, Kabeta
Daba, Berihun
Assefa, Dachew
Abel, Fekadu
Lalit, Dandona
Rakhi, Dandona
Paul, I
Ahmad, Daryani
Maryam, Daryani
Jai, Das
Siddharth, Kumar
Das, José
Das, Neves
Nicole, Davis
Kairat, Davletov
Barbora, De
Courten, Diego
Leo, De
Jan-Walter, De
Neve, Robert
Dellavalle, P
Gebre, Demoz
Kebede, Deribe
Don, C
Des, Jarlais
Subhojit, Dey
Samath, D
Meghnath, Dhimal
Shirin, Djalalinia
David, Teye
Kate, Dolan
Ray, E
Dorsey, Kadine
Priscila, Bender
Dos, Santos
Kerrie, E
Doyle, Tim
Driscoll, R
Manisha, Dubey
Eleonora, Dubljanin
Bruce, Bartholow
Michelle, Echko
Dumessa, Edessa
David, Edvardsson
Joshua, R
Erika, Eldrenkamp
Ziad, El-Khatib
Matthias, Endres
Aman, Yesuf
Babak, Eshrati
Sharareh, Eskandarieh
Alireza, Esteghamati
Mahdi, Fakhar
Tamer, Farag
Mahbobeh, Faramarzi
Emerito, Jose
Aquino, Faraon
André, Faro
Farshad, Farzadfar
Adesegun, Fatusi
Mir, Sohail
Fazeli, Valery
Feigin, L
Andrea, B
Netsanet, Fentahun
Seyed-Mohammad, Fereshtehnejad
Eduarda, Fernandes
João, C
Fernandes, Daniel
Obadare, Fijabi
Irina, Filip
Florian, Fischer
Christina, Fitzmaurice
Abraham, D
Flaxman, Luisa
Sorio, Flor
Nataliya, Foigt
Kyle, J
Foreman, Joseph
Frostad, J
Thomas, Fürst
Neal, D
Emmanuela, Gakidou
Silvano, Gallus
Ketevan, Gambashidze
Amiran, Gamkrelidze
Morsaleh, Ganji
Abadi, Kahsu
Gebre, Tsegaye
Tewelde, Gebrehiwot
Amanuel, Tesfay
Gebremedhin, Yalemzewod
Assefa, Gelaw
Johanna, M
Demeke, Geremew
Peter, W
Reza, Ghadimi
Khalil, Ghasemi
Maryam, Ghasemi-Kasman
Paramjit, Singh
Gill, Ababi
Zergaw, Giref
Maurice, Giroud
Melkamu, Dedefo
Giorgia, Giussani
William, W
Srinivas, Goli
Hector, Gomez-Dantes
Philimon, N
Amador, Goodridge
Sameer, Vali
Yevgeniy, Goryakin
Alessandra, Carvalho
Ayman, Grada
Max, Griswold
Giuseppe, Grosso
Harish, Chander
Yuming, Guo
Rahul, Gupta
Rajeev, Gupta
Tanush, Gupta
Tarun, Gupta
Vipin, Gupta
Juanita, A
Vladimir, Hachinski
Nima, Hafezi-Nejad
Gessessew, Bugssa
Hailu, Randah
Ribhi, Hamadeh
Samer, Hamidi
Graeme, J
Hankey, Hilda
Harb, L
Heather, C
Sivadasanpillai, Harikrishnan
Josep, Maria
Haro, Hamid
Yimam, Hassen
Rasmus, Havmoeller
Caitlin, Hawley
Simon, I
Jiawei, He
Stephen, J
Hearps, C
Mohamed, I
Behzad, Heibati
Mohsen, Heidari
Delia, Hendrie
Nathaniel, J
Henry, Victor
Hugo, Herrera
Claudiu, Herteliu
Desalegn, Tsegaw
Hibstu, Molla
Kahssay, Hiluf
Hans, W
Hoek, Enayatollah
Homaie, Rad
Nobuyuki, Horita
Dean, H
Mostafa, Hosseini
Seyed, Reza
Mihaela, Hostiuc
Sorin, Hostiuc
Damian, G
Mohamed, Hsairi
Aung, Soe
Guoqing, Hu
John, J
Huang, Kim
Moesgaard, Iburg
Fachmi, Idris
Ehimario, Uche
Chad, Ikeda
Bogdan, Vasile
Ileanu, Olayinka
Ilesanmi, S
Kaire, Innos
Seyed, Sina
Naghibi, Irvani
Caleb, M
Irvine, S
Farhad, Islami
Troy, A
Jacobs, Kathryn
Jacobsen, H
Nader, Jahanmehr
Rajesh, Jain
Sudhir, Kumar
Jain, Mihajlo
Jakovljevic, M
Moti, Tolera
Jalu, Amr
Jamal, A
Mehdi, Javanbakht
Achala, Upendra
Panniyammakal, Jeemon
Ravi, Prakash
Vivekanand, Jha
Jacek, Józwiak
Oommen, John
Sarah, Charlotte
Johnson, Jost
Jonas, B
Vasna, Joshua
Mikk, Jürisson
Zubair, Kabir
Rajendra, Kadel
Amaha, Kahsay
Rizwan, Kalani
Chittaranjan, Kar
Marina, Karanikolos
André, Karch
Corine, Kakizi
Karema, Seyed
Karimi, M
Amir, Kasaeian
Dessalegn, Haile
Kassa, Getachew
Mullu, Kassa
Tesfaye, Dessale
Kassa, Nicholas
Kassebaum, J
Srinivasa, Vittal
Anil, Kaul
Norito, Kawakami
Konstantin, Kazanjan
Seifu, Kebede
Peter, Njenga
Keiyoro, Grant
Rodgers, Kemp
Andre, Pascal
Maia, Kereselidze
Ezra, Belay
Ketema, Yousef
Saleh, Khader
Morteza, Abdullatif
Alireza, Khajavi
Ibrahim, A
Khalil, Ejaz
Ahmad, Khan
Gulfaraz, Khan
Nuruzzaman, Md
Khan, Muhammad
Ali, Khan
Mukti, Nath
Young-Ho, Khang
Mona, M
Khater, Abdullah
Tawfih, Abdullah
Ardeshir, Khosravi
Jagdish, Khubchandani
Getiye, Dejenu
Kibret, Daniel
Ngari, Kiirithio
Daniel, Kim
Yun, Jin
Kim, Ruth
Kimokoti, W
Yohannes, Kinfu
Sanjay, Kinra
Adnan, Kisa
Niranjan, Kissoon
Sonali, Kochhar
Yoshihiro, Kokubo
Jacek, A
Soewarta, Kosen
Parvaiz, A
Koyanagi, Ai
Michael, Kravchenko
Kewal, Krishan
Kristopher, J
Krohn, Barthelemy
Kuate, Defo
Anil, G
Pushpendra, Kumar
Michael, Kutz
Igor, Kuzin
Hmwe, H
Kyu, Deepesh
Pravinkumar, Lad
Alessandra, Lafranconi
Dharmesh, Kumar
Ratilal, Lalloo
Hilton, Lam
Qing, Lan
Justin, J
Lang, Van
Lansingh, C
Sonia, Lansky
Anders, Larsson
Arman, Latifi
Jeffrey, Victor
Lazarus, Janet
Leasher, L
Paul, H
Yirga, Legesse
James, Leigh
Cheru, Tesema
Samson, Leta
Janni, Leung
Ricky, Leung
Miriam, Levi
Yongmei, Li
Juan, Liang
Misgan, Legesse
Lee-Ling, Lim
Stephen, S
Margaret, Lind
Shai, Linn
Stefan, Listl
Patrick, Y
Shiwei, Liu
Rakesh, Lodha
Alan, D
Lopez, Scott
Lorch, A
Stefan, Lorkowski
Paulo, A
Lotufo, Timothy
C, D
Raimundas, Lunevicius
Grégoire, Lurton
Ronan, A
Fadi, Maalouf
Erlyn, Rachelle
King, Macarayan
Mark, T
Mackay, Emilie
Maddison, R
Fabiana, Madotto
Hassan, Magdy
Abd, El
Razek, Mohammed
Magdy, Abd
Razek, El
Marek, Majdan
Reza, Majdzadeh
Azeem, Majeed
Reza, Malekzadeh
Rajesh, Malhotra
Deborah, Carvalho
Malta, Abdullah
Mamun, A
Helena, Manguerra
Treh, Manhertz
Mohammad, Ali
Mansournia, Lorenzo
Mantovani, G
Tsegahun, Manyazewal
Chabila, C
Christopher, Margono
Jose, Martinez-Raga
Sheila, Cristina
Ouriques, Martins
Francisco, Rogerlândio
Ira, Martopullo
Winfried, März
Benjamin, Ballard
Massenburg, Manu
Raj, Mathur
Pallab, K
Mohsen, Mazidi
Colm, Mcalinden
Martin, Mckee
Suresh, Mehata
Ravi, Mehrotra
Kala, M
Varshil, Mehta
Toni, Meier
Fabiola, Mejia-Rodriguez
Kidanu, Gebremariam
Mulugeta, Melku
Peter, Memiah
Ziad, A
Walter, Mendoza
Degu, Abate
Mengiste, Desalegn
Tadese, Mengistu
Bereket, Gebremichael
Menota, George
Mensah, A
Atte, Meretoja
Tuomo, J
Meretoja, Haftay
Berhane, Mezgebe
Tomasz, Miazgowski
Renata, Micha
Robert, Milam
Anoushka, Millear
Ted, R
Mini, Gk
Shawn, Minnig
Andreea, Mirica
Erkin, M
Awoke, Misganaw
Philip, B
Mitchell, Fitsum
Weldegebreal, Mlashu
Babak, Moazen
Karzan, Abdulmuhsin
Roghayeh, Mohammadibakhsh
Ebrahim, Mohammed
Mohammed, A
Shafiu, Mohammed
Ali, H
Mokdad, Glen
Liddell, D
Mariam, Molokhia
Fatemeh, Momeniha
Lorenzo, Monasta
Julio, Cesar
Montañez, Hernandez
Mahmood, Moosazadeh
Maziar, Moradi-Lakeh
Paula, Moraga
Lidia, Morawska
Ilais, Moreno
Rintaro, Mori
Shane, D
Mark, Moses
Seyyed, Meysam
Mousavi, Ulrich
Mueller, O
Manoj, Murhekar
Gudlavalleti, Venkata
Satyanarayana, Murthy
Srinivas, Murthy
Jonah, Musa
Kamarul, Imran
Ghulam, Mustafa
Saravanan, Muthupandian
Chie, Nagata
Gabriele, Nagel
Mohsen, Naghavi
Aliya, Naheed
Gurudatta, A
Nitish, Naik
Farid, Najafi
Luigi, Naldi
Vinay, Nangia
Jobert, Richie
Njingang, Nansseu
K, M
Venkat, Narayan
Bruno, Ramos
Ionut, Negoi
Ruxandra, Irina
Negoi, Charles
Newton, R
Josephine, Wanjiku
Grant, Nguyen
Long, Nguyen
Trang, Huyen
Emma, Nichols
Dina, Nur
Anggraini, Ningrum
Ellen, Nolte
Vuong, Minh
Nong, Ole
Norheim, F
Norrving, Bo
Jean, Jacques
Noubiap, N
Alypio, Nyandwi
Carla, Makhlouf
Richard, Ofori-Asenso
Felix, Akpojene
In-Hwan, Oh
Olanrewaju, Oladimeji
Andrew, Toyin
Olagunju, Tinuke
Oluwasefunmi, Olagunju
Pedro, R
Olivares, Patricia
Pereira, Vasconcelos
Oliveira, De
Helen, E
Olsen, Bolajoko
Olubukunola, Olusanya
Jacob, Olusegun
Kanyin, Ong
John, Nelson
Eyal, Oren
Doris, V
Alberto, Ortiz
Raziye, Ozdemir
Mahesh, Pa
Amanda, W
Pain, Marcos
Roberto, Tovani
Adrian, Pana
Songhomitra, Panda-Jonas
Jeyaraj, D
Eun-Kee, Park
Hadi, Parsian
Tejas, Patel
Sanghamitra, Pati
Snehal, T
Ajay, Patle
George, C
Patton, Vishnupriya
Rao, Paturi
Deepak, Paudel
Marcel, De
Moares, Pedroso
Sandra, P
Pedroza, David
Pereira, M
Norberto, Perico
Hannah, Peterson
Max, Petzold
Niloofar, Peykari
Michael, Robert
Phillips, Frédéric
Piel, B
David, M
Pigott, Julian
David, Pillay
Michael, A
Suzanne, Polinder
Constance, D
Pond, Maarten
Postma, J
Farshad, Pourmalek
Swayam, Prakash
Prakash, V
Narayan, Prasad
Noela, Marie
Caroline, Purcell
Mostafa, Qorbani
Hedley, Knewjen
Amir, Radfar
Anwar, Rafay
Alireza, Rafiei
Kazem, Rahimi
Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar
Vafa, Rahimi-Movaghar
Mahfuzar, Rahman
Muhammad, Aziz
Rahman, Sajjad
Rahman, Ur
Rajesh, Kumar
Rai, Sree
Bhushan, Raju
Usha, Ram
Saleem, M
Zane, Rankin
Davide, Rasella
David, Laith
Salman, Rawaf
Sarah, E
Ray, Christian
Aspacia, Razo-García
Priscilla, Reddy
Robert, C
Cesar, Reis
Marissa, B
Giuseppe, Remuzzi
Andre, M
Renzaho, N
Serge, Resnikoff
Satar, Rezaei
Mohammad, Sadegh
Rezai, Antonio
Ribeiro, L
Maria, Jesus
Rios, Blancas
Juan, A
Leonardo, Roever
Luca, Ronfani
Gholamreza, Roshandel
Ali, Rostami
Gregory, A
Dietrich, Rothenbacher
Ambuj, Roy
Nobhojit, Roy
George, Mugambage
Ruhago, Yogesh
Damodar, Sabde
Perminder, S
Nafis, Sadat
Mahdi, Safdarian
Saeid, Safiri
Rajesh, Sagar
Amirhossein, Sahebkar
Sahraian, Haniye
Sadat, Sajadi
Joseph, Salama
Payman, Salamati
Raphael, De
Freitas, Saldanha
Hamideh, Salimzadeh
Joshua, A
Salomon, Abdallah
Samy, M
Juan, Ramon
Sanabria, Parag
Sancheti, K
Maria, Dolores
Damian, Santomauro
Itamar, S
Santos, Milena
Santric, M
Milicevic, Abdur
Razzaque, Sarker
Nizal, Sarrafzadegan
Benn, Sartorius
Maheswar, Satpathy
Miloje, Savic
Monika, Sawhney
Sonia, Saxena
Mete, I
Elke, Schaeffner
Josef, Schmidhuber
Maria, Inês
Schmidt, Ione
J, C
Schneider, Austin
Schumacher, E
Aletta, E
Schutte, David
Schwebel, C
Falk, Schwendicke
Mario, Sekerija
Sadaf, G
Sepanlou, Edson
Servan-Mori, E
Azadeh, Shafieesabet
Masood, Ali
Marina, Shakh-Nazarova
Mehran, Shams-Beyranvand
Heidar, Sharafi
Mahdi, Sharif-Alhoseini
Sheikh, Mohammed
Shariful, Islam
Meenakshi, Sharma
Rajesh, Sharma
Jun, She
Aziz, Sheikh
Mebrahtu, Teweldemedhin
Peilin, Shi
Chloe, Shields
Mika, Shigematsu
Yukito, Shinohara
Rahman, Shiri
Reza, Shirkoohi
Ivy, Shiue
Mark, G
Shrime, Sharvari
Rahul, Shukla
Soraya, Siabani
Inga, Dora
Sigfusdottir, Donald
Silberberg, H
Diego, Augusto
Santos, Silva
João, Pedro
Silva, Dayane
Gabriele, Alves
Silveira, Jasvinder
Singh, A
Lavanya, Singh
Narinder, Pal
Virendra, Singh
Dhirendra, Narain
Sinha, Abiy
Hiruye, Sinke
Mekonnen, Sisay
Vegard, Skirbekk
Karen, Sliwa
Alison, Smith
Adauto, Martins
Soares, Filho
Badr, H
Sobaih, A
Melek, Somai
Samir, Soneji
Moslem, Soofi
Reed, J
Sorensen, D
Joan, B
Soriano, Ireneous
Soyiri, N
Luciano, A
Sposato, Chandrashekhar
Sreeramareddy, T
Vinay, Srinivasan
Jeffrey, D
Vasiliki, Stathopoulou
Nicholas, Steel
Dan, J
Stein, Mark
Andrew, Stokes
Lela, Sturua
Muawiyyah, Babale
Sufiyan, Rizwan
Abdulkader, Suliankatchi
Bruno, F
Sunguya, Patrick
Sur, J
Bryan, L
Sykes, P
Sylaja, N
Cassandra, E
Szoeke, I
Rafael, Tabarés-Seisdedos
Santosh, Kumar
Tadakamadla, Andualem
Henok, Tadesse
Getachew, Redae
Nikhil, Tandon
Amare, Tariku
Nuno, Taveira
Arash, Tehrani-Banihashemi
Girma, Temam
Mohamad-Hani, Temsah
Abdullah, Sulieman
Terkawi, Azeb
Gebresilassie, Tesema
Dawit, Jember
Belay, Tessema
Thakur, Js
Nihal, Thomas
Matthew, J
Taavi, Tillmann
Quyen, G
Ruoyan, Tobe-Gai
Marcello, Tonelli
Roman, Topor-Madry
Fotis, Topouzis
Anna, Torre
Miguel, Tortajada
Bach, Xuan
Tran, Khanh
Bao, Tran
Avnish, Tripathi
Srikanth, Prasad
Christopher, Troeger
Thomas, Truelsen
Derrick, Tsoi
Lorainne, Tudor
Car, Kald
Beshir, Tuem
Stefanos, Tyrovolas
Uche, S
Uchendu, Kingsley
Nnanna, Ukwaja
Irfan, Ullah
Rachel, Updike
Olalekan, A
Uthman, Benjamin
Chudi, S
Uzochukwu, Pascual
Rubén, Valdez
Job, F
Van, M
Santosh, Varughese
Tommi, Vasankari
Narayanaswamy, Venketasubramanian
Francesco, S
Violante, Sergey
Vladimirov, K
Vasiliy, Victorovich
Vlassov, Stein
Emil, Vollset
Theo, Vos
Fasil, Wagnew
Yasir, Waheed
Mitchell, T
Wallin, Judd
Walson, L
Yafeng, Wang
Yuan-Pang, Wang
Molla, Mesele
Wassie, Marcia
Weaver, R
Elisabete, Weiderpass
Robert, G
Jordan, Weiss
Kidu, Gidey
Andrea, Werdecker
Eoin, T
Ronny, Westerman
Richard, G
White, Harvey
Whiteford, A
Justyna, Widecka
Andrea, Sylvia
Winkler, Charles
Shey, Wiysonge
Charles, D
Wolfe, A
Yohanes, Ayele
Abdulhalik, Workicho
Grant, M
Wyper, A
Denis, Xavier
Gelin, Xu
Lijing, L
Yuichiro, Yano
Mehdi, Yaseri
Nigus, Bililign
Peng, Yin
Paul, Yip
Biruck, Desalegn
Naohiro, Yonemoto
Gerald, Yonga
Seok-Jun, Yoon
Marcel, Yotebieng
Mustafa, Z
Chuanhua, Yu
Vesna, Zadnik
Zoubida, Zaidi
Maysaa, El
Sayed, Zaki
Sojib, Bin
Mohammad, Zamani
Zerihun, Menlkalew
Maigeng, Zhou
Jun, Zhu
Stephanie, R
Zimsen, M
Ben, Zipkin
Sanjay, Zodpey
Liesl, Joanna
Zuhlke, Christopher
J, L
Rafael, Lozano.
Fullman, N
Yearwood, J
Abay, S
Abbafati, C
Abd-Allah, F
Abdela, J
Abdelalim, A
Abebe, Z
Abebo, T
Aboyans, V
Abraha, H
Abreu, D
Abu-Raddad, L
Adane, A
Adedoyin, R
Adetokunboh, O
Adhikari, T
Afarideh, M
Afshin, A
Agarwal, G
Agius, D
Agrawal, A
Agrawal, S
Ahmad Kiadaliri, A
Aichour, M
Akibu, M
Akinyemi, R
Akinyemiju, T
Akseer, N
Al Lami, F
Alahdab, F
Al-Aly, Z
Alam, K
Alam, T
Alasfoor, D
Albittar, M
Alene, K
Al-Eyadhy, A
Ali, S
Alijanzadeh, M
Aljunid, S
Alkerwi, A
Alla, F
Allebeck, P
Allen, C
Alomari, M
Al-Raddadi, R
Alsharif, U
Altirkawi, K
Alvis-Guzman, N
Amare, A
Amenu, K
Ammar, W
Amoako, Y
Anber, N
Andrei, C
Androudi, S
Antonio, C
Araújo, V
Aremu, O
Ärnlöv, J
Artaman, A
Aryal, K
Asayesh, H
Asfaw, E
Asgedom, S
Asghar, R
Ashebir, M
Asseffa, N
Atey, T
Atre, S
Atteraya, M
Avila-Burgos, L
Avokpaho, E
Awasthi, A
Ayala Quintanilla, B
Ayalew, A
Ayele, H
Ayer, R
Ayuk, T
Azzopardi, P
Azzopardi-Muscat, N
Babalola, T
Badali, H
Badawi, A
Banach, M
Banerjee, A
Banstola, A
Barber, R
Barboza, M
Barker-Collo, S
Bärnighausen, T
Barquera, S
Barrero, L
Bassat, Q
Basu, S
Baune, B
Bazargan-Hejazi, S
Bedi, N
Beghi, E
Behzadifar, M
Bekele, B
Belachew, A
Belay, S
Belay, Y
Bell, M
Bello, A
Bennett, D
Bennett, J
Bensenor, I
Berhe, D
Bernabé, E
Bernstein, R
Beuran, M
Bhalla, A
Bhatt, P
Bhaumik, S
Bhutta, Z
Biadgo, B
Bijani, A
Bikbov, B
Birungi, C
Biryukov, S
Bizuneh, H
Bolliger, I
Bolt, K
Bou-Orm, I
Bozorgmehr, K
Brady, O
Brazinova, A
Breitborde, N
Brenner, H
Britton, G
Brugha, T
Butt, Z
Cahuana-Hurtado, L
Campos-Nonato, I
Campuzano, J
Car, J
Car, M
Cárdenas, R
Carrero, J
Carvalho, F
Castañeda-Orjuela, C
Castillo Rivas, J
Catalá-López, F
Cercy, K
Chalek, J
Chang, H
Chang, J
Chattopadhyay, A
Chaturvedi, P
Chiang, P
Chisumpa, V
Choi, J
Christensen, H
Christopher, D
Chung, S
Ciobanu, L
Cirillo, M
Colombara, D
Conti, S
Cooper, C
Cornaby, L
Cortesi, P
Cortinovis, M
Costa Pereira, A
Cousin, E
Criqui, M
Cromwell, E
Crowe, C
Crump, J
Daba, A
Dachew, B
Dadi, A
Dandona, L
Dandona, R
Dargan, P
Daryani, A
Daryani, M
Das, J
Das, S
das Neves, J
Davis Weaver, N
Davletov, K
de Courten, B
De Leo, D
De Neve, J
Dellavalle, R
Demoz, G
Deribe, K
Des Jarlais, D
Dey, S
Dharmaratne, S
Dhimal, M
Djalalinia, S
Doku, D
Dolan, K
Dorsey, E
dos Santos, K
Doyle, K
Driscoll, T
Dubey, M
Dubljanin, E
Duncan, B
Echko, M
Edessa, D
Edvardsson, D
Ehrlich, J
Eldrenkamp, E
El-Khatib, Z
Endres, M
Endries, A
Eshrati, B
Eskandarieh, S
Esteghamati, A
Fakhar, M
Farag, T
Faramarzi, M
Faraon, E
Faro, A
Farzadfar, F
Fatusi, A
Fazeli, M
Feigin, V
Feigl, A
Fentahun, N
Fereshtehnejad, S
Fernandes, E
Fernandes, J
Fijabi, D
Filip, I
Fischer, F
Fitzmaurice, C
Flaxman, A
Flor, L
Foigt, N
Foreman, K
Frostad, J
Fürst, T
Futran, N
Gakidou, E
Gallus, S
Gambashidze, K
Gamkrelidze, A
Ganji, M
Gebre, A
Gebrehiwot, T
Gebremedhin, A
Gelaw, Y
Geleijnse, J
Geremew, D
Gething, P
Ghadimi, R
Ghasemi Falavarjani, K
Ghasemi-Kasman, M
Gill, P
Giref, A
Giroud, M
Gishu, M
Giussani, G
Godwin, W
Goli, S
Gomez-Dantes, H
Gona, P
Goodridge, A
Gopalani, S
Goryakin, Y
Goulart, A
Grada, A
Griswold, M
Grosso, G
Gugnani, H
Guo, Y
Gupta, R
Gupta, T
Gupta, V
Haagsma, J
Hachinski, V
Hafezi-Nejad, N
Hailu, G
Hamadeh, R
Hamidi, S
Hankey, G
Harb, H
Harewood, H
Harikrishnan, S
Haro, J
Hassen, H
Havmoeller, R
Hawley, C
Hay, S
He, J
Hearps, S
Hegazy, M
Heibati, B
Heidari, M
Hendrie, D
Henry, N
Herrera Ballesteros, V
Herteliu, C
Hibstu, D
Hiluf, M
Hoek, H
Homaie Rad, E
Horita, N
Hosgood, H
Hosseini, M
Hosseini, S
Hostiuc, M
Hostiuc, S
Hoy, D
Hsairi, M
Htet, A
Hu, G
Huang, J
Iburg, K
Idris, F
Igumbor, E
Ikeda, C
Ileanu, B
Ilesanmi, O
Innos, K
Irvani, S
Irvine, C
Islami, F
Jacobs, T
Jacobsen, K
Jahanmehr, N
Jain, R
Jain, S
Jakovljevic, M
Jalu, M
Jamal, A
Javanbakht, M
Jayatilleke, A
Jeemon, P
Jha, R
Jha, V
Jóúwiak, J
John, O
Johnson, S
Jonas, J
Joshua, V
Jürisson, M
Kabir, Z
Kadel, R
Kahsay, A
Kalani, R
Kar, C
Karanikolos, M
Karch, A
Karema, C
Karimi, S
Kasaeian, A
Kassa, D
Kassa, G
Kassa, T
Kassebaum, N
Katikireddi, S
Kaul, A
Kawakami, N
Kazanjan, K
Kebede, S
Keiyoro, P
Kemp, G
Kengne, A
Kereselidze, M
Ketema, E
Khader, Y
Khafaie, M
Khajavi, A
Khalil, I
Khan, E
Khan, G
Khan, M
Khanal, M
Khang, Y
Khater, M
Khoja, A
Khosravi, A
Khubchandani, J
Kibret, G
Kiirithio, D
Kim, D
Kim, Y
Kimokoti, R
Kinfu, Y
Kinra, S
Kisa, A
Kissoon, N
Kochhar, S
Kokubo, Y
Kopec, J
Kosen, S
Koul, P
Koyanagi, A
Kravchenko, M
Krishan, K
Krohn, K
Kuate Defo, B
Kumar, G
Kumar, P
Kutz, M
Kuzin, I
Kyu, H
Lad, D
Lafranconi, A
Lal, D
Lalloo, R
Lam, H
Lan, Q
Lang, J
Lansingh, V
Lansky, S
Larsson, A
Latifi, A
Lazarus, J
Leasher, J
Lee, P
Legesse, Y
Leigh, J
Leshargie, C
Leta, S
Leung, J
Leung, R
Levi, M
Li, Y
Liang, J
Liben, M
Lim, L
Lim, S
Lind, M
Linn, S
Listl, S
Liu, P
Liu, S
Lodha, R
Lopez, A
Lorch, S
Lorkowski, S
Lotufo, P
Lucas, T
Lunevicius, R
Lurton, G
Lyons, R
Maalouf, F
Macarayan, E
Mackay, M
Maddison, E
Madotto, F
Magdy Abd El Razek, H
Magdy Abd El Razek, M
Majdan, M
Majdzadeh, R
Majeed, A
Malekzadeh, R
Malhotra, R
Malta, D
Mamun, A
Manhertz, T
Manguerra, H
Mansournia, M
Mantovani, L
Manyazewal, T
Mapoma, C
Margono, C
Martinez-Raga, J
Martins, S
Martins-Melo, F
Martopullo, I
März, W
Massenburg, B
Mathur, M
Maulik, P
Mazidi, M
Mcalinden, C
Mcgrath, J
Mckee, M
Mehata, S
Mehrotra, R
Mehta, K
Mehta, V
Meier, T
Mejia-Rodriguez, F
Meles, K
Melku, M
Memiah, P
Memish, Z
Mendoza, W
Mengiste, D
Mengistu, D
Menota, B
Mensah, G
Meretoja, A
Meretoja, T
Mezgebe, H
Miazgowski, T
Micha, R
Milam, R
Millear, A
Miller, T
Mini, G
Minnig, S
Mirica, A
Mirrakhimov, E
Misganaw, A
Mitchell, P
Mlashu, F
Moazen, B
Mohammad, K
Mohammadibakhsh, R
Mohammed, E
Mohammed, M
Mohammed, S
Mokdad, A
Mola, G
Molokhia, M
Momeniha, F
Monasta, L
Montañez Hernandez, J
Moosazadeh, M
Moradi-Lakeh, M
Moraga, P
Morawska, L
Moreno Velasquez, I
Mori, R
Morrison, S
Moses, M
Mousavi, S
Mueller, U
Murhekar, M
Murthy, G
Murthy, S
Musa, J
Musa, K
Mustafa, G
Muthupandian, S
Nagata, C
Nagel, G
Naghavi, M
Naheed, A
Naik, G
Naik, N
Najafi, F
Naldi, L
Nangia, V
Nansseu, J
Narayan, K
Nascimento, B
Negoi, I
Negoi, R
Newton, C
Ngunjiri, J
Nguyen, G
Nguyen, L
Nguyen, T
Nichols, E
Ningrum, D
Nolte, E
Nong, V
Norheim, O
Norrving, B
Noubiap, J
Nyandwi, A
Obermeyer, C
Ofori-Asenso, R
Ogbo, F
Oh, I
Oladimeji, O
Olagunju, A
Olagunju, T
Olivares, P
Oliveira, P
Olsen, H
Olusanya, B
Olusanya, J
Ong, K
Opio, J
Oren, E
Ortega-Altamirano, D
Ortiz, A
Ozdemir, R
Pa, M
Pain, A
Palone, M
Pana, A
Panda-Jonas, S
Pandian, J
Park, E
Parsian, H
Patel, T
Pati, S
Patil, S
Patle, A
Patton, G
Paturi, V
Paudel, D
Pedroso, M
Pedroza, S
Pereira, D
Perico, N
Peterson, H
Petzold, M
Peykari, N
Phillips, M
Piel, F
Pigott, D
Pillay, J
Piradov, M
Polinder, S
Pond, C
Postma, M
Pourmalek, F
Prakash, S
Prakash, V
Prasad, N
Purcell, C
Qorbani, M
Quintana, H
Radfar, A
Rafay, A
Rafiei, A
Rahimi, K
Rahimi-Movaghar, A
Rahimi-Movaghar, V
Rahman, M
Rahman, S
Rai, R
Raju, S
Ram, U
Rana, S
Rankin, Z
Rasella, D
Rawaf, D
Rawaf, S
Ray, S
Razo-García, C
Reddy, P
Reiner, R
Reis, C
Reitsma, M
Remuzzi, G
Renzaho, A
Resnikoff, S
Rezaei, S
Rezai, M
Ribeiro, A
Rios Blancas, M
Rivera, J
Roever, L
Ronfani, L
Roshandel, G
Rostami, A
Roth, G
Rothenbacher, D
Roy, A
Roy, N
Ruhago, G
Sabde, Y
Sachdev, P
Sadat, N
Safdarian, M
Safiri, S
Sagar, R
Sahebkar, A
Sahraian, M
Sajadi, H
Salama, J
Salamati, P
Saldanha, R
Salimzadeh, H
Salomon, J
Samy, A
Sanabria, J
Sancheti, P
Sanchez-Niño, M
Santomauro, D
Santos, I
Santric Milicevic, M
Sarker, A
Sarrafzadegan, N
Sartorius, B
Satpathy, M
Savic, M
Sawhney, M
Saxena, S
Saylan, M
Schaeffner, E
Schmidhuber, J
Schmidt, M
Schneider, I
Schumacher, A
Schutte, A
Schwebel, D
Schwendicke, F
Sekerija, M
Sepanlou, S
Servan-Mori, E
Shafieesabet, A
Shaikh, M
Shakh-Nazarova, M
Shams-Beyranvand, M
Sharafi, H
Sharif-Alhoseini, M
Shariful Islam, S
Sharma, M
Sharma, R
She, J
Sheikh, A
Shfare, M
Shi, P
Shields, C
Shigematsu, M
Shinohara, Y
Shiri, R
Shirkoohi, R
Shiue, I
Shrime, M
Shukla, S
Siabani, S
Sigfusdottir, I
Silberberg, D
Silva, D
Silva, J
Silveira, D
Singh, J
Singh, L
Singh, N
Singh, V
Sinha, D
Sinke, A
Sisay, M
Skirbekk, V
Sliwa, K
Smith, A
Soares Filho, A
Sobaih, B
Somai, M
Soneji, S
Soofi, M
Sorensen, R
Soriano, J
Soyiri, I
Sposato, L
Sreeramareddy, C
Srinivasan, V
Stanaway, J
Stathopoulou, V
Steel, N
Stein, D
Stokes, M
Sturua, L
Sufiyan, M
Suliankatchi, R
Sunguya, B
Sur, P
Sykes, B
Sylaja, P
Tabarés-Seisdedos, R
Tadakamadla, S
Tadesse, A
Taffere, G
Tandon, N
Tariku, A
Taveira, N
Tehrani-Banihashemi, A
Temam Shifa, G
Temsah, M
Terkawi, A
Tesema, A
Tesfaye, D
Tessema, B
Thakur, J
Thomas, N
Thompson, M
Tillmann, T
To, Q
Tobe-Gai, R
Tonelli, M
Topor-Madry, R
Topouzis, F
Torre, A
Tortajada, M
Tran, B
Tran, K
Tripathi, A
Tripathy, S
Troeger, C
Truelsen, T
Tsoi, D
Tudor Car, L
Tuem, K
Tyrovolas, S
Uchendu, U
Ukwaja, K
Ullah, I
Updike, R
Uthman, O
Uzochukwu, B
Valdez, P
van Boven, J
Varughese, S
Vasankari, T
Violante, F
Vladimirov, S
Vlassov, V
Vollset, S
Vos, T
Wagnew, F
Waheed, Y
Wallin, M
Walson, J
Wang, Y
Wassie, M
Weaver, M
Weiderpass, E
Weintraub, R
Weiss, J
Weldegwergs, K
Werdecker, A
West, T
Westerman, R
White, R
Whiteford, H
Widecka, J
Winkler, A
Wiysonge, C
Wolfe, C
Wondimkun, Y
Workicho, A
Wyper, G
Xavier, D
Xu, G
Yan, L
Yano, Y
Yaseri, M
Yimer, N
Yin, P
Yip, P
Yirsaw, B
Yonemoto, N
Yonga, G
Yoon, S
Yotebieng, M
Younis, M
Yu, C
Zadnik, V
Zaidi, Z
Zaki, M
Zaman, S
Zamani, M
Zenebe, Z
Zhou, M
Zhu, J
Zimsen, S
Zipkin, B
Zodpey, S
Zuhlke, L
Murray, C
Lozano, R
Fullman, Nancy
Yearwood, Jamal
Abay, Solomon M.
Abbafati, Cristiana
Abd-Allah, Foad
Abdela, Jemal
Abdelalim, Ahmed
Abebe, Zegeye
Abebo, Teshome Abuka
Aboyans, Victor
Abraha, Haftom Niguse
Abreu, Daisy M.X.
Abu-Raddad, Laith J.
Adane, Akilew Awoke
Adedoyin, Rufus Adesoji
Adetokunboh, Olatunji
Adhikari, Tara Ballav
Afarideh, Mohsen
Afshin, Ashkan
Agarwal, Gina
Agius, Dominic
Agrawal, Anurag
Agrawal, Sutapa
Ahmad Kiadaliri, Aliasghar
Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine
Akibu, Mohammed
Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola
Akinyemiju, Tomi F.
Akseer, Nadia
Al Lami, Faris Hasan
Alahdab, Fare
Al-Aly, Ziyad
Alam, Khurshid
Alam, Tahiya
Alasfoor, Deena
Albittar, Mohammed I.
Alene, Kefyalew Addi
Al-Eyadhy, Ayman
Ali, Syed Danish
Alijanzadeh, Mehran
Aljunid, Syed M.
Alkerwi, Ala'a
Alla, Françoi
Allebeck, Peter
Allen, Christine
Alomari, Mahmoud A.
Al-Raddadi, Rajaa
Alsharif, Ubai
Altirkawi, Khalid A.
Alvis-Guzman, Nelson
Amare, Azmeraw T.
Amenu, Kebede
Ammar, Walid
Amoako, Yaw Ampem
Anber, Nahla
Andrei, Catalina Liliana
Androudi, Sofia
Antonio, Carl Abelardo T.
Araújo, Valdelaine E.M.
Aremu, Olatunde
Ärnlöv, Johan
Artaman, Al
Aryal, Krishna Kumar
Asayesh, Hamid
Asfaw, Ephrem Tsegay
Asgedom, Solomon Weldegebreal
Asghar, Rana Jawad
Ashebir, Mengistu Mitiku
Asseffa, Netsanet Abera
Atey, Tesfay Mehari
Atre, Sachin R.
Atteraya, Madhu S.
Avila-Burgos, Leticia
Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur
Awasthi, Ashish
Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina
Ayalew, Animut Alebel
Ayele, Henok Tadesse
Ayer, Rakesh
Ayuk, Tambe Betrand
Azzopardi, Peter
Azzopardi-Muscat, Natasha
Babalola, Tesleem Kayode
Badali, Hamid
Badawi, Alaa
Banach, Maciej
Banerjee, Amitava
Banstola, Amrit
Barber, Ryan M.
Barboza, Miguel A.
Barker-Collo, Suzanne L.
Bärnighausen, Till
Barquera, Simon
Barrero, Lope H.
Bassat, Quique
Basu, Sanjay
Baune, Bernhard T.
Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad
Bedi, Neeraj
Beghi, Ettore
Behzadifar, Masoud
Behzadifar, Meysam
Bekele, Bayu Begashaw
Belachew, Abate Bekele
Belay, Saba Abraham
Belay, Yihalem Abebe
Bell, Michelle L.
Bello, Aminu K.
Bennett, Derrick A.
Bennett, James R.
Bensenor, Isabela M.
Berhe, Derbew Fikadu
Bernabé, Eduardo
Bernstein, Robert Steven
Beuran, Mircea
Bhalla, Ashish
Bhatt, Paurvi
Bhaumik, Soumyadeep
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.
Biadgo, Belete
Bijani, Ali
Bikbov, Bori
Birungi, Charle
Biryukov, Stan
Bizuneh, Hailemichael
Bolliger, Ian W.
Bolt, Kaylin
Bou-Orm, Ibrahim R.
Bozorgmehr, Kayvan
Brady, Oliver Jerome
Brazinova, Alexandra
Breitborde, Nicholas J.K.
Brenner, Hermann
Britton, Gabrielle
Brugha, Traolach S.
Butt, Zahid A.
Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero
Campos-Nonato, Ismael Ricardo
Campuzano, Julio Cesar
Car, Josip
Car, Mate
Cárdenas, Rosario
Carrero, Juan Jesu
Carvalho, Felix
Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A.
Castillo Rivas, Jacqueline
Catalá-López, Ferrán
Cercy, Kelly
Chalek, Julian
Chang, Hsing-Yi
Chang, Jung-Chen
Chattopadhyay, Aparajita
Chaturvedi, Pankaj
Chiang, Peggy Pei-Chia
Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe
Choi, Jee-Young J.
Christensen, Hanne
Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda
Chung, Sheng-Chia
Ciobanu, Liliana G.
Cirillo, Massimo
Colombara, Danny
Conti, Sara
Cooper, Cyru
Cornaby, Leslie
Cortesi, Paolo Angelo
Cortinovis, Monica
Costa Pereira, Alexandre
Cousin, Ewerton
Criqui, Michael H.
Cromwell, Elizabeth A.
Crowe, Christopher Stephen
Crump, John A.
Daba, Alemneh Kabeta
Dachew, Berihun Assefa
Dadi, Abel Fekadu
Dandona, Lalit
Dandona, Rakhi
Dargan, Paul I.
Daryani, Ahmad
Daryani, Maryam
Das, Jai
Das, Siddharth Kumar
Das Neves, José
Davis Weaver, Nicole
Davletov, Kairat
De Courten, Barbora
De Leo, Diego
De Neve, Jan-Walter
Dellavalle, Robert P.
Demoz, Gebre
Deribe, Kebede
Des Jarlais, Don C.
Dey, Subhojit
Dharmaratne, Samath D.
Dhimal, Meghnath
Djalalinia, Shirin
Doku, David Teye
Dolan, Kate
Dorsey, E. Ray
Dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender
Doyle, Kerrie E.
Driscoll, Tim R.
Dubey, Manisha
Dubljanin, Eleonora
Duncan, Bruce Bartholow
Echko, Michelle
Edessa, Dumessa
Edvardsson, David
Ehrlich, Joshua R.
Eldrenkamp, Erika
El-Khatib, Ziad
Endres, Matthia
Endries, Aman Yesuf
Eshrati, Babak
Eskandarieh, Sharareh
Esteghamati, Alireza
Fakhar, Mahdi
Farag, Tamer
Faramarzi, Mahbobeh
Faraon, Emerito Jose Aquino
Faro, André
Farzadfar, Farshad
Fatusi, Adesegun
Fazeli, Mir Sohail
Feigin, Valery L.
Feigl, Andrea B.
Fentahun, Netsanet
Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad
Fernandes, Eduarda
Fernandes, João C.
Fijabi, Daniel Obadare
Filip, Irina
Fischer, Florian
Fitzmaurice, Christina
Flaxman, Abraham D.
Flor, Luisa Sorio
Foigt, Nataliya
Foreman, Kyle J.
Frostad, Joseph J.
Fürst, Thoma
Futran, Neal D.
Gakidou, Emmanuela
Gallus, Silvano
Gambashidze, Ketevan
Gamkrelidze, Amiran
Ganji, Morsaleh
Gebre, Abadi Kahsu
Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde
Gebremedhin, Amanuel Tesfay
Gelaw, Yalemzewod Assefa
Geleijnse, Johanna M.
Geremew, Demeke
Gething, Peter W.
Ghadimi, Reza
Ghasemi Falavarjani, Khalil
Ghasemi-Kasman, Maryam
Gill, Paramjit Singh
Giref, Ababi Zergaw
Giroud, Maurice
Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo
Giussani, Giorgia
Godwin, William W.
Goli, Sriniva
Gomez-Dantes, Hector
Gona, Philimon N.
Goodridge, Amador
Gopalani, Sameer Vali
Goryakin, Yevgeniy
Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho
Grada, Ayman
Griswold, Max
Grosso, Giuseppe
Gugnani, Harish Chander
Guo, Yuming
Gupta, Rahul
Gupta, Rajeev
Gupta, Tanush
Gupta, Tarun
Gupta, Vipin
Haagsma, Juanita A.
Hachinski, Vladimir
Hafezi-Nejad, Nima
Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa
Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi
Hamidi, Samer
Hankey, Graeme J.
Harb, Hilda L.
Harewood, Heather C.
Harikrishnan, Sivadasanpillai
Haro, Josep Maria
Hassen, Hamid Yimam
Havmoeller, Rasmu
Hawley, Caitlin
Hay, Simon I.
He, Jiawei
Hearps, Stephen J.C.
Hegazy, Mohamed I.
Heibati, Behzad
Heidari, Mohsen
Hendrie, Delia
Henry, Nathaniel J.
Herrera Ballesteros, Victor Hugo
Herteliu, Claudiu
Hibstu, Desalegn Tsegaw
Hiluf, Molla Kahssay
Hoek, Hans W.
Homaie Rad, Enayatollah
Horita, Nobuyuki
Hosgood, H. Dean
Hosseini, Mostafa
Hosseini, Seyed Reza
Hostiuc, Mihaela
Hostiuc, Sorin
Hoy, Damian G.
Hsairi, Mohamed
Htet, Aung Soe
Hu, Guoqing
Huang, John J.
Iburg, Kim Moesgaard
Idris, Fachmi
Igumbor, Ehimario Uche
Ikeda, Chad
Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile
Ilesanmi, Olayinka S.
Innos, Kaire
Irvani, Seyed Sina Naghibi
Irvine, Caleb M.S.
Islami, Farhad
Jacobs, Troy A.
Jacobsen, Kathryn H.
Jahanmehr, Nader
Jain, Rajesh
Jain, Sudhir Kumar
Jakovljevic, Mihajlo M.
Jalu, Moti Tolera
Jamal, Amr A.
Javanbakht, Mehdi
Jayatilleke, Achala Upendra
Jeemon, Panniyammakal
Jha, Ravi Prakash
Jha, Vivekanand
Józwiak, Jacek
John, Oommen
Johnson, Sarah Charlotte
Jonas, Jost B.
Joshua, Vasna
Jürisson, Mikk
Kabir, Zubair
Kadel, Rajendra
Kahsay, Amaha
Kalani, Rizwan
Kar, Chittaranjan
Karanikolos, Marina
Karch, André
Karema, Corine Kakizi
Karimi, Seyed M.
Kasaeian, Amir
Kassa, Dessalegn Haile
Kassa, Getachew Mullu
Kassa, Tesfaye Dessale
Kassebaum, Nicholas J.
Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal
Kaul, Anil
Kawakami, Norito
Kazanjan, Konstantin
Kebede, Seifu
Keiyoro, Peter Njenga
Kemp, Grant Rodger
Kengne, Andre Pascal
Kereselidze, Maia
Ketema, Ezra Belay
Khader, Yousef Saleh
Khafaie, Morteza Abdullatif
Khajavi, Alireza
Khalil, Ibrahim A.
Khan, Ejaz Ahmad
Khan, Gulfaraz
Khan, Md Nuruzzaman
Khan, Muhammad Ali
Khanal, Mukti Nath
Khang, Young-Ho
Khater, Mona M.
Khoja, Abdullah Tawfih Abdullah
Khosravi, Ardeshir
Khubchandani, Jagdish
Kibret, Getiye Dejenu
Kiirithio, Daniel Ngari
Kim, Daniel
Kim, Yun Jin
Kimokoti, Ruth W.
Kinfu, Yohanne
Kinra, Sanjay
Kisa, Adnan
Kissoon, Niranjan
Kochhar, Sonali
Kokubo, Yoshihiro
Kopec, Jacek A.
Kosen, Soewarta
Koul, Parvaiz A.
Koyanagi, Ai
Kravchenko, Michael
Krishan, Kewal
Krohn, Kristopher J.
Kuate Defo, Barthelemy
Kumar, G. Anil
Kumar, Pushpendra
Kutz, Michael
Kuzin, Igor
Kyu, Hmwe H.
Lad, Deepesh Pravinkumar
Lafranconi, Alessandra
Lal, Dharmesh Kumar
Lalloo, Ratilal
Lam, Hilton
Lan, Qing
Lang, Justin J.
Lansingh, Van C.
Lansky, Sonia
Larsson, Ander
Latifi, Arman
Lazarus, Jeffrey Victor
Leasher, Janet L.
Lee, Paul H.
Legesse, Yirga
Leigh, Jame
Leshargie, Cheru Tesema
Leta, Samson
Leung, Janni
Leung, Ricky
Levi, Miriam
Li, Yongmei
Liang, Juan
Liben, Misgan Legesse
Lim, Lee-Ling
Lim, Stephen S.
Lind, Margaret
Linn, Shai
Listl, Stefan
Liu, Patrick Y.
Liu, Shiwei
Lodha, Rakesh
Lopez, Alan D.
Lorch, Scott A.
Lorkowski, Stefan
Lotufo, Paulo A.
Lucas, Timothy C.D.
Lunevicius, Raimunda
Lurton, Grégoire
Lyons, Ronan A.
Maalouf, Fadi
Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King
Mackay, Mark T.
Maddison, Emilie R.
Madotto, Fabiana
Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan
Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed
Majdan, Marek
Majdzadeh, Reza
Majeed, Azeem
Malekzadeh, Reza
Malhotra, Rajesh
Malta, Deborah Carvalho
Mamun, Abdullah A.
Manguerra, Helena
Manhertz, Treh
Mansournia, Mohammad Ali
Mantovani, Lorenzo G.
Manyazewal, Tsegahun
Mapoma, Chabila C.
Margono, Christopher
Martinez-Raga, Jose
Martins, Sheila Cristina Ourique
Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio
Martopullo, Ira
März, Winfried
Massenburg, Benjamin Ballard
Mathur, Manu Raj
Maulik, Pallab K.
Mazidi, Mohsen
McAlinden, Colm
McGrath, John J.
McKee, Martin
Mehata, Suresh
Mehrotra, Ravi
Mehta, Kala M.
Mehta, Varshil
Meier, Toni
Mejia-Rodriguez, Fabiola
Meles, Kidanu Gebremariam
Melku, Mulugeta
Memiah, Peter
Memish, Ziad A.
Mendoza, Walter
Mengiste, Degu Abate
Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese
Menota, Bereket Gebremichael
Mensah, George A.
Meretoja, Atte
Meretoja, Tuomo J.
Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane
Miazgowski, Tomasz
Micha, Renata
Milam, Robert
Millear, Anoushka
Miller, Ted R.
Mini, G.K.
Minnig, Shawn
Mirica, Andreea
Mirrakhimov, Erkin M.
Misganaw, Awoke
Mitchell, Philip B.
Mlashu, Fitsum Weldegebreal
Moazen, Babak
Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin
Mohammadibakhsh, Roghayeh
Mohammed, Ebrahim
Mohammed, Mohammed A.
Mohammed, Shafiu
Mokdad, Ali H.
Mola, Glen Liddell D.
Molokhia, Mariam
Momeniha, Fatemeh
Monasta, Lorenzo
Montañez Hernandez, Julio Cesar
Moosazadeh, Mahmood
Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar
Moraga, Paula
Morawska, Lidia
Moreno Velasquez, Ilai
Mori, Rintaro
Morrison, Shane D.
Moses, Mark
Mousavi, Seyyed Meysam
Mueller, Ulrich O.
Murhekar, Manoj
Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana
Murthy, Sriniva
Musa, Jonah
Musa, Kamarul Imran
Mustafa, Ghulam
Muthupandian, Saravanan
Nagata, Chie
Nagel, Gabriele
Naghavi, Mohsen
Naheed, Aliya
Naik, Gurudatta A.
Naik, Nitish
Najafi, Farid
Naldi, Luigi
Nangia, Vinay
Nansseu, Jobert Richie Njingang
Narayan, K.M. Venkat
Nascimento, Bruno Ramo
Negoi, Ionut
Negoi, Ruxandra Irina
Newton, Charles R.
Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku
Nguyen, Grant
Nguyen, Long
Nguyen, Trang Huyen
Nichols, Emma
Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini
Nolte, Ellen
Nong, Vuong Minh
Norheim, Ole F.
Norrving, Bo
Noubiap, Jean Jacques N.
Nyandwi, Alypio
Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf
Ofori-Asenso, Richard
Ogbo, Felix Akpojene
Oh, In-Hwan
Oladimeji, Olanrewaju
Olagunju, Andrew Toyin
Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi
Olivares, Pedro R.
De Oliveira, Patricia Pereira Vasconcelo
Olsen, Helen E.
Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola
Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun
Ong, Kanyin
Opio, John Nelson
Oren, Eyal
Ortega-Altamirano, Doris V.
Ortiz, Alberto
Ozdemir, Raziye
Pa, Mahesh
Pain, Amanda W.
Palone, Marcos Roberto Tovani
Pana, Adrian
Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra
Pandian, Jeyaraj D.
Park, Eun-Kee
Parsian, Hadi
Patel, Teja
Pati, Sanghamitra
Patil, Snehal T.
Patle, Ajay
Patton, George C.
Paturi, Vishnupriya Rao
Paudel, Deepak
De Moares Pedroso, Marcel
Pedroza, Sandra P.
Pereira, David M.
Perico, Norberto
Peterson, Hannah
Petzold, Max
Peykari, Niloofar
Phillips, Michael Robert
Piel, Frédéric B.
Pigott, David M.
Pillay, Julian David
Piradov, Michael A.
Polinder, Suzanne
Pond, Constance D.
Postma, Maarten J.
Pourmalek, Farshad
Prakash, Swayam
Prakash, V.
Prasad, Narayan
Prasad, Noela Marie
Purcell, Caroline
Qorbani, Mostafa
Quintana, Hedley Knewjen
Radfar, Amir
Rafay, Anwar
Rafiei, Alireza
Rahimi, Kazem
Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin
Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa
Rahman, Mahfuzar
Rahman, Muhammad Aziz
Rahman, Sajjad Ur
Rai, Rajesh Kumar
Raju, Sree Bhushan
Ram, Usha
Rana, Saleem M.
Rankin, Zane
Rasella, Davide
Rawaf, David Laith
Rawaf, Salman
Ray, Sarah E.
Razo-García, Christian Aspacia
Reddy, Priscilla
Reiner, Robert C.
Reis, Cesar
Reitsma, Marissa B.
Remuzzi, Giuseppe
Renzaho, Andre M.N.
Resnikoff, Serge
Rezaei, Satar
Rezai, Mohammad Sadegh
Ribeiro, Antonio L.
Rios Blancas, Maria Jesu
Rivera, Juan A.
Roever, Leonardo
Ronfani, Luca
Roshandel, Gholamreza
Rostami, Ali
Roth, Gregory A.
Rothenbacher, Dietrich
Roy, Ambuj
Roy, Nobhojit
Ruhago, George Mugambage
Sabde, Yogesh Damodar
Sachdev, Perminder S.
Sadat, Nafi
Safdarian, Mahdi
Safiri, Saeid
Sagar, Rajesh
Sahebkar, Amirhossein
Sahraian, Mohammad Ali
Sajadi, Haniye Sadat
Salama, Joseph
Salamati, Payman
De Freitas Saldanha, Raphael
Salimzadeh, Hamideh
Salomon, Joshua A.
Samy, Abdallah M.
Sanabria, Juan Ramon
Sancheti, Parag K.
Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolore
Santomauro, Damian
Santos, Itamar S.
Santric Milicevic, Milena M.
Sarker, Abdur Razzaque
Sarrafzadegan, Nizal
Sartorius, Benn
Satpathy, Maheswar
Savic, Miloje
Sawhney, Monika
Saxena, Sonia
Saylan, Mete I.
Schaeffner, Elke
Schmidhuber, Josef
Schmidt, Maria Inê
Schneider, Ione J.C.
Schumacher, Austin E.
Schutte, Aletta E.
Schwebel, David C.
Schwendicke, Falk
Sekerija, Mario
Sepanlou, Sadaf G.
Servan-Mori, Edson E.
Shafieesabet, Azadeh
Shaikh, Masood Ali
Shakh-Nazarova, Marina
Shams-Beyranvand, Mehran
Sharafi, Heidar
Sharif-Alhoseini, Mahdi
Shariful Islam, Sheikh Mohammed
Sharma, Meenakshi
Sharma, Rajesh
She, Jun
Sheikh, Aziz
Shfare, Mebrahtu Teweldemedhin
Shi, Peilin
Shields, Chloe
Shigematsu, Mika
Shinohara, Yukito
Shiri, Rahman
Shirkoohi, Reza
Shiue, Ivy
Shrime, Mark G.
Shukla, Sharvari Rahul
Siabani, Soraya
Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora
Silberberg, Donald H.
Silva, Diego Augusto Santo
Silva, João Pedro
Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alve
Singh, Jasvinder A.
Singh, Lavanya
Singh, Narinder Pal
Singh, Virendra
Sinha, Dhirendra Narain
Sinke, Abiy Hiruye
Sisay, Mekonnen
Skirbekk, Vegard
Sliwa, Karen
Smith, Alison
Soares Filho, Adauto Martin
Sobaih, Badr H.A.
Somai, Melek
Soneji, Samir
Soofi, Moslem
Sorensen, Reed J.D.
Soriano, Joan B.
Soyiri, Ireneous N.
Sposato, Luciano A.
Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T.
Srinivasan, Vinay
Stanaway, Jeffrey D.
Stathopoulou, Vasiliki
Steel, Nichola
Stein, Dan J.
Stokes, Mark Andrew
Sturua, Lela
Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale
Suliankatchi, Rizwan Abdulkader
Sunguya, Bruno F.
Sur, Patrick J.
Sykes, Bryan L.
Sylaja, P.N.
Szoeke, Cassandra E.I.
Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael
Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar
Tadesse, Andualem Henok
Taffere, Getachew Redae
Tandon, Nikhil
Tariku, Amare Tariku
Taveira, Nuno
Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash
Temam Shifa, Girma
Temsah, Mohamad-Hani
Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman
Tesema, Azeb Gebresilassie
Tesfaye, Dawit Jember
Tessema, Belay
Thakur, J.S.
Thomas, Nihal
Thompson, Matthew J.
Tillmann, Taavi
To, Quyen G.
Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan
Tonelli, Marcello
Topor-Madry, Roman
Topouzis, Foti
Torre, Anna
Tortajada, Miguel
Tran, Bach Xuan
Tran, Khanh Bao
Tripathi, Avnish
Tripathy, Srikanth Prasad
Troeger, Christopher
Truelsen, Thoma
Tsoi, Derrick
Tudor Car, Lorainne
Tuem, Kald Beshir
Tyrovolas, Stefano
Uchendu, Uche S.
Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna
Ullah, Irfan
Updike, Rachel
Uthman, Olalekan A.
Uzochukwu, Benjamin S. Chudi
Valdez, Pascual Rubén
Van Boven, Job F.M.
Varughese, Santosh
Vasankari, Tommi
Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy
Violante, Francesco S.
Vladimirov, Sergey K.
Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich
Vollset, Stein Emil
Vos, Theo
Wagnew, Fasil
Waheed, Yasir
Wallin, Mitchell T.
Walson, Judd L.
Wang, Yafeng
Wang, Yuan-Pang
Wassie, Molla Mesele
Weaver, Marcia R.
Weiderpass, Elisabete
Weintraub, Robert G.
Weiss, Jordan
Weldegwergs, Kidu Gidey
Werdecker, Andrea
West, T. Eoin
Westerman, Ronny
White, Richard G.
Whiteford, Harvey A.
Widecka, Justyna
Winkler, Andrea Sylvia
Wiysonge, Charles Shey
Wolfe, Charles D.A.
Wondimkun, Yohanes Ayele
Workicho, Abdulhalik
Wyper, Grant M.A.
Xavier, Deni
Xu, Gelin
Yan, Lijing L.
Yano, Yuichiro
Yaseri, Mehdi
Yimer, Nigus Bililign
Yin, Peng
Yip, Paul
Yirsaw, Biruck Desalegn
Yonemoto, Naohiro
Yonga, Gerald
Yoon, Seok-Jun
Yotebieng, Marcel
Younis, Mustafa Z.
Yu, Chuanhua
Zadnik, Vesna
Zaidi, Zoubida
El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa
Zaman, Sojib Bin
Zamani, Mohammad
Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew
Zhou, Maigeng
Zhu, Jun
Zimsen, Stephanie R.M.
Zipkin, Ben
Zodpey, Sanjay
Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna
Murray, Christopher J.L.
Lozano, Rafael
Viðskiptadeild (HR)
School of Business (RU)
Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Reykjavik University
Abay, Sm
Abebo, Ta
Abraha, Hn
Abreu, Dmx
Abu-Raddad, Lj
Adane, Aa
Adedoyin, Ra
Adhikari, Tb
Aichour, Mte
Akinyemi, Ro
Akinyemiju, Tf
Al Lami, Fh
Albittar, Mi
Alene, Ka
Ali, Sd
Aljunid, Sm
Alomari, Ma
Altirkawi, Ka
Amare, At
Amoako, Ya
Andrei, Cl
Antonio, Cat
Araújo, Vem
Aryal, Kk
Asfaw, Et
Asgedom, Sw
Asghar, Rj
Ashebir, Mm
Asseffa, Na
Atey, Tm
Atre, Sr
Avokpaho, Efga
Ayala Quintanilla, Bp
Ayalew, Aa
Ayele, Ht
Ayuk, Tb
Babalola, Tk
Barber, Rm
Barboza, Ma
Barker-Collo, Sl
Barrero, Lh
Baune, Bt
Bekele, Bb
Belachew, Ab
Belay, Sa
Belay, Ya
Bell, Ml
Bello, Ak
Bennett, Da
Bennett, Jr
Bensenor, Im
Berhe, Df
Bhutta, Za
Bolliger, Iw
Bou-Orm, Ir
Brady, Oj
Breitborde, Njk
Butt, Za
Campos-Nonato, Ir
Campuzano, Jc
Carrero, Jj
Castañeda-Orjuela, Ca
Chang, Hy
Chang, Jc
Chiang, Pp
Chisumpa, Vh
Choi, Jj
Christopher, Dj
Chung, Sc
Ciobanu, Lg
Cortesi, Pa
Criqui, Mh
Cromwell, Ea
Crump, Ja
Daba, Ak
Dachew, Ba
Dadi, Af
Dargan, Pi
Das, Sk
De Neve, Jw
Dellavalle, Rp
Des Jarlais, Dc
Dharmaratne, Sd
Doku, Dt
Dorsey, Er
Dos Santos, Kpb
Doyle, Ke
Driscoll, Tr
Duncan, Bb
Ehrlich, Jr
El-Khatib, Zz
Endries, Ay
Faraon, Eja
Feigin, Vl
Feigl, Ab
Fereshtehnejad, Sm
Fernandes, Jc
Fijabi, Do
Flaxman, Ad
Foreman, Kj
Frostad, Jj
Futran, Nd
Gebre, Ak
Gebrehiwot, Tt
Gebremedhin, At
Gelaw, Ya
Geleijnse, Jm
Gething, Pw
Giref, Az
Gishu, Md
Godwin, Ww
Gona, Pn
Gopalani, Sv
Goulart, Ac
Gugnani, Hc
Haagsma, Ja
Hailu, Gb
Hamadeh, Rr
Hankey, Gj
Harb, Hl
Harewood, Hc
Haro, Jm
Hassen, Hy
Hay, Si
Hearps, Sjc
Hegazy, Mi
Henry, Nj
Herrera Ballesteros, Vh
Hibstu, Dt
Hiluf, Mk
Hoek, Hw
Hosgood, Hd
Hosseini, Sr
Hoy, Dg
Huang, Jj
Iburg, Km
Igumbor, Eu
Ileanu, Bv
Irvani, Ssn
Irvine, Cm
Jacobs, Ta
Jacobsen, Kh
Jain, Sk
Jakovljevic, Mb
Jalu, Mt
Jamal, Aa
Jayatilleke, Au
Jha, Rp
Johnson, Sc
Jonas, Jb
Karema, Ck
Karimi, Sm
Kassa, Dh
Kassa, Gm
Kassa, Td
Kassebaum, Nj
Katikireddi, Sv
Keiyoro, Pn
Kemp, Gr
Kengne, Ap
Ketema, Eb
Khafaie, Ma
Khalil, Ia
Khan, Ea
Khan, Mn
Khan, Ma
Khanal, Mn
Khang, Yh
Khater, Mm
Khoja, Ata
Kibret, Gd
Kiirithio, Dn
Kim, Yj
Kimokoti, Rw
Kopec, Ja
Koul, Pa
Krohn, Kj
Kumar, Ga
Kyu, Hh
Lad, Dp
Lal, Dk
Lang, Jj
Lansingh, Vc
Lazarus, Jv
Leasher, Jl
Lee, Ph
Leshargie, Ct
Liben, Ml
Lim, Ll
Lopez, Ad
Lorch, Sa
Lotufo, Pa
Lucas, Tcd
Lyons, Ra
Macarayan, Erk
Mackay, Mt
Maddison, Er
Malta, Dc
Mamun, Aa
Mansournia, Ma
Mantovani, Lg
Mapoma, Cc
Martins, Sco
Martins-Melo, Fr
Massenburg, Bb
Mathur, Mr
Maulik, Pk
Mcgrath, Jj
Mehta, Km
Meles, Kg
Memish, Za
Mengiste, Da
Mengistu, Dt
Menota, Bg
Mensah, Ga
Meretoja, Tj
Mezgebe, Hb
Miller, Tr
Mini, Gk
Mirrakhimov, Em
Mitchell, Pb
Mlashu, Fw
Mohammad, Ka
Mohammed, Ma
Mokdad, Ah
Mola, Gl
Montañez Hernandez, Jc
Morrison, Sd
Mousavi, Sm
Mueller, Uo
Murthy, Gv
Musa, Ki
Naik, Ga
Nansseu, Jrn
Narayan, Kv
Nascimento, Br
Negoi, Ri
Newton, Cr
Ngunjiri, Jw
Nguyen, Th
Ningrum, Dna
Nong, Vm
Norheim, Of
Noubiap, Jjn
Obermeyer, Cm
Ogbo, Fa
Oh, Ih
Olagunju, At
Olagunju, To
Olivares, Pr
Oliveira, Ppv
Olsen, He
Olusanya, Bo
Olusanya, Jo
Opio, Jn
Ortega-Altamirano, Dv
Pain, Aw
Palone, Mrt
Pandian, Jd
Park, Ek
Patil, St
Patton, Gc
Paturi, Vr
Pedroso, Mm
Pedroza, Sp
Pereira, Dm
Phillips, Mr
Piel, Fb
Pigott, Dm
Pillay, Jd
Piradov, Ma
Pond, Cd
Postma, Mj
Prasad, Nm
Quintana, Hk
Rahman, Ma
Rahman, Su
Rai, Rk
Raju, Sb
Rana, Sm
Rawaf, Dl
Ray, Se
Razo-García, Ca
Reiner, Rc
Reitsma, Mb
Renzaho, Amn
Ribeiro, Al
Rios Blancas, Mj
Rivera, Ja
Roth, Ga
Ruhago, Gm
Sabde, Yd
Sahraian, Ma
Saldanha, Rf
Salomon, Ja
Samy, Am
Sanabria, Jr
Sancheti, Pk
Sanchez-Niño, Md
Santric Milicevic, Mm
Sarker, Ar
Saylan, Mi
Schmidt, Mi
Schneider, Ijc
Schumacher, Ae
Schutte, Ae
Schwebel, Dc
Sepanlou, Sg
Servan-Mori, Ee
Shaikh, Ma
Shariful Islam, Sm
Shfare, Mt
Shrime, Mg
Shukla, Sr
Sigfusdottir, Id
Silberberg, Dh
Silva, Da
Silva, Jp
Silveira, Dga
Singh, Ja
Singh, Np
Sinha, Dn
Sinke, Ah
Soares Filho, Am
Sobaih, Bha
Sorensen, Rjd
Soriano, Jb
Soyiri, In
Sposato, La
Sreeramareddy, Ct
Stanaway, Jd
Stein, Dj
Stokes, Ma
Sufiyan, Mb
Suliankatchi, Ra
Sunguya, Bf
Sur, Pj
Sykes, Bl
Sylaja, Pn
Tadakamadla, Sk
Tadesse, Ah
Taffere, Gr
Tariku, At
Temsah, Mh
Tesema, Ag
Tesfaye, Dj
Thompson, Mj
To, Qg
Tran, Bx
Tran, Kb
Tripathy, Sp
Tuem, Kb
Ukwaja, Kn
Uthman, Oa
Uzochukwu, Bsc
Valdez, Pr
van Boven, Jfm
Vladimirov, Sk
Vlassov, Vv
Vollset, Se
Wallin, Mt
Walson, Jl
Wang, Yp
Wassie, Mm
Weaver, Mr
Weintraub, Rg
Weldegwergs, Kg
West, Te
White, Rg
Whiteford, Ha
Wolfe, Cd
Wondimkun, Ya
Wyper, Gma
Yan, Ll
Yimer, Nb
Yirsaw, Bd
Yoon, Sj
Younis, Mz
Zaki, Me
Zaman, Sb
Zenebe, Zm
Zimsen, Srm
Zuhlke, Lj
Murray, Cjl
Lozano, R.
Source :
Lancet (London, England), BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Lancet Publishing Group, 2018.


Background A key component of achieving universal health coverage is ensuring that all populations have access to quality health care. Examining where gains have occurred or progress has faltered across and within countries is crucial to guiding decisions and strategies for future improvement. We used the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) to assess personal health-care access and quality with the Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index for 195 countries and territories, as well as subnational locations in seven countries, from 1990 to 2016. Methods Drawing from established methods and updated estimates from GBD 2016, we used 32 causes from which death should not occur in the presence of effective care to approximate personal health-care access and quality by location and over time. To better isolate potential effects of personal health-care access and quality from underlying risk factor patterns, we risk-standardised cause-specific deaths due to non-cancers by location-year, replacing the local joint exposure of environmental and behavioural risks with the global level of exposure. Supported by the expansion of cancer registry data in GBD 2016, we used mortality-to-incidence ratios for cancers instead of risk-standardised death rates to provide a stronger signal of the effects of personal health care and access on cancer survival. We transformed each cause to a scale of 0-100, with 0 as the first percentile (worst) observed between 1990 and 2016, and 100 as the 99th percentile (best); we set these thresholds at the country level, and then applied them to subnational locations. We applied a principal components analysis to construct the HAQ Index using all scaled cause values, providing an overall score of 0-100 of personal health-care access and quality by location over time. We then compared HAQ Index levels and trends by quintiles on the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary measure of overall development. As derived from the broader GBD study and other data sources, we examined relationships between national HAQ Index scores and potential correlates of performance, such as total health spending per capita. Findings In 2016, HAQ Index performance spanned from a high of 97.1 (95% UI 95.8-98.1) in Iceland, followed by 96.6 (94.9-97.9) in Norway and 96.1 (94.5-97.3) in the Netherlands, to values as low as 18.6 (13.1-24.4) in the Central African Republic, 19.0 (14.3-23.7) in Somalia, and 23.4 (20.2-26.8) in Guinea-Bissau. The pace of progress achieved between 1990 and 2016 varied, with markedly faster improvements occurring between 2000 and 2016 for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia, whereas several countries in Latin America and elsewhere saw progress stagnate after experiencing considerable advances in the HAQ Index between 1990 and 2000. Striking subnational disparities emerged in personal health-care access and quality, with China and India having particularly large gaps between locations with the highest and lowest scores in 2016. In China, performance ranged from 91.5 (89.1-936) in Beijing to 48.0 (43.4-53.2) in Tibet (a 43.5-point difference), while India saw a 30.8-point disparity, from 64.8 (59.6-68.8) in Goa to 34.0 (30.3-38.1) in Assam. Japan recorded the smallest range in subnational HAQ performance in 2016 (a 4.8-point difference), whereas differences between subnational locations with the highest and lowest HAQ Index values were more than two times as high for the USA and three times as high for England. State-level gaps in the HAQ Index in Mexico somewhat narrowed from 1990 to 2016 (from a 20.9-point to 17.0-point difference), whereas in Brazil, disparities slightly increased across states during this time (a 17.2-point to 20.4-point difference). Performance on the HAQ Index showed strong linkages to overall development, with high and high-middle SDI countries generally having higher scores and faster gains for non-communicable diseases. Nonetheless, countries across the development spectrum saw substantial gains in some key health service areas from 2000 to 2016, most notably vaccine-preventable diseases. Overall, national performance on the HAQ Index was positively associated with higher levels of total health spending per capita, as well as health systems inputs, but these relationships were quite heterogeneous, particularly among low-to-middle SDI countries. Interpretation GBD 2016 provides a more detailed understanding of past success and current challenges in improving personal health-care access and quality worldwide. Despite substantial gains since 2000, many low-SDI and middle-SDI countries face considerable challenges unless heightened policy action and investments focus on advancing access to and quality of health care across key health services, especially non-communicable diseases. Stagnating or minimal improvements experienced by several low-middle to high-middle SDI countries could reflect the complexities of re-orienting both primary and secondary health-care services beyond the more limited foci of the Millennium Development Goals. Alongside initiatives to strengthen public health programmes, the pursuit of universal health coverage upon improving both access and quality worldwide, and thus requires adopting a more comprehensive view and subsequent provision of quality health care for all populations.<br />Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Barbora de Courten is supported by a National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship (100864). Ai Koyanagi’s work is supported by the Miguel Servet contract financed by the CP13/00150 and PI15/00862 projects, integrated into the National R + D + I and funded by the ISCIII —General Branch Evaluation and Promotion of Health Research—and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-FEDER). Alberto Ortiz was supported by Spanish Government (Instituto de Salud Carlos III RETIC REDINREN RD16/0019 FEDER funds). Ashish Awasthi acknowledges funding support from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India through INSPIRE Faculty scheme Boris Bikbov has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 703226. Boris Bikbov acknowledges that work related to this paper has been done on the behalf of the GBD Genitourinary Disease Expert Group. Panniyammakal Jeemon acknowledges support from the clinical and public health intermediate fellowship from the Wellcome Trust and Department of Biotechnology, India Alliance (2015–20). Job F M van Boven was supported by the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacology of the University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Netherlands. Olanrewaju Oladimeji is an African Research Fellow hosted by Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa and he also has honorary affiliations with Walter Sisulu University (WSU), Eastern Cape, South Africa and School of Public Health, University of Namibia (UNAM), Namibia. He is indeed grateful for support from HSRC, WSU and UNAM. EUI is supported in part by the South African National Research Foundation (NRF UID: 86003). Ulrich Mueller acknowledges funding by the German National Cohort Study grant No 01ER1511/D, Gabrielle B Britton is supported by Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación and Sistema Nacional de Investigación de Panamá. Giuseppe Remuzzi acknowledges that the work related to this paper has been done on behalf of the GBD Genitourinary Disease Expert Group. Behzad Heibati would like to acknowledge Air pollution Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, Iran. Syed Aljunid acknowledges the National University of Malaysia for providing the approval to participate in this GBD Project. Azeem Majeed and Imperial College London are grateful for support from the Northwest London National Insititute of Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care. Tambe Ayuk acknowledges the Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plant Studies for office space provided. José das Neves was supported in his contribution to this work by a Fellowship from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (SFRH/BPD/92934/2013). João Fernandes gratefully acknowledges funding from FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (grant number UID/Multi/50016/2013). Jan-Walter De Neve was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Kebede Deribe is funded by a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine (201900). Kazem Rahimi was supported by grants from the Oxford Martin School, the NIHR Oxford BRC and the RCUK Global Challenges Research Fund. Laith J Abu-Raddad acknowledges the support of Qatar National Research Fund (NPRP 9-040-3-008) who provided the main funding for generating the data provided to the GBD-IHME effort. Liesl Zuhlke is funded by the national research foundation of South Africa and the Medical Research Council of South Africa. Monica Cortinovis acknowledges that work related to this paper has been done on the behalf of the GBD Genitourinary Disease Expert Group. Chuanhua Yu acknowleges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 81773552 and grant number 81273179) Norberto Perico acknowledges that work related to this paper has been done on behalf of the GBD Genitourinary Disease Expert Group. Charles Shey Wiysonge’s work is supported by the South African Medical Research Council and the National Research Foundation of South Africa (grant numbers 106035 and 108571). John J McGrath is supported by grant APP1056929 from the John Cade Fellowship from the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Danish National Research Foundation (Niels Bohr Professorship). Quique Bassat is an ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies) research professor at ISGlobal. Richard G White is funded by the UK MRC and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) under the MRC/DFID Concordat agreement that is also part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union (MR/P002404/1), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (TB Modelling and Analysis Consortium: OPP1084276/OPP1135288, CORTIS: OPP1137034/OPP1151915, Vaccines: OPP1160830), and UNITAID (4214-LSHTM-Sept15; PO 8477-0-600). Rafael Tabarés-Seisdedos was supported in part by grant number PROMETEOII/2015/021 from Generalitat Valenciana and the national grant PI17/00719 from ISCIII-FEDER. Mihajlo Jakovljevic acknowleges contribution from the Serbian Ministry of Education Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (grant OI 175 014). Shariful Islam is funded by a Senior Fellowship from Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University and received career transition grants from High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia. Sonia Saxena is funded by various grants from the NIHR. Stefanos Tyrovolas was supported by the Foundation for Education and European Culture, the Sara Borrell postdoctoral program (reference number CD15/00019 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII–Spain) and the Fondos Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Stefanos was awarded with a 6 months visiting fellowship funding at IHME from M-AES (reference no. MV16/00035 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III). S Vittal Katikreddi was funded by a NHS Research Scotland Senior Clinical Fellowship (SCAF/15/02), the MRC (MC_UU_12017/13 & MC_ UU_12017/15) and the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (SPHSU13 & SPHSU15). Traolach S Brugha has received funding from NHS Digital UK to collect data used in this study. The work of Hamid Badali was financially supported by Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran. The work of Stefan Lorkowski is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (nutriCARD, Grant agreement number 01EA1411A). Mariam Molokhia’s research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. We also thank the countless individuals who have contributed to GBD 2016 in various capacities.


Subjects :
Life expectancy
Background A key component of achieving universal health coverage is ensuring that all populations have access to quality health care. Examining where gains have occurred or progress has faltered across and within countries is crucial to guiding decisions and strategies for future improvement. We used the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) to assess personal health-care access and quality with the Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index for 195 countries and territories, as well as subnational locations in seven countries, from 1990 to 2016. Methods Drawing from established methods and updated estimates from GBD 2016, we used 32 causes from which death should not occur in the presence of effective care to approximate personal health-care access and quality by location and over time. To better isolate potential effects of personal health-care access and quality from underlying risk factor patterns, we risk-standardised cause-specific deaths due to non-cancers by location-year, replacing the local joint exposure of environmental and behavioural risks with the global level of exposure. Supported by the expansion of cancer registry data in GBD 2016, we used mortality-to-incidence ratios for cancers instead of risk-standardised death rates to provide a stronger signal of the effects of personal health care and access on cancer survival. We transformed each cause to a scale of 0–100, with 0 as the first percentile (worst) observed between 1990 and 2016, and 100 as the 99th percentile (best)
universal health coverage
access quality health care
health care access and quality index
Healthcare Acce
Cause-specific mortality
Healthcare Access and Quality Index
Medicine (all)
Health care
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
Folkhälsovetenskap, global hälsa, socialmedicin och epidemiologi
Amenable mortality
we set these thresholds at the country level, and then applied them to subnational locations. We applied a principal components analysis to construct the HAQ Index using all scaled cause values, providing an overall score of 0–100 of personal health-care access and quality by location over time. We then compared HAQ Index levels and trends by quintiles on the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary measure of overall development. As derived from the broader GBD study and other data sources, we examined relationships between national HAQ Index scores and potential correlates of performance, such as total health spending per capita. Findings In 2016, HAQ Index performance spanned from a high of 97·1 (95% UI 95·8–98·1) in Iceland, followed by 96·6 (94·9–97·9) in Norway and 96·1 (94·5–97·3) in the Netherlands, to values as low as 18·6 (13·1–24·4) in the Central African Republic, 19·0 (14·3–23·7) in Somalia, and 23·4 (20·2–26·8) in Guinea-Bissau. The pace of progress achieved between 1990 and 2016 varied, with markedly faster improvements occurring between 2000 and 2016 for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia, whereas several countries in Latin America and elsewhere saw progress stagnate after experiencing considerable advances in the HAQ Index between 1990 and 2000. Striking subnational disparities emerged in personal health-care access and quality, with China and India having particularly large gaps between locations with the highest and lowest scores in 2016. In China, performance ranged from 91·5 (89·1–93·6) in Beijing to 48·0 (43·4–53·2) in Tibet (a 43·5-point difference), while India saw a 30·8-point disparity, from 64·8 (59·6–68·8) in Goa to 34·0 (30·3–38·1) in Assam. Japan recorded the smallest range in subnational HAQ performance in 2016 (a 4·8-point difference), whereas differences between subnational locations with the highest and lowest HAQ Index values were more than two times as high for the USA and three times as high for England. State-level gaps in the HAQ Index in Mexico somewhat narrowed from 1990 to 2016 (from a 20·9-point to 17·0-point difference), whereas in Brazil, disparities slightly increased across states during this time (a 17·2-point to 20·4-point difference). Performance on the HAQ Index showed strong linkages to overall development, with high and high-middle SDI countries generally having higher scores and faster gains for non-communicable diseases. Nonetheless, countries across the development spectrum saw substantial gains in some key health service areas from 2000 to 2016, most notably vaccine-preventable diseases. Overall, national performance on the HAQ Index was positively associated with higher levels of total health spending per capita, as well as health systems inputs, but these relationships were quite heterogeneous, particularly among low-to-middle SDI countries. Interpretation GBD 2016 provides a more detailed understanding of past success and current challenges in improving personal health-care access and quality worldwide. Despite substantial gains since 2000, many low-SDI and middle-SDI countries face considerable challenges unless heightened policy action and investments focus on advancing access to and quality of health care across key health services, especially non-communicable diseases. Stagnating or minimal improvements experienced by several low-middle to high-middle SDI countries could reflect the complexities of re-orienting both primary and secondary health-care services beyond the more limited foci of the Millennium Development Goals. Alongside initiatives to strengthen public health programmes, the pursuit of universal health coverage hinges upon improving both access and quality worldwide, and thus requires adopting a more comprehensive view—and subsequent provision—of quality health care for all populations


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Lancet (London, England), BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Accession number :