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Challenges in QCD matter physics - The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR

Authors :
CBM Collaboration
Ablyazimov, T.
Abuhoza, A.
Adak, R. P.
Adamczyk, M.
Agarwal, K.
Aggarwal, M. M.
Ahammed, Z.
Ahmad, F.
Ahmad, N.
Ahmad, S.
Akindinov, A.
Akishin, P.
Akishina, E.
Akishina, T.
Akishina, V.
Akram, A.
Al-Turany, M.
Alekseev, I.
Alexandrov, E.
Alexandrov, I.
Amar-Youcef, S.
Anđelić, M.
Andreeva, O.
Andrei, C.
Andronic, A.
Anisimov, Yu.
Appelshäuser, H.
Argintaru, D.
Atkin, E.
Avdeev, S.
Averbeck, R.
Azmi, M. D.
Baban, V.
Bach, M.
Badura, E.
Bähr, S.
Balog, T.
Balzer, M.
Bao, E.
Baranova, N.
Barczyk, T.
Bartoş, D.
Bashir, S.
Baszczyk, M.
Batenkov, O.
Baublis, V.
Baznat, M.
Becker, J.
Becker, K. -H.
Belogurov, S.
Belyakov, D.
Bendarouach, J.
Berceanu, I.
Bercuci, A.
Berdnikov, A.
Berdnikov, Y.
Berendes, R.
Berezin, G.
Bergmann, C.
Bertini, D.
Bertini, O.
Beşliu, C.
Bezshyyko, O.
Bhaduri, P. P.
Bhasin, A.
Bhati, A. K.
Bhattacharjee, B.
Bhattacharyya, A.
Bhattacharyya, T. K.
Biswas, S.
Blank, T.
Blau, D.
Blinov, V.
Blume, C.
Bocharov, Yu.
Book, J.
Breitner, T.
Brüning, U.
Brzychczyk, J.
Bubak, A.
Büsching, H.
Bus, T.
Butuzov, V.
Bychkov, A.
Byszuk, A.
Cai, Xu
Cálin, M.
Cao, Ping
Caragheorgheopol, G.
Carević, I.
Cătănescu, V.
Chakrabarti, A.
Chattopadhyay, S.
Chaus, A.
Chen, Hongfang
Chen, LuYao
Cheng, Jianping
Chepurnov, V.
Cherif, H.
Chernogorov, A.
Ciobanu, M. I.
Claus, G.
Constantin, F.
Csanád, M.
D'Ascenzo, N.
Das, Supriya
Das, Susovan
de Cuveland, J.
Debnath, B.
Dementiev, D.
Deng, Wendi
Deng, Zhi
Deppe, H.
Deppner, I.
Derenovskaya, O.
Deveaux, C. A.
Deveaux, M.
Dey, K.
Dey, M.
Dillenseger, P.
Dobyrn, V.
Doering, D.
Dong, Sheng
Dorokhov, A.
Dreschmann, M.
Drozd, A.
Dubey, A. K.
Dubnichka, S.
Dubnichkova, Z.
Dürr, M.
Dutka, L.
Dželalija, M.
Elsha, V. V.
Emschermann, D.
Engel, H.
Eremin, V.
Eşanu, T.
Eschke, J.
Eschweiler, D.
Fan, Huanhuan
Fan, Xingming
Farooq, M.
Fateev, O.
Feng, Shengqin
Figuli, S. P. D.
Filozova, I.
Finogeev, D.
Fischer, P.
Flemming, H.
Förtsch, J.
Frankenfeld, U.
Friese, V.
Friske, E.
Fröhlich, I.
Frühauf, J.
Gajda, J.
Galatyuk, T.
Gangopadhyay, G.
Chávez, C. García
Gebelein, J.
Ghosh, P.
Ghosh, S. K.
Gläßel, S.
Goffe, M.
Golinka-Bezshyyko, L.
Golovatyuk, V.
Golovnya, S.
Golovtsov, V.
Golubeva, M.
Golubkov, D.
Ramírez, A. Gómez
Gorbunov, S.
Gorokhov, S.
Gottschalk, D.
Gryboś, P.
Grzeszczuk, A.
Guber, F.
Gudima, K.
Gumiński, M.
Gupta, A.
Gusakov, Yu.
Han, Dong
Hartmann, H.
He, Shue
Hehner, J.
Heine, N.
Herghelegiu, A.
Herrmann, N.
Heß, B.
Heuser, J. M.
Himmi, A.
Höhne, C.
Holzmann, R.
Hu, Dongdong
Huang, Guangming
Huang, Xinjie
Hutter, D.
Ierusalimov, A.
Ilgenfritz, E. -M.
Irfan, M.
Ivanischev, D.
Ivanov, M.
Ivanov, P.
Ivanov, Valery
Ivanov, Victor
Ivanov, Vladimir
Ivashkin, A.
Jaaskelainen, K.
Jahan, H.
Jain, V.
Jakovlev, V.
Janson, T.
Jiang, Di
Jipa, A.
Kadenko, I.
Kähler, P.
Kämpfer, B.
Kalinin, V.
Kallunkathariyil, J.
Kampert, K. -H.
Kaptur, E.
Karabowicz, R.
Karavichev, O.
Karavicheva, T.
Karmanov, D.
Karnaukhov, V.
Karpechev, E.
Kasiński, K.
Kasprowicz, G.
Kaur, M.
Kazantsev, A.
Kebschull, U.
Kekelidze, G.
Khan, M. M.
Khan, S. A.
Khanzadeev, A.
Khasanov, F.
Khvorostukhin, A.
Kirakosyan, V.
Kirejczyk, M.
Kiryakov, A.
Kiš, M.
Kisel, I.
Kisel, P.
Kiselev, S.
Kiss, T.
Klaus, P.
Kłeczek, R.
Klein-Bösing, Ch.
Kleipa, V.
Klochkov, V.
Kmon, P.
Koch, K.
Kochenda, L.
Koczoń, P.
Koenig, W.
Kohn, M.
Kolb, B. W.
Kolosova, A.
Komkov, B.
Korolev, M.
Korolko, I.
Kotte, R.
Kovalchuk, A.
Kowalski, S.
Koziel, M.
Kozlov, G.
Kozlov, V.
Kramarenko, V.
Kravtsov, P.
Krebs, E.
Kreidl, C.
Kres, I.
Kresan, D.
Kretschmar, G.
Krieger, M.
Kryanev, A. V.
Kryshen, E.
Kuc, M.
Kucewicz, W.
Kucher, V.
Kudin, L.
Kugler, A.
Kumar, Ajit
Kumar, Ashwini
Kumar, L.
Kunkel, J.
Kurepin, A.
Kurepin, N.
Kurilkin, A.
Kurilkin, P.
Kushpil, V.
Kuznetsov, S.
Kyva, V.
Ladygin, V.
Lara, C.
Larionov, P.
García, A. Laso
Lavrik, E.
Lazanu, I.
Lebedev, A.
Lebedev, S.
Lebedeva, E.
Lehnert, J.
Lehrbach, J.
Leifels, Y.
Lemke, F.
Li, Cheng
Li, Qiyan
Li, Xin
Li, Yuanjing
Lindenstruth, V.
Linnik, B.
Liu, Feng
Lobanov, I.
Lobanova, E.
Löchner, S.
Loizeau, P. -A.
Lone, S. A.
Martínez, J. A. Lucio
Luo, Xiaofeng
Lymanets, A.
Lyu, Pengfei
Maevskaya, A.
Mahajan, S.
Mahapatra, D. P.
Mahmoud, T.
Maj, P.
Majka, Z.
Malakhov, A.
Malankin, E.
Malkevich, D.
Malyatina, O.
Malygina, H.
Mandal, M. M.
Mandal, S.
Manko, V.
Manz, S.
Garcia, A. M. Marin
Markert, J.
Masciocchi, S.
Matulewicz, T.
Meder, L.
Merkin, M.
Mialkovski, V.
Michel, J.
Miftakhov, N.
Mik, L.
Mikhailov, K.
Mikhaylov, V.
Milanović, B.
Militsija, V.
Miskowiec, D.
Momot, I.
Morhardt, T.
Morozov, S.
Müller, W. F. J.
Müntz, C.
Mukherjee, S.
Castillo, C. E. Muńoz
Murin, Yu.
Najman, R.
Nandi, C.
Nandy, E.
Naumann, L.
Nayak, T.
Nedosekin, A.
Negi, V. S.
Niebur, W.
Nikulin, V.
Normanov, D.
Oancea, A.
Oh, Kunsu
Onishchuk, Yu.
Ososkov, G.
Otfinowski, P.
Ovcharenko, E.
Pal, S.
Panasenko, I.
Panda, N. R.
Parzhitskiy, S.
Patel, V.
Pauly, C.
Penschuck, M.
Peshekhonov, D.
Peshekhonov, V.
Petráček, V.
Petri, M.
Petriş, M.
Petrovici, A.
Petrovici, M.
Petrovskiy, A.
Petukhov, O.
Pfeifer, D.
Piasecki, K.
Pieper, J.
Pietraszko, J.
Płaneta, R.
Plotnikov, V.
Plujko, V.
Pluta, J.
Pop, A.
Pospisil, V.
Poźniak, K.
Prakash, A.
Prasad, S. K.
Prokudin, M.
Pshenichnov, I.
Pugach, M.
Pugatch, V.
Querchfeld, S.
Rabtsun, S.
Radulescu, L.
Raha, S.
Rami, F.
Raniwala, R.
Raniwala, S.
Raportirenko, A.
Rautenberg, J.
Rauza, J.
Ray, R.
Razin, S.
Reichelt, P.
Reinecke, S.
Reinefeld, A.
Reshetin, A.
Ristea, C.
Ristea, O.
Rodriguez, A. Rodriguez
Roether, F.
Romaniuk, R.
Rost, A.
Rostchin, E.
Rostovtseva, I.
Roy, Amitava
Roy, Ankhi
Rożynek, J.
Ryabov, Yu.
Sadovsky, A.
Sahoo, R.
Sahu, P. K.
Sahu, S. K.
Saini, J.
Samanta, S.
Sambyal, S. S.
Samsonov, V.
Rosado, J. Sánchez
Sander, O.
Sarangi, S.
Satława, T.
Sau, S.
Saveliev, V.
Schatral, S.
Schiaua, C.
Schintke, F.
Schmidt, C. J.
Schmidt, H. R.
Schmidt, K.
Scholten, J.
Schweda, K.
Seck, F.
Seddiki, S.
Selyuzhenkov, I.
Semennikov, A.
Senger, A.
Senger, P.
Shabanov, A.
Shabunov, A.
Shao, Ming
Sheremetiev, A. D.
Shi, Shusu
Shumeiko, N.
Shumikhin, V.
Sibiryak, I.
Sikora, B.
Simakov, A.
Simon, C.
Simons, C.
Singaraju, R. N.
Singh, A. K.
Singh, B. K.
Singh, C. P.
Singhal, V.
Singla, M.
Sitzmann, P.
Siwek-Wilczyńska, K.
Škoda, L.
Skwira-Chalot, I.
Som, I.
Song, Guofeng
Song, Jihye
Sosin, Z.
Soyk, D.
Staszel, P.
Strikhanov, M.
Strohauer, S.
Stroth, J.
Sturm, C.
Sultanov, R.
Sun, Yongjie
Svirida, D.
Svoboda, O.
Szabó, A.
Szczygieł, R.
Talukdar, R.
Tang, Zebo
Tanha, M.
Tarasiuk, J.
Tarassenkova, O.
Târzilă, M. -G.
Teklishyn, M.
Tischler, T.
Tlustý, P.
Tölyhi, T.
Toia, A.
Topil'skaya, N.
Träger, M.
Tripathy, S.
Tsakov, I.
Tsyupa, Yu.
Turowiecki, A.
Tuturas, N. G.
Uhlig, F.
Usenko, E.
Valin, I.
Varga, D.
Vassiliev, I.
Vasylyev, O.
Verbitskaya, E.
Verhoeven, W.
Veshikov, A.
Visinka, R.
Viyogi, Y. P.
Volkov, S.
Volochniuk, A.
Vorobiev, A.
Voronin, Aleksey
Voronin, Alexander
Vovchenko, V.
Vznuzdaev, M.
Wang, Dong
Wang, Xi-Wei
Wang, Yaping
Wang, Yi
Weber, M.
Wendisch, C.
Wessels, J. P.
Wiebusch, M.
Wiechula, J.
Wielanek, D.
Wieloch, A.
Wilms, A.
Winckler, N.
Winter, M.
Wiśniewski, K.
Wolf, Gy.
Won, Sanguk
Wu, Ke-Jun
Wüstenfeld, J.
Xiang, Changzhou
Xu, Nu
Yang, Junfeng
Yang, Rongxing
Yin, Zhongbao
Yoo, In-Kwon
Yuldashev, B.
Yushmanov, I.
Zabołotny, W.
Zaitsev, Yu.
Zamiatin, N. I.
Zanevsky, Yu.
Zhalov, M.
Zhang, Yifei
Zhang, Yu
Zhao, Lei
Zheng, Jiajun
Zheng, Sheng
Zhou, Daicui
Zhou, Jing
Zhu, Xianglei
Zinchenko, A.
Zipper, W.
Żoładź, M.
Zrelov, P.
Zryuev, V.
Zumbruch, P.
Zyzak, M.
Source :
Eur. Phys. J. A 53 (2017) 60
Publication Year :


Substantial experimental and theoretical efforts worldwide are devoted to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. At LHC and top RHIC energies, QCD matter is studied at very high temperatures and nearly vanishing net-baryon densities. There is evidence that a Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) was created at experiments at RHIC and LHC. The transition from the QGP back to the hadron gas is found to be a smooth cross over. For larger net-baryon densities and lower temperatures, it is expected that the QCD phase diagram exhibits a rich structure, such as a first-order phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter which terminates in a critical point, or exotic phases like quarkyonic matter. The discovery of these landmarks would be a breakthrough in our understanding of the strong interaction and is therefore in the focus of various high-energy heavy-ion research programs. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR will play a unique role in the exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon densities, because it is designed to run at unprecedented interaction rates. High-rate operation is the key prerequisite for high-precision measurements of multi-differential observables and of rare diagnostic probes which are sensitive to the dense phase of the nuclear fireball. The goal of the CBM experiment at SIS100 (sqrt(s_NN) = 2.7 - 4.9 GeV) is to discover fundamental properties of QCD matter: the phase structure at large baryon-chemical potentials (mu_B > 500 MeV), effects of chiral symmetry, and the equation-of-state at high density as it is expected to occur in the core of neutron stars. In this article, we review the motivation for and the physics programme of CBM, including activities before the start of data taking in 2022, in the context of the worldwide efforts to explore high-density QCD matter.<br />Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Published in European Physical Journal A


Subjects :
Nuclear Experiment


Database :
Journal :
Eur. Phys. J. A 53 (2017) 60
Publication Type :
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Document Type :
Working Paper
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