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Radio Measurements of the Depth of Air-Shower Maximum at the Pierre Auger Observatory

Authors :
The Pierre Auger Collaboration
Halim, A. Abdul
Abreu, P.
Aglietta, M.
Allekotte, I.
Cheminant, K. Almeida
Almela, A.
Aloisio, R.
Alvarez-Muñiz, J.
Yebra, J. Ammerman
Anastasi, G. A.
Anchordoqui, L.
Andrada, B.
Andringa, S.
Apollonio, L.
Aramo, C.
Ferreira, P. R. Araújo
Arnone, E.
Velázquez, J. C. Arteaga
Assis, P.
Avila, G.
Avocone, E.
Bakalova, A.
Barbato, F.
Mocellin, A. Bartz
Bellido, J. A.
Berat, C.
Bertaina, M. E.
Bhatta, G.
Bianciotto, M.
Biermann, P. L.
Binet, V.
Bismark, K.
Bister, T.
Biteau, J.
Blazek, J.
Bleve, C.
Blümer, J.
Boháčová, M.
Boncioli, D.
Bonifazi, C.
Arbeletche, L. Bonneau
Borodai, N.
Brack, J.
Orchera, P. G. Brichetto
Briechle, F. L.
Bueno, A.
Buitink, S.
Buscemi, M.
Büsken, M.
Bwembya, A.
Caballero-Mora, K. S.
Cabana-Freire, S.
Caccianiga, L.
Caruso, R.
Castellina, A.
Catalani, F.
Cataldi, G.
Cazon, L.
Cerda, M.
Cermenati, A.
Chinellato, J. A.
Chudoba, J.
Chytka, L.
Clay, R. W.
Cerutti, A. C. Cobos
Colalillo, R.
Coleman, A.
Coluccia, M. R.
Conceição, R.
Condorelli, A.
Consolati, G.
Conte, M.
Convenga, F.
Santos, D. Correia dos
Costa, P. J.
Covault, C. E.
Cristinziani, M.
Sanchez, C. S. Cruz
Dasso, S.
Daumiller, K.
Dawson, B. R.
de Almeida, R. M.
de Jesús, J.
de Jong, S. J.
Neto, J. R. T. de Mello
De Mitri, I.
de Oliveira, J.
Franco, D. de Oliveira
de Palma, F.
de Souza, V.
de Errico, B. P. de Souza
De Vito, E.
Del Popolo, A.
Deligny, O.
Denner, N.
Deval, L.
di Matteo, A.
Dobre, M.
Dobrigkeit, C.
D'Olivo, J. C.
Mendes, L. M. Domingues
Dorosti, Q.
Anjos, J. C. dos
Anjos, R. C. dos
Ebr, J.
Ellwanger, F.
Emam, M.
Engel, R.
Epicoco, I.
Erdmann, M.
Etchegoyen, A.
Evoli, C.
Falcke, H.
Farmer, J.
Farrar, G.
Fauth, A. C.
Fazzini, N.
Feldbusch, F.
Fenu, F.
Fernandes, A.
Fick, B.
Figueira, J. M.
Filipčič, A.
Fitoussi, T.
Flaggs, B.
Fodran, T.
Fujii, T.
Fuster, A.
Galea, C.
Galelli, C.
García, B.
Gaudu, C.
Gemmeke, H.
Gesualdi, F.
Gherghel-Lascu, A.
Ghia, P. L.
Giaccari, U.
Glombitza, J.
Gobbi, F.
Gollan, F.
Golup, G.
Berisso, M. Gómez
Vitale, P. F. Gómez
Gongora, J. P.
González, J. M.
González, N.
Goos, I.
Góra, D.
Gorgi, A.
Gottowik, M.
Grubb, T. D.
Guarino, F.
Guedes, G. P.
Guido, E.
Gülzow, L.
Hahn, S.
Hamal, P.
Hampel, M. R.
Hansen, P.
Harari, D.
Harvey, V. M.
Haungs, A.
Hebbeker, T.
Hojvat, C.
Hörandel, J. R.
Horvath, P.
Hrabovský, M.
Huege, T.
Insolia, A.
Isar, P. G.
Janecek, P.
Jilek, V.
Johnsen, J. A.
Jurysek, J.
Kampert, K. -H.
Keilhauer, B.
Khakurdikar, A.
Covilakam, V. V. Kizakke
Klages, H. O.
Kleifges, M.
Knapp, F.
Köhler, J.
Kunka, N.
Lago, B. L.
Langner, N.
de Oliveira, M. A. Leigui
Lema-Capeans, Y.
Letessier-Selvon, A.
Lhenry-Yvon, I.
Lopes, L.
Lu, L.
Luce, Q.
Lundquist, J. P.
Payeras, A. Machado
Majercakova, M.
Mandat, D.
Manning, B. C.
Mantsch, P.
Marafico, S.
Mariani, F. M.
Mariazzi, A. G.
Mariş, I. C.
Marsella, G.
Martello, D.
Martinelli, S.
Bravo, O. Martínez
Martins, M. A.
Mathes, H. -J.
Matthews, J.
Matthiae, G.
Mayotte, E.
Mayotte, S.
Mazur, P. O.
Medina-Tanco, G.
Meinert, J.
Melo, D.
Menshikov, A.
Merx, C.
Michal, S.
Micheletti, M. I.
Miramonti, L.
Mollerach, S.
Montanet, F.
Morejon, L.
Morello, C.
Mulrey, K.
Mussa, R.
Namasaka, W. M.
Negi, S.
Nellen, L.
Nguyen, K.
Nicora, G.
Niechciol, M.
Nitz, D.
Nosek, D.
Novotny, V.
Nožka, L.
Nucita, A.
Núñez, L. A.
Oliveira, C.
Palatka, M.
Pallotta, J.
Panja, S.
Parente, G.
Paulsen, T.
Pawlowsky, J.
Pech, M.
Pękala, J.
Pelayo, R.
Pereira, L. A. S.
Martins, E. E. Pereira
Armand, J. Perez
Bertolli, C. Pérez
Perrone, L.
Petrera, S.
Petrucci, C.
Pierog, T.
Pimenta, M.
Platino, M.
Pont, B.
Pothast, M.
Shahvar, M. Pourmohammad
Privitera, P.
Prouza, M.
Puyleart, A.
Querchfeld, S.
Rautenberg, J.
Ravignani, D.
Akim, J. V. Reginatto
Reininghaus, M.
Ridky, J.
Riehn, F.
Risse, M.
Rizi, V.
de Carvalho, W. Rodrigues
Rodriguez, E.
Rojo, J. Rodriguez
Roncoroni, M. J.
Rossoni, S.
Roth, M.
Roulet, E.
Rovero, A. C.
Ruehl, P.
Saftoiu, A.
Saharan, M.
Salamida, F.
Salazar, H.
Salina, G.
Gomez, J. D. Sanabria
Sánchez, F.
Santos, E. M.
Santos, E.
Sarazin, F.
Sarmento, R.
Sato, R.
Savina, P.
Schäfer, C. M.
Scherini, V.
Schieler, H.
Schimassek, M.
Schimp, M.
Schmidt, D.
Scholten, O.
Schoorlemmer, H.
Schovánek, P.
Schröder, F. G.
Schulte, J.
Schulz, T.
Sciutto, S. J.
Scornavacche, M.
Segreto, A.
Sehgal, S.
Shivashankara, S. U.
Sigl, G.
Silli, G.
Sima, O.
Simkova, K.
Simon, F.
Smau, R.
Šmída, R.
Sommers, P.
Soriano, J. F.
Squartini, R.
Stadelmaier, M.
Stanič, S.
Stasielak, J.
Stassi, P.
Strähnz, S.
Straub, M.
Suomijärvi, T.
Supanitsky, A. D.
Svozilikova, Z.
Szadkowski, Z.
Tairli, F.
Tapia, A.
Taricco, C.
Timmermans, C.
Tkachenko, O.
Tobiska, P.
Peixoto, C. J. Todero
Tomé, B.
Torrès, Z.
Travaini, A.
Travnicek, P.
Trimarelli, C.
Tueros, M.
Unger, M.
Vaclavek, L.
Vacula, M.
Galicia, J. F. Valdés
Valore, L.
Varela, E.
Vásquez-Ramírez, A.
Veberič, D.
Ventura, C.
Quispe, I. D. Vergara
Verzi, V.
Vicha, J.
Vink, J.
Vorobiov, S.
Watanabe, C.
Watson, A. A.
Weindl, A.
Wiencke, L.
Wilczyński, H.
Wittkowski, D.
Wundheiler, B.
Yue, B.
Yushkov, A.
Zapparrata, O.
Zas, E.
Zavrtanik, D.
Zavrtanik, M.
Publication Year :


The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA), part of the Pierre Auger Observatory, is currently the largest array of radio antenna stations deployed for the detection of cosmic rays, spanning an area of $17$ km$^2$ with 153 radio stations. It detects the radio emission of extensive air showers produced by cosmic rays in the $30-80$ MHz band. Here, we report the AERA measurements of the depth of the shower maximum ($X_\text{max}$), a probe for mass composition, at cosmic-ray energies between $10^{17.5}$ to $10^{18.8}$ eV, which show agreement with earlier measurements with the fluorescence technique at the Pierre Auger Observatory. We show advancements in the method for radio $X_\text{max}$ reconstruction by comparison to dedicated sets of CORSIKA/CoREAS air-shower simulations, including steps of reconstruction-bias identification and correction, which is of particular importance for irregular or sparse radio arrays. Using the largest set of radio air-shower measurements to date, we show the radio $X_\text{max}$ resolution as a function of energy, reaching a resolution better than $15$ g cm$^{-2}$ at the highest energies, demonstrating that radio $X_\text{max}$ measurements are competitive with the established high-precision fluorescence technique. In addition, we developed a procedure for performing an extensive data-driven study of systematic uncertainties, including the effects of acceptance bias, reconstruction bias, and the investigation of possible residual biases. These results have been cross-checked with air showers measured independently with both the radio and fluorescence techniques, a setup unique to the Pierre Auger Observatory.<br />Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. D


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Working Paper