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Faster entanglement production driven by quantum resonance in many-body rotors

Authors :
Paul, Sanku
Kannan, J. Bharathi
Santhanam, M. S.
Publication Year :


Quantum resonance in the paradigmatic kicked rotor model is a purely quantum effect that ignores the state of underlying classical chaos. In this work, the effect of quantum resonance on entanglement generation in the $N$-interacting kicked rotors is studied. We show a compelling feature: entanglement growth is superlinear in time until the timescale $t^*$, beyond which the entanglement production slows down to a logarithmic profile with superimposed oscillations. Notably, we find that at resonance, the entanglement dynamics is independent of the kick strength of rotors, but depends solely on the interaction strength. By mapping positional interaction to momentum space and analytically calculating the linear entropy, we elucidate the underlying mechanism driving these distinct growth profiles. The analytical findings are in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations performed for two- and three-interacting kicked rotors. Our results are amenable to an experimental realization on ultracold atom setup.


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Document Type :
Working Paper