Scan-Free GEXRF in the Soft X-ray Range for the Investigation of Structured Nanosamples
Steffen Staeck, et al. “Scan-Free GEXRF in the Soft X-Ray Range for the Investigation of Structured Nanosamples.” Nanomaterials, vol. 12, no. 21, Oct. 2022, p. 3766. EBSCOhost,
Steffen Staeck, Anna Andrle, Philipp Hönicke, Jonas Baumann, Daniel Grötzsch, Jan Weser, Gesa Goetzke, Adrian Jonas, Yves Kayser, Frank Förste, Ioanna Mantouvalou, Jens Viefhaus, Victor Soltwisch, Holger Stiel, Burkhard Beckhoff, & Birgit Kanngießer. (2022). Scan-Free GEXRF in the Soft X-ray Range for the Investigation of Structured Nanosamples. Nanomaterials, 12(21), 3766.
Steffen Staeck, Anna Andrle, Philipp Hönicke, Jonas Baumann, Daniel Grötzsch, Jan Weser, Gesa Goetzke, et al. 2022. “Scan-Free GEXRF in the Soft X-Ray Range for the Investigation of Structured Nanosamples.” Nanomaterials 12 (21): 3766. doi:10.3390/nano12213766.